Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Red Fox ❯ The Fox Hunt ( Chapter 10 )
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A Known Blood Red Fox
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By Vile Deadboss
Chapter X: 'The Fox Hunt'
Kurama sat quietly on the apartment couch as he looked out the window to the busy new Doppler city, why it's called the New Doppler City is something Flair had not yet explained to him, someone she knew from a dance club not to far off offered her a place for him and her to stay in while they ran from the Mavericks, the club usually had Hunters on their days off there once in awhile so it'd be one of the few safest streets in town if ever.
Flair is with her friend right now so he has the chance to rest up while he can, but..
He'd rather wait til he has seen dawn first before resting up to whatever greeted him the next day, sleeping during the nights made him feel hurt which eventually fed him nightmares since the last few days he stayed there.
The last few days he stayed there, he's been thinking less and less of the one who hurt him, not that it's bad plus why should he think about it now?
The night sky was light blue as dawn was slowly showing, the stars fading from the sky and the clouds from black to an aqua blue, the city lights still brighter then the sky itself however.
Taking in a deep sigh and resting his chin over his arms, staring out at the sky still and growing tired slowly, but not enough to leave the position he's in yet.
Being alone now as he is, he couldn't help but think about him..
Everyday he's been with him where they loved all night til dawn came and where they rested in eachothers arms whispering loving words to one another..
Until a fatal mistake he's done which broken the diamond's edge, a mistake that he will never forgive himself for which forced his lover to ban him away since then.
No more sweet nights, no more beautiful mornings..
Definiatly no more running into his warm arms for comfort after the few nights like this..Still though, he had to wonder..
"Hiei..." he whispered softly as he kept his gaze towards the slowly rising dawn. "Aren't you worried at all..?"
Letting all silence surround him as he held his breath for a moment to hear something, anything to acknowledge his question. When upon hearing nothing he took in a soft trembling breath and bit his bottem lip slightly, a tear escaping from his emerald eyes and yet still kept his gaze towards the rising dawn.
A loud crash was suddenly heard outside which broke him out of his hurt trance. Looking out the window carefully to see where the crash was heard, an old drunk man at the bottem seemed to find himself a place to sleep on for the morning and thus passed out there.
That made Kurama wonder.
"Our worlds are no different from eachother...would that mean..?"
He then looked around in wonder where the old man came from, looking for a bar nearby perhaps or a lounge?
"They can't really look to different from eachother." Kurama said quietly to himself, getting up from the couch he was on and fixed the sweater he was wearing which was now slightly baggy on him. He ripped the arms from the sweater which took a bit of the shoulder, fixing the belt on his pants slightly and then ripped one of the arms to a long narrow band which he used to hold his red hair back to a ponytail.
Looking to a mirror that sat in the room and looked himself over curiously then headed back to the window where he saw the nearby fire escape stairway.
He paused at that and stared at the stairs for a moment before looking around to see if anyone was watching him do this?
Before jumping to the fire escape, he grabbed his black gloves which rested on the couch and then leaped to the fire escape, catching the handles and clinging to it as quietly as he could without letting a ring heard from the iron stairs, fortunately there was almost nobody to hear the stairs anyhow except the passed out drunk. He began to make his way down the stairs slowly while he slipped his black gloves on, when through with that and made it to the ladder, he hopped down from the iron bars with a bit of a soft grunt when he landed upon the pavement, instead of using the ladder like a normal person would. not everyone was normal to begin with anyhow, he stepped up to the old man curiously then.
"Hmm? a human.." He said softly then began to check the old man's pockets carefully for his ID, curious as to know who he was. Finding the wallet, he flipped through the unusual bills of money this man had, it wasn't yen nor anything he had seen before, the numbers on it very well said everything though.
He took a couple of the cash and slipped it into his pocket, it was then he found the man's ID Card and looked carefully at his picture on it then to his name.
"Fredrick J Aleron, Nice to meet ya." Kurama said quietly, resuming to look through the old mans wallet curiously still. "Hope you don't mind me stealing a few things off you, unlike you, am not yet prepared to have a job from this world yet and don't intend to get one here."
"Oooh..Shure!...help yershelf, young lady.." the old man slurred sleepily from the pile of trash he was on and moved slightly to get himself comfortable. Kurama blinked at the response then smiled after with a soft chuckle.
"happens all the time..."
While digging through the cards the old man had, Kurama then noticed something different yet interesting among one of them and slipped the card out. Looking at it carefully for a moment then his eyes widen and looked to the old man slightly unsure then back to the card again.
"Dr. Aleron of the MHHQ science department? you work with the maverick hunters?"
"Shew...sixsh damn years..."The old man slurred again. Kurama blinked at the once again unexpected response but shrugged after and slipped the old mans MHHQ ID card in his pocket with the cash. "Am gonna need this too."
Putting the old mans wallet back where he found it, Kurama then decided to look around the street for a bit before catching some sleep.
He was to damn curious to see a different city at this time of the morning, stepping out of the alleyway and to the beginning busy streets of the new Doppler City, Humans walked by here and there along with reploids. Little shops here and there opening up while others that stayed open during the night closed, it was definiatly a true awe but it wasn't long before he had to slip back in the alleyways when taking notice at some reploids dressed and fully armored were coming nearby.
Kurama then quickly headed back to the fire escape and took an inhuman jump to the iron bars, catching and clinging to avoid the ring once more then climbed over them, running up the stairs and hopping back to his window...Not before crashing into someone who was looking out the window at that very same second...
The tall blue haired reploid tumbled back with Kurama with an audible thump to the wooden floor, Kurama shook his head slowly and then looked to the blue hair reploid confused, the reploid surprisingly looking exactly like Flair minus the cat ears, this reploid looking more human then a cat.
He blinked at Kurama too just as confused then raised a curious brow at the Fox.
"You can get off me anytime now..."
"Ah! sorry!" Kurama hopped off him and stood up to his feet, brushing himself off for any dust then checked his pockets to see if the ID card and cash were still with him, taking in a sigh of relief after that they were.
"Are you alright Kurama?" Flair asked concerned, as she took a few steps closer to the two. Kurama looked to Flair and nodded.
"I'm fine.."
"Next time leave a note you damn fox, I ain't gonna get use to that pouncin' of yours." The blue haired reploid grumbled as he picked himself up then turned his red gaze to the window. "Still need to get this damned picture window fixed.."
"Why did you leave the room, fox?" Flair asked curiously as she put a bag of stuff down on a chair but still kept her eyes on Kurama.
Kurama gasped softly then quickly went to the window and looked down to check on the old man, the hunters he seen before were down there with him. "I wanted to explore a bit.." he said softly, keeping his eyes on the two hunters and the old man. The blue haired reploid curiously looked out the big window as well to see what Kurama's eyes were on and nodded slowly.
"Low class units but definiatly hunters, seems the old doc wandered into here again."
"Again?" Kurama asked, his emerald eyes still on the three below.
"Dr. Aleron, not the sharpest scientest on the block hence why all the drinking but still tries like the crazy old fool he is."
"Why..?" Kurama turned his gaze to the reploid then curiously.
"How else is he able to buy his alcohol? am surprised their still letting him work there after all this time." pulling away from the window slowly and grabbed Kurama's shoulder gently, urging him to pull back too. "I'd advise you not to watch them for too long.."
Kurama pulled back as he felt the gentle tug and blinked confused. "why not?"
"They're hunters and this place you and Flair are staying in for now is supposed to be empty and eradicated."
The reploid then placed his large hand over Kurama's mouth quickly and looked at him sternly to silence him. Kurama froze with his eyes widen.
"Shh..Everyone in this street knows people still stay here, everyone but the hunters...a simple little deal me and my group made with this street...Flair.."
The reploid then looked to Flair who lit up to attention and returned the gaze back, the reploid then tilted his head slightly to the window, and Flair quickly went over and carefully checked out the window to see if the hunters heard Kurama.
Fortunately they didn't and they helped the old man up who was making a lot of noise to the two hunters as they carried him out of the alleyway.
"Their gone.." Flair said softly, pulling back from the window slowly and turned her gaze back to the two. "You can let go of Kurama now, Keith."
Kurama frowned at the reploid, the reploid only grinned and very slowly slipped his hand from Kurama's face then. "You smell pretty for a human, you know."
Immediately he pulled away from the reploid now known as Keith and brushed the few strands of his red hair away from his face, unimpressed emerald eyes still on the reploid.
Keith only chuckled as he stepped away from Kurama too and went over to the window to make sure they were gone completely.
"Well Flair, this is the best I could do for the two of you right now, I'll see about getting the other room you wanted earlier though." he said calmly, standing straight and turned his ruby eyed gaze to Flair. Kurama groaned slightly and turned his eyes away from the reploid not wanting to see his gaze anymore as it is, that was when he realized how tired he was, his mind seemed to fade slowly and his body feeling weakened once more.
Catching Kurama's condition, Flair stepped past Keith and blinked slightly at the fox. "Kurama? you didn't get any sleep while I was gone did you..." She asked calmly, standing close to the fox. Keith raised a curious brow and took a few steps closer as well.
"I'd say he didn't from his weakened Human state."
Kurama opened his eyes and glared at the reploid then. "you expect me to sleep now to know that this place is to be eradictated?"
"Hey, that was the plan nine years ago, but with so many Maverick activity going on I'd say all buildings that were signed to be eradictated were never touched unless blown by a battle." Keith ended the sentence with a shrug and turned to look back out to the window. "Look, if it makes you feel any better, you and Flair could stay in My room but hands off my stuff, alright?"
Flair blinked surprised at the blue haired reploid. "In your room Keith? but I thought you-"
"Nothing wrong with a change of mind Flair, come along now, It is a bit too chilly here for your human friend ain't it?" Keith said a bit quickly as he walked past Flair and straight to the door, Flair raised a curious brow then shrugged after and went to grab her bag, looking back to Kurama who was also confused by the sudden response.
"I thought he didn't want me in his room." Kurama said lowly, turning his weary emerald gaze to Flair.
"I thought so too, but if I didn't know any better. I'd think he's just fallen for another pretty face, he's really bad for that!" Flair smiled a bit sheepishly and shrugged. "By the way..what did you do to your clothes?"
"Wanted to change my image.." Kurama said lowly still and looked down to his gloved hands. Flair nodded as she eyed what the fox did to himself, slinging the bag she carried around alot over her shoulder after.
"Well...let's go, Keith's place will be more comfortable for you then here."
"Just as long it's not gonna be eradicated either.."
"I think he's more worried about the windows then that." Flair smiled at the fox before making her way out of the room with Kurama following.
Stopping at the doorway however he looked back to the big picture window, wondering on how the old man was going to return to HQ without his ID card?
The dawn shone brightly withen the room now and eased Kurama to feel more tired, he then finally resumed to catching up with Flair and Keith.
Perhaps, his dreams will feel sorry enough for him to sleep well for once, he was tired as it is with what was going on, maybe...his dreams can grant him to see within the minds of others once more..
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"Bring him back to me alive and unharmed if possible, He is your responsibility after all..."
My responsibility yes, but my problem? Vile stood quietly ontop the MHQ roof in thought about his earlier conversation with Ragnarok, he knew the Maverick master would allow him passage out of the HQ if he was to head out to look for Kurama, Storm Eagle was a few feet away flexing his wings a bit before taking off to their search.
Vile sighed softly to himself and stared out at the mountains ahead, wondering if they should wait for evening to appear before they use the transport signatures to find Flair and Kurama or go on ahead now and try to be extra careful to avoid the hunters during the day?
He was a pestering problem at first...now..he's just a problem. Vile lifted one knee to rest his foot on the ledge of the roof and rested an arm ontop his knee as he stared below at the mavericks carrying in supplies to the HQ bunker area. Why worry about him? if there's anyone better to take care of him unfortunately it would be Flair. Why am I worried about him though?
"If we wait any longer, my guess is that they would be long gone by the time we move, Vile." Storm noted as he spread his wings out and looked to the dark reploid who was still in deep thought but knew he would catch his words. "I suggest that we move before our little competition does before us."
Vile slowly turned his ruby gaze to the winged reploid and raised a curious brow withen his helm, Storm still resuming to flex his wings and kept his eyes on Vile. "Competition, Storm?" Vile asked curiously. "What Competition?"
"The one Agile has started of course."
"again..." Vile droned and turned his gaze away and back to the mountains, tapping the side of his knee lightly with a finger. "What has he planned now and who did he sent?"
"Who else but the last few of the revived X-hunters." Storm smirked slightly at the thought of his words and walked over to the ledge of the roof and hopped on the ledge, having his wings outstretched a bit to keep his balance steady. "Unlike you and Ragnarok, Agile wants the Fox dead which of course you already know."
"Why am I not surprised.." Vile said lowly, his tone darkening and sounding unimpressed. "So he sent Magma to go out to kill Kurama?"
"Actually no, he sent Magma out to get Kurama before us and return him here like a normal command." Storm pulled his wings in slightly, testing his balance on the ledge.
"He is to return Kurama back to HQ and sent to Agile, so Magma would avoid killing Kurama and Agile would keep that pleasure to himself." Storm stretched his wings out then like before and turned his eyes to Vile who still kept his gaze on the mountains.
Vile took in another sigh and pulled away from the ledge. "Well, that explains why Magma is taking a nice stroll through the mountains there and to a trail which would eventually lead him to the transport Signatures."
Storm blinked at what Vile said and looked to where the dark maverick was staring, letting his vision clear so as to scan the little moving spot which headed for the trail. Sure enough exactly what Vile said the little spot was Magma who seemed to have decided to look for Kurama earlier then they.
"Let's give him a headstart.." Vile said with a low tone still. Storm looked to Vile a bit confused by that. "If he's that determined for Agile, let him find Kurama for us."
"Don't feel like moving yet, huh?"
"Nah, Hunters like to swarm the day like flies, I would rather keep a low profile and find the fox in the evening." Vile turned slowly and started making his way to the roof door to the inside. "Follow him Storm, keep your distance and I'll catch up when it's time."
"Yes sir!" Storm chirped and hopped off the buildings ledge, letting his wings fan out and glided through the air for a bit before heading to the lower ground, Vile watched him leapt off the roof and glide a bit before making his way back inside the building. There was something he wanted to work on first before heading out to find Kurama, knowing the kitsune he would only want to hide, the Hunters mean nothing to him as neither do the mavericks.
Touching the ground softly and making his way to the trail as well, Storm folded his wings in and took his time to the trail as he tried to sense out Magma's heat signature. Would the reploid honestly leave thinking that he would elude them by going ahead first? That plan was nowhere near devious unless he had something else in mind?
To find out, he would have to catch up to Magma and ask but that would be to easy plus no fun at all.
Finding Magma's Signature, Storm decided to take slow steps as he noticed Magma too seemed to be taking his time, was something else up? or was he just so confident in this little plan that he feels like he has all the time in the world for this?..
Storm paused dead in his tracks as he realized that Magma disappeared from the spot he was on. Pausing for a long moment at trying to find his signature again but was getting no reading until Storm clued in after where he went...
Magma was using one out of his few teleporting abilities to get to the city faster, maybe he spotted the trail before him and Vile and went ahead to it.
It was one possibility Storm was willing to risk at the moment and began to run ahead fast enough to build momentum to make a high jump and spread his wings forcing himself up higher then the pine trees, seeking Magma and the transport signatures down.
Far as this bet goes Magma, I have a bad feeling about this one....
Atop one of the highest pine trees, among the branches hiding himself behind some thick pine needle leaves, Magma watched as Storm took a high jump and took over the air in search for the transport signature as well.
He figured he'd be followed when he noticed Vile and Storm on the roof earlier, not noticing them would of been a stupid move on his part and it would of worked for them if he hadn't decided to turn back to think this over first.
Taking in a soft sigh to himself, and relaxing back against the tree while he watched Storm disappear into the horizen straight to the city nearby.
It was probably a good thing the transports weren't well in condition to take long distances but short ones, finding Flair and Kurama in the city would be no problem but if they found another ride to someplace further?
When Storm's figure grew smaller, Magma then carefully stood up on the well firm branch and activated his own transport ability to take another trail to the city, following Storm will not be a wise decision on his part. Besides how far will Flair go with a wounded and weak fox?
"Not far at all..."
Magma said last to himself as he disappeared from his spot, the pine trees rustling lightly noting the reploid's last presence, then the wind moved in softly.....
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X stretched while on the chair he was on and yawned after, turning his bored emerald gaze down to the papers before him that he was looking through, More reports from his unit. About to look through the papers as he was supposed too, X heard some uncomfortable shuffling from nearby and looked to his bored...guest.
Hiei grumbled and tossed the newspaper he was given to a side, turning his ruby gaze to X. "Reading a damn Ningen Newspaper ain't gonna get me anywhere! we need to go out there and find Kurama now! I'm sick of this waiting!"
"Here we go again.." X muttered, at this point he figured nothing would appease Hiei unless they let him out loose to find the mavericks on his own. "Hiei..."
"I mean it X! if we don't find that stupid fox soon I-"
"Look how bad is it if we don't get him back in time? I ain't giving you details unless you give me some. Going out there in a rush won't do any good, what if we scare the mavericks away further?" X said a bit frustriated then. Hiei sat quiet unsure of how to respond to that but deciding not too, he rested back on his seat and resumed to his grumbling.
"....I'll say this...I'll be in big trouble if I don't get Kurama back.." Hiei muttered lowly, not caring if X would catch it or not. X only blinked.
"We'll get Kurama back Hiei, but it's not going to be easy please understand that. We're trying everything we can to find him."
Hiei sighed to himself and lowered his head, his eyes closed from the world he was in. Should he tell them? tell them that it was his fault he scared the fox to this world and mistakenly thought it was the Makai doorway they slipped through? If Koenma finds out that their missing things may get more worse...
No...he won't say anything to them about that.
"Heya X! Heya Munchkin!" Shadow greeted cheerfully and grinned at Hiei who snarled at Shadow.
"What did you call me?!"
"Shadow not now..."X groaned and slumped over his desk. Shadow chuckled, folding his arms while keeping his eyes on Hiei.
"Relax, Munchkin can't do anything without wasting some energy."
Hiei growled at what Shadow said but backed down slightly knowing that it was the truth, except with his blade which aqquired no energy at all, but since he was taken down before a battle with Zero they took his blade and had it set away from him.
And from the looks of it they won't return it til they find the mavericks who has Kurama.
The name echoed in Hiei which made him angry at the same time calm, an unusual combination which he has been use too for years before and since the last few days.
The last few days which he haven't felt so free yet lonely before, so lonely his chest would sting and his eyes would burn but not today and not right now, Not in front of these ningen like creatures before him.
"Anyways, I have good news and bad news for you two." Shadow chirped, making sure this would catch Hiei's attention which of course snapped Hiei from his thoughts and turned his red almond shaped eyes to the navy hunter. "Reyak and his units are back from the search thus which means they found something."
Hiei's eyes widen slightly his attention definiatly caught. "Does that mean..?"
"A lead to the mavericks maybe? that was the good news."
"And the bad news?" X asked, tapping his desk top lightly waiting for Shadow's 'report'.
"He found Nothing about the mavericks but something else instead. Reyak believes it may lead us to the mavericks.." Shadow paused and looked to Hiei who's gaze fell to the floor after hearing that. "The bad news was more for Hiei actually, were on to something but still not close enough to pinpoint anything."
"This is what we would call 'A piece of the puzzle' Hiei, all we need to know now is how big will this piece be.." X said, getting up from his seat and looked to the disappointed fire demon.
"Am not an idiot...the things I do for that idiot fox though.." Hiei muttered, getting up as well and turned his gaze back to the two reploids. "Well...I want to see this piece now."
Shadow shrugged lightly and looked to X. "Reyak has the report all set at the ready room 216, Zero and he are there waiting for us as we speak."
"Is Dr. Cain joining?" X asked, as he set some files to a side and stepped away from his desk then. Shadow shook his head slowly.
"The doc said he had other matters to attend too."
"why am I not surprised to hear that.." X sighed, walking past Shadow and waved a hand to signal Hiei to follow him. As the three stepped out of X's office Shadow handed one of the reports to X who took the paper and scanned the picture and info on it while they calmly headed for the ready room. "..hmm."
"That's the site where they started first and found the rip." Shadow started as he tapped at the info on the paper explaining about the rip, X nodded calmly still reading the report.
Hiei though raised a brow at the mention of the rip and wondered where they found it? to short and not interested enough to see what picture X was staring at, Hiei kept his gaze forward on the corridor they were walking through, knowing this part of the area very well was enough to annoy the little fire demon quickly. "The site of that rip is a few miles off of the Maverick Headquarters we crashed a few days ago."
"very close, I see this..." X said softly, still reading the report of what Reyak had written on his find. It might explain where Hiei and Kurama came from... X thought to himself as he glanced to the Fire Demon who did not seem the least bit interested of what they were talking about now.
As the three approached the ready room 216, Reyak looked up from the computer map upon the briefing table, Zero kept his gaze on the map however. "Six miles south to the Abandoned city, three miles to the abandoned maverick headquarters." Zero informed as the computer on the map noted a line upon what Zero said. "Alright, that still doesn't explain how the rip got there but how close it is to Ragnarok's place."
"Quite, and the readings we've recieved don't explain about the rip either, except that it's to unstable for anyone to slip through." Reyak noted as he tapped at a small computer console embedded withen the stone table, bringing up the picture of the rip and the readings along with it.
Hiei froze upon seeing the picture finally.
"Unlike these teleports were able to use, this is a totally different transportaion signature, one that we as the reps can't go through." Reyak sighed after then looked back up to the three, raising a brow at Hiei's awed stare on the screen upon the table. "And this is?"
Zero then looked up to the three as well, turning his sapphire gaze to Hiei when noticing his somewhat shocked expression. "Hiei?"
"Where did you find that??" Hiei asked quickly, approaching closer to the table and looking over the picture of the rip. Reyak blinked.
"Near the site of the maverick headquarters."
Hiei growled lowly and turned his ruby gaze to Shadow who blinked at Hiei. "You!! Look what you did Now!"
"Oh geez...the 'let's blame Shadow' again!" Shadow groaned. "Okay...Why are you blaming me for that rip now?"
"You created that rip!! You created that Portal which Kurama jumped through to avoid m-" Hiei shut up quickly and backed off from Shadow suddenly. All the reploids attention on the fire demon. "urgh...You created the damn rip..."
"And pray tell How did I do That!?" Shadow snapped and pointed at the picture on the table.
"With that weapon of yours." Hiei at last pointed at the scythe handles that rested at the sides of Shadow's hips. "I seen you use them and placed them together to create the portal..."
"Wha? wha?? Wait a second! how can these create the portals??" Shadow exclaimed. "Their just light weapons, something like Zero's saber and Reyak's spear. If my weapons can do that then so should theirs!"
Hiei looked to the silver hair reploid and the golden haired one. Reyak standing there a bit confused with what their talking about and Zero who nodded his head slowly. "I think....I know what Hiei's getting at."
X blinked at what Zero said and tilted his head slightly. "The Scythes?"
"Not my babies! they couldn't have caused this much trouble!" Shadow whined, looking to Zero a bit distressed. The crimson reploid slipped over to some rose red curtains and ripped them from the their place, all reps and the fire demon watching and wondering what he's doing.
After analyzing the length he had in his hands, Zero then walked over to Shadow and placed the curtains over his shoulders.
Hiei growled again. "So I was right!"
"uh??" Shadow looked to Hiei confused then to Zero who smirked.
"Half right Hiei, I didn't really think there was some resembalance til now." Zero signaled for the other two reps to take a look. X nodded slowly. "Put that stupid helmet on him that Ragnarok always wears and there ya go!"
"What?!" Shadow exclaimed. Reyak snickered. "It makes sense now why Hiei was mad at you so much, dear friend."
Shadow pulled away from Zero and walked over to a mirror in the room and clasped the curtain over himself to see what they were talking about, his jaw dropped then. Hiei still growled lowly watching Shadow while the others kinda snickered at the navy reploid's appearence. "Wait a minute! I'm not a tall bulky freak with a huge jaw to look anything like Him! well...if my hair was a bit longer and maybe add some tints of blue to it.."
Hiei paused at that. "Him?"
"Ragnarok....You assumed Shadow was Ragnarok all this time, am I correct?" Zero folded his arms and looked over to Hiei who eyed Shadow still, trying to remember the image of the one who was creating those portals.
"I-I'm not sure...the image of him was fuzzy when I think about it...But.." Hiei growled once more, narrowing his red almond shaped eyes at Shadow's hips. "I remember the weapon he used Clearly...very clearly...they were scythes stuck together like a short staff."
Shadow sighed and pulled out his scythes handles and tossed them on the table. "Take a good look at them Hiei and tell me if Those can create your so called staff at all." with that said, Shadow dropped the curtain and walked over to one of the cushioned seats in the room and sat quietly.
Reyak sat quietly as well, keeping his eyes on Hiei with utmost curiousity. Hiei silently slipped over to the scythes, his hands in his pockets and eyed the handles. No blade...Shadow's scythes had no blade aside for a thick metal wire to mimic as a blade but when activated the blade for it was there. "I don't understand..."
X slipped over to the scythes as well and picked one up, activating the scythe as the light blade appeared over the wire, an odd crescent shaped blade with crooked inside thorns. Hiei shook his head slowly. "I really don't understand.."
"Lemme guess...were missing the long stick?" Shadow said a bit annoyed, turning his dark eyes back to the fire demon who still eyed the scythe in X's hand.
"No metal blade for your weapon..?"
"Not in this time, our weapons are depending more on energy then the metal you use like your blade.." X explained as he deactivated Shadow's scythe and placed it back on the table. "Which we'll return to you anytime you wish but we need to be sure on your half of not hurting anyone here?"
Hiei stood quiet and thought over about this, with his katana back he could go on ahead and search for Kurama again without their help but again he had to consider about the amount of ki he'll be using just to get out of there first. Waiting for a year to find Kurama is way to long for him.
He'll need time himself to think this through. "Anytime, Hn? then I would like to have it now, rest assured I won't attack anyone..." Hiei paused and glared at Shadow then. "and as long as he watches what he say, I'll avoid Hurting him."
Shadow rolled his eyes. "whatever munchkin."
Hiei growled at what Shadow said but had to let it slide immediatly as he paused for the longest time, Sensing something he hasn't felt for withen days, Hiei almost trembled.
Reyak raised a brow at Hiei's stance watching as the fire demon seemed focused on something else. "Is something the matter?"
The other reps in the room turned their attention to Hiei then, Hiei who closed his eyes and reached to slip the bandanna from his jagan slightly, letting the jagan sense out the ki that was roaming silently in the air. Hiei winced after for some time and had to stop from using his jagan so much before it drained him.
Opening his eyes slowly and taking in a deep breath, he walked over to the wide picture window in the room and looked over the city before the Hunters Headquarters.
"Kurama's ki..." Hiei said lowly, X gasped lightly knowing what that meant while the others paused, unsure of what Hiei meant. "He's here...in the city.."
Shadow almost fell out of his chair upon catching what Hiei said. "No way! how could he be this Close when-!"
"Unless he got tired of being played with from the mavericks." Zero said lowly, looking out the window as well. X nodded agreeing with what Zero said, Reyak had to smirk at a certain thought though.
"Guess it means training with your 'silver fox' program was a waste of time, huh?"
Zero frozed at that.
Hiei and X both looked to the crimson reploid who stayed perfectly still. "Silver fox Program?" X questioned, raising a brow to his partner. Hiei wondered what that was as well. "What's this Silver fox Program?"
"A training program with Vile in it that Reyak helped me create.." Zero muttered, trying to avoid giving Reyak a glare as not to make it seem obvious. Reyak got up from his seat and chuckled. "Hey, you asked for my help doesn't mean it's my program...fully."
"Vile.." Hiei said quietly, remembering the name being mentioned before. Zero stepped away from the window and reached for his saber as he headed for the door out of the room. X blinked. "Zero, where are you going?"
"It's my shift to patrol the city right now...Maybe with my time I'll find the fox too." Zero said, pausing at the door and turned to Hiei.
Hiei's stare was emotionless somewhat but narrowed his eyes suddenly on the crimson rep. "You won't find him so easy...his youki is different...I need to go with you on this."
"I expected you to say that, but I want to do this alone...if Kurama is out there then Vile would be too. Join X, he'll guide you around the City better then I." and with that said, Zero stepped out of the room.
"Yep, that's a pretty boy speech alright!" Shadow said loud enough to know Zero would catch it. X chuckled and shook his head slowly. "Hey! that's Zero for you, why he wo-"
"Incoming." Reyak said suddenly and took a step away from Shadow while X moved back from an object being thrown across the room and towards it's target, smacking it's target.
"Ack!" Shadow yelped.
"Hn baka.." Hiei said lowly. Watching Shadow toss the dictionary back outside.
"That was Uncalled for!" Shadow snapped and rubbed the side of his face, a chuckle from outside was heard.
"Well you were asking for it, Shadow." Reyak smirked. "now since Zero wants to play hero on that alone, who else is going to help him?"
"Well since he volunteered me.." X had to roll his eyes on that. "To guide Hiei around here, we might have a better chance at finding Kurama."
"I might as well go too, who knows when you guys would want my help at the hour of need." Shadow grinned. Reyak shook his head.
"Right dear friend...I guess that makes all of us who want to go out there to find Kurama, I'll take Shadow with me but which sector do we search?"
"Well since were partners in this and knowing Zero, he'll probably search the downtown of the city. Reyak, you and Shadow cover the east sector, me and Hiei will search the west." X looked to Hiei. "That fine with you?"
Hiei thought for a moment on that then nodded his head slowly. "Sounds fine, but I want to move to the part where Zero is if we find nothing at the west."
"Great, then let's move out before evening hits where Zero is, things get rough at that sector." X noted to Hiei, both of them heading out of the room then to go and retrieve Hiei's weapon. Leaving Reyak and Shadow behind to gather up files and shut down the room as well.
As Shadow set the chairs towards the table neatly he paused for a moment on a certain thought then looked to Reyak who was still going through some files before shutting the computer down. "Okay this is something I have to ask.." Shadow began, Reyak paused from the computer and looked up to Shadow curiously. "Zero didn't seem to finish saying what the 'silver fox' program was, and I Know you were teasing him about it....why?"
"Well...the program should be a secret between me and Zero, but I didn't realize his intention about the program til now. You see...on that Program, it isn't just Vile on it."
"But Kurama too..."
Shadow blinked at that. "You mean..you both Managed to create the fox on That program??"
"Actually...I only had the layout set for him, he did the rest by himself." Reyak then resumed to shutting the computer console down. "as you know that training room was created to fight against mavericks. When he created that fox creature I assumed that he wanted to fight Kurama too, it wasn't til after he added Vile I was aware he had a plan for that program."
"So...he dropped the plan now knowing there's a possible chance to save Kurama while he's in the city....I see now." Shadow tapped at his chin thoughtfully.
"Yes and No, Zero's unpredictable on that area, for all we know he could be just preparing himself to fight Vile alone, knowing Vile as it is he used the fox against you guys once he might spring Kurama on your guys again." Lerak finally pulled away from the computer and turned his emerald gaze back to Shadow. "If you want, we can check on this program now and see what Zero had planned for it."
"Really??" Shadow chirped. "Let's see it! Let's see it!"
Reyak chuckled at Shadow's sudden hyperness. "We have to make it quick then, we still have to check our half of the city before Zero and them wonder about us."
After that was said Reyak already made his way out with Shadow following. "Yes Sir!" Pausing before the doorway though, Shadow went back to the table and grabbed both his scythe handles. "Can't leave without my pride and joy now." He grinned, placing them back on his hip sheathes and ran back out to catch up with Reyak.
Eager to see what Zero's little secret plan was.
To Be Continued.....