Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Thorns ❯ The First Date ( Chapter 2 )
Bloody Thorns
Hello and welcome back! Yusukelover13 i just want to say thank you for reviewing my story and i'm glad you liked
it, and Hey no problem i liked your story very well ^-^ and i hope to see more. Well other than that i have another
thing to say about my story yes it started out of Naomi metting Yusuke for the first time for a reason, i'm taking you through on how they met and what happened to lead it up on the story to now just letting my viewers now anyhow Enjoy!
Yusuke: i Have another fangirl obessed about me o.O;; Why the hell am i the one having a crazy girl
obessing about me....
Naomi: Yusuke be nice She's nice and you will be nice toward her, she's a reader of mine and you will show respect.
Yusuke: Yea....Sorry.....
Naomi: Good, now where is everybody?
Yusuke: There here somewhere.....
Naomi: Owell they better get before i start the next Chapter.
Kurama: I'm already here. :::: Raises a hand::::::
Naomi and Yusuke: o.O That was quick...
Kurama: Yes, i'm not a Kitsune for nothing.
Naomi: Yep that's true
Hiei: Hn! don't think i want to be here, if I'm suppose to be here then my lovely wife should be here also she's part of the Fic to.
Naomi: Oh yes speaking of her where is my sister anyway?
Hiei: Hn! I don't know.... :::::Looks back at Kurama::::::::
Kurama: ^_^;; Don't look at me Hiei i did nothing with her, when we left to come here she said she would come herself she had something to do right quick....
Hiei: And what was that fox?
Kurama: I don't know.....whatever women do?
Hiei: Don't be lieing to me fox, you were the last one with her in the bedroom.
Kurama: Now come on Hiei she is mine too, you can't just keep me away from here and besides i'm not lieing she went to do something right quick.
Hiei: Hn! fine i know your not the type to like fox, but something isn't right here...
Kurama: :::: waves his hands infront of him, and laughs nervously::::: It's nothing really Hiei.
Hiei: Hn! I hate when people lie especially you Fox."
Naomi: Now come on Hiei Kurama wouldn't lie.........She just went somewhere she'll be here shortly.
Nadiya: Some one say my name?
Hiei: Hn! where have you been?
Nadiya: Out, i was doing something for you it's a surprise....
Hiei: Hn! I hate surprises...
Kurama: Oh Nadiya was it what we discussed last night?
Nadiya:::::Nodded::::: Yep! ^_^
Hiei: Hn!
Kurama: Great, did you get the-
Nadiya: I got everything....
Kurama: Good, Good... ^_^
Hiei: What are you to talking about....
Nadiya: You'll see tomorrow.
Hiei: Hn! Tell me now.
Nadiya: No, you can wait.
Kurama: Yes you can we wait Hiei it wont kill you.
Naomi: Hey guys i dont want to interrupt but......what exactly are you to whipering about over here?
:::::::Kurama whispers something to Naomi, her ears twitched some as she listened::::::
Naomi: Oh! Then i can bring........
Kurama: Yep you can.
Naomi: Oh, oh! and can i wear that outfit i'm saving, and i can finally-.
Kurama and Nadiya: Shhhhh your going to spoil it!
:::::::::Yusuke stands there dumbfounded not knowing what they're talking about::::::::::::
Yusuke: What are you talking about?
Naomi: I'll tell you after this chapter..
Yusuke: ............. ok fine...
Naomi: Good....Now the the story!
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Chapter 2: The first Date
Naomi sat in her living room laying down stretched on her couch flipping through countless channels, but found nothing inparticular that caught her interest. "Ugh...... reruns.... nothing good is ever on." she said as she throw the remote control down on the coffee table and let out a sigh. It had been week since she been working with Yusuke and couldn't help but be attracted to him, even though she wouldn't say or do anything, which was unlike her at all, she usually asked the guy out for a drink or something but this time it seemed if she was afraid to ask if he would say to her. She shook her head and laughed. "Not going to happen Naomi...." She said doubting that anything would ever happen between them. 'He's only a employee nothing is.....Ugh then why the hell is he the only thing i have on my mind, Is it his looks? or is it the way he acts Dangerous like?' She thought and pushed the thought away.
When the phone began to ring she answered it on the second ring and guess who it was....Yep you guessed righ it was Yusuke figures. "Hello?" Naomi said not really expecting anyone to call her this late. "Hey Naomi is that you?" Yusuke asked his voice was was kinda deep and soothing. "Yes this my number, Yusuke how did you get my number?" Naomi said and knew full well who had put him up to this. ' Damn it Nadiya your going to get tomorrow' Thought Naomi. "Hey, i thought i would call you.... Nadiya gave it to me is that a problem?" Yusuke said. "No not at all." 'I'm gonna kill her' Naomi thought once again but then again she was kinda glad that she had.
"So what's up? what is you called me at 9:00 o clock for?" Naomi said glancing at her clock that was on the intable.
"Yea sorry about that, but i was going to call you see if wanted to do something? I was suppose to go out with the guys but all had to work." 'Yes! Yes! i would love to!' Naomi thought wildly. She started to open her mouth but stopped what was she to say? She didn't know him well enough and she wasn't ready. 'Who am i kidding i sure as hell ready to, your not going to find another guy like him!' Naomi scolded herself. "Well?" Yusuke's voice brought her back to reality. "Well...." She began and smiled to herself. "Sure why not." She said and smiled at her decision
it has been awhile she had went on a decent date she owed her that much. "Great! i'll pick you up in a few ok? where is it you live at?" Yusuke said cheerfully. "I live in a apartment complex, it's apartment 12B they're called Grandville Oaks." "Ah! i know where that's at, ok well i'll see you in a few minutes." Yusuke said. "Ok see you in a few minutes."
Naomi hung up the phone and sat there for a minute and smiled looking down at the phone. 'This is what i need i work to hard i need to get out have some fun' Naomi thought as she got to her fet and started into her bedroom to get ready. She put on some hip hugger jeans that fit to her nicely amd slipped on a crop top that showed her tan skin off, it showd off her slim stomach. Her belly button piercing glittered in the light. She pulled her hair out of it's
ponytail and let it fall around her shoulders like a red river. She refreshed her make up. She wore an icey blue eye shadow and a icy blue lip stick that wasn't to dark, she need blush nor powder she hadn natural looks. She smiled as she ran a brush through her hair when a soft came from the front room door, she picked up her leather jacket on the way to the door and pushed it open to find Yusuke he wore a pair of jeans torn at the knees and a white muscle shirt and his leather jacket, his hair was slicked back like usual. He smiled at her and when he saw what she looked like from outside out of the office he wasn't able to speak, she was beautiful, even in office she was still beautiful but some how she seemed more beautiful then before, it took him a few minutes to find his voice and when he did he managed to say. "My god your beautiful...'' He breathed his eyes taking in all her beauty. Naomi
smiled. "Thank you Yusuke, you look good your self." 'Oh my God out of all the things i say that! God you could of said something better then that Naomi!' Naomi screamed at herself. Yusuke grinned showing perfectly white teeth. "Thanks Naomi, so you ready to go?" Naomi nodded. "Yes, i am." She said and watched as he reached out a hand in a gentlemans way and said. "Then let me help you to the car ok?" Yusuke said and smiled, Naomi smiled back and took his hand. "Well Yusuke this is different." He smiled. "Well i know how to treat a lady." he said taking her hand and lead her to his car and helped her in.
"I don't want to be rude or anything but where are we going?" Naomi asked glancing over at Yusuke. "Well i was thinking about we get a bite to eat and then we go to a movie, sound good?" Naomi nodded. "Very good." She replied and nestled back into the car seat. They eat and was now standing infront of the theater choosing what they wanted to see. "So what will it be Naomi?" naomi looked at him a little surprised. "Your letting me choose."
Yusuke smiled wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Yea, so go ahead choose." Naomi looked up at the big billboard. "Ummm what about Texas Chainsaw Massacre?" Naomi replied. "Horror freak huh? ok cool let's go."
Naomi nodded. "Yea always been." She said and walked with him to the booth to pay for the tickets.
Naomi and Yusuke started down the asile of the theater and took a seat the movie would start any minute and they got perfect seats in the first row. Yusuke put a arm around her and she let him she was having a good time and she really liked him. He was just so sweet but a goof at times, she leaned into him laying her head on his shoulder. They said not much while they watched the movie but she clinged to him and prented to be disgusted at some parts and once screamed at one part and caused her popcorn to fly. After the movie had finished he walked her back to the car and tooken her back home and he walked her to her door.
Naomi smiled at him brushing back her red hair from her face. "I had fun Yusuke really i hope we can do it again.
Yusuke smiled back. "What about tomorrow my treat." He said and looked into her green eyes, he liked her alot and he wouldn't screw this up, he wanted to make things work here. "Great, i would love to Yusuke." She said and gave him a hug she loved the feel of his warm embrace and seemed to huggle into him. Yusuke hugged back and when she moved back a little enough to se his face. " I really like Yusuke your the first guy thatw as decent with me and didn't have just one thing on his mind." He ran a hand through her soft sily hair and spoke softly. "I'm not like that i get to know a girl first before i go any farther with them." Naomi smiled again, and a soft sigh past her lips at the feel of his touch. They began to move forward slowly and their lips brushed against eachother a soft but passionate kiss and they began to kiss slow and lingering, he ran his fingertips soft and lightly across her face brushing her hair back.
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Yusuke: Ok well you guys now tell me.
Naomi: :::::: whispered something to Yusuke::::::
Yusuke: Well, so can i come.
Kurama: Of course
Hiei: Hn!
Nadiya: awww Hiei you'll find out don't worry
Hiei: Hn! i don't like surprises.
Kurama: Now Hiei you'll like this one.
Hiei: Hn!
Nadiya: Don't worry Kurama he'll like it.
Kurama: ^_^ i know
Yusuke: Where did Naomi go?
Nadiya: No idea.
::::::::Suddenly the door bursts opene and Naomi leaps into the room wearing a cute little mini skirt and a fish net stocking shirt that was pink and her hair was in pig tails, she started dancing around the room with head phones on and singing.:::::::::
All: O.o;;;;
Yusuke: what the hell?
Hiei: Hn! she's at it again she's singing
Kurama and Nadiya: ^_^;; that's Naomi for you.
Hiei: Hn! it's annoying.
Yusuke: Actually i kinda like this ::::::Grins:::::::;
Hiei: Hn! stupid baka shut up i don't want to see it
Yusuke: See what i wasn't gonna do anything.
Hiei: I don't want to see you and Her fooling around.
Yusuke: I didn't say that i was going to.
Nadiya: Good cause i wasn't going to let you do it anyways.
Yusuke: Geez ok!
::::::::Naomis continues to dance and sing to Nickel Back:::::::
Hiei: Will she ever stop.
Yusuke: Sooner or later she will tire herself out heh.
Hiei: Hn! hope soon enough
Nadiya: Ok since my sister's busy i'll just goodbye for her. Byez! and have a g'night