Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Thorns ❯ Wedding Day ( Chapter 4 )
Bloody Thorn
:::::::: There was a rustle crash bang coming from a near closet::::::::::::
Yusuke: What the hell, what the hell is in the closet.
Naomi: You have another one in there don't you.
Yusuke: I didn't do anything! I just got here.
Naomi: Right.....Then open the closet door then.
Yusuke: Why do i have to, make that idiot over there open it.
Kuwabara: what urameshi i heard that!
Yusuke: Yea what to it , you know your stupid.
Kuwabara: Take that back Urameshi! I'm not stupid.
Yusuke: Yes keep telling yourself that Kuwabara......
Kuwabara: What's that suppose to mean!
Naomi:::::::sighs:::::::: He'll never learn.
Kuwabara: Fine if you want open the closet door then i will!
Yusuke: Fine go ahead i aint stoping you.
::::::::Kuwabara went over toward the closet door and pulled it open and his eyes went big and let a girlish scream
Hiei and Kurama and Nadiya were in the closet half of their clothes were off their bodies their hair was messed up. Nadiya was in the middle of the guys, they dead in the tracks when they heard Kuwabaras big mouth:::::::
::::::::::: The door burst opens and Kuwabara screams and runs from the closet with Hiei right behind chasing him, his katana was drawn:::::::
Hiei: Damn baka!
Kuwabara::::: screams like girl once and runs behind Naomi and clings to her:::::
Naomi:o.O ummmmmm Kuwabara please let go of me i can.....can't breathe
Hiei: Get from behind her you baka.
Yusuke: Hey! Hey! Kuwabara let go of Naomi and both of you cool down!
Hiei:Hn! don't tell me what to do ningen fool.
Naomi::::: smacks Kuwabara upside the head::::: )( GET OFF ME NOW :::::Eye twitches::::::
Kuwabara::::::suddenly moves back, letting her go:::::::
Naomi: Thank you.
Yusuke: You ok hun?
Naomi: I will be now.
Yusuke: well how in the hell did you guys fit into that closet i mean it's small....
Hiei: Non of your business baka.
Nadiya: Be nice Hiei, and Yusuke it's non of your business.
Kurama: I agree with them it's non of yuor business what we were doing
Naomi: Yes i don't want to know......ok look lets get to the story now.
Yusuke: Alright.
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Chapter 4: Wedding Day
11:00 p.m.
The wedding was an hour away and all the girls were gathered around Naomi helping her get ready and were talking. Nadiya stood behind Naomi fixing her hair putting up into a bun but leting some hair fall arouns her face.
"So todays the big day, how do you feel Naomi." Nadiya asked still working on her hair. "I feel great, i never felt this way before, i know hes the one, i never had a guy that treated me right before."Naomi said and smiled and at the thought of Yusuke. "Yea i know you two are such a cute couple, but i never knew for you to settle down so soon with a guy Na." Naomi glanced back at her friend through the mirror." "Yea but i'm sure he's the one, i have this feeling for i never had with any one before." Nadiya giggled. "We all can see that." Yumi walked over with Naomi's wedding dress. "Nadiya's right Na, we all know that, like the time in your office making out, almost getting caught by the boss. God but the idiot so stupid he didn't even noticed your clothes out of place." Nadiya shook her still giggling. "Or the time we found them in the closet on that party i was throwing for Hiei remeber that."
Yumi placed the wedding gown down softly on a chair and let out a giggle. "How can i forget that, Hiei was the one who found them, you could tell by his yelling that they were doing something that they weren't suppose to doing." Naomi threw up a hand. "Oh i'm not the only one that has done something in their office, what about you Nadiya you and Hiei were nearly in the middle of love making when i caught you, on the desk." Yumi's jaw nearly dropped. Naomi let out a laugh, and felt nadiya playfully hit hit in the shoulder. "Yep it true they were all up on the desk everything was thrown everywhere, like some kind of animal torn it apart."Naomi said laughing still. "Oh my god you naughty girl." Yumi said now giggling. "Shut up.....it's not like i'm the only one who has done that.."Nadiya said smiling. Yumi shook her head and sat back against the vanity, she was a pretty little thing with blonde hair that came to her shoulders, icy blue eyes, and was about 5''6 tall or so, she was another of Nadiya and Naomi's friends.
Nadiya finished Naomi's hair and they done her make up. Nadiya handed Naomi her wedding dress and they helped her dress into it. It came pass her feet , it was a two piece the top was spagehitti strap and fit to her body just above her belly botton showing off her belly botton ring and was cut low showing her cleavage. That skirt hung to her hips snuggly it lacing ran over the skirt and their was slit in the side showing off her legs, showing her garterbelt., she wore high heeled boots that came to her knees that laced up the front. "Hey Na, it almost time you ready?" Said a voice that came from the door, it was her father. "Yes daddy i'm ready, just give me a minute."Naomi said back to her father. "Alright pumpkin just tell me when your ready." Said Naomi's father . "Alright daddy." Naomi said and stood up. Nadiya and Yumi smiled. "Here ya go Na." Nadiya said handing her boquet. Naomi smiled. "Thanx Nad." She glanced up her friend and smiled. "I can't believe it Na, your getting married." Nadiya said giving her friend a hug. "I know i can't believe it either."She said hugging back. Yumi smiled. "Well you better get out there Nad he's waiting." Naomi smiled. "Alright let's get married!" She said cheerfully and started out the door with both girls behind her.
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Ok, i know this is a short Chapter but Bah! you'll get more on the next Chapter so don't cry.