Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Vow ❯ Catch Me If You Can ( Chapter 2 )
Title: Broken Vow
Show: Yu Yu Hakusho
Pairing: Kurama/Hiei
Author: GreenBird
Disclaimer: You know how this works.
Rating: R
Note: yaoi, angst, lemons. I have a very slight idea where this is going, but you need to pay attention… it jumps around a lot from present to past, but not as much as the last part did. Lyric quip from the Song `Broken Vow' again. :P Enjoy. Yaoi-haters have been warned.
~Tell me again I want to hear,
who broke my faith in all these years,
who lays with you at night while I'm here all alone…
Remembering when I was your own.~
Part Two: Catch Me if You Can
It seemed like the entire world was having bad weather. Rain rain rain… that's all it seemed to do. Light drizzles, fierce downpours, mists and spits for three days in both worlds. It was enough to drive him mad.
So here he was again in Yasamari Park, a small out-of-the way cluster of trees and benches. He liked it here more then the one down the street… the one that housed the cheap playground and noisy children. Children who, no matter how hard he tried, would manage to spot him and begin a wonderful screeching chorus to their horrid friends to come and see the little man sleeping in the tree. Damn children.
Well, no one could see him now. It was late, dark, and as had been the tradition, pouring once again. He sat high in the thick foliage, the water being deflected enough by broad leaves to keep him slightly dry.
If it had been merely two weeks ago he'd of had a place to sleep. And food. And warmth. And…
The thought passed in front of his closed eyes and annoyed, he batted it away. It was not two weeks ago, it was today. He would not think of that quaint two-story house in the quiet suburb. He would not think of that faithfully well-kept room. He would not think of that emerald branchy tree outside the large double windows, ones that opened inward and not out… the ones that had a latch and lock on the right pane and one very large off-white, almost pinkish drape that he could sweep over it to keep the sun out when the morning came. No, he would not think of that.
But most of all he would not think of the inhabitant of that room, the seventeen year old Minamino Suiichi. Or, the one posing as Minamino Suiichi, the weakened, sensitive, annoying, overbearing, and not to mention horny Youko Kurama. The Jaganshi tightened his eyes shut and gripped his elbows. He had nothing to do with that… demon anymore. If you could even say that. He was no demon. A ningen. A confusing, pouty, abnormally skilled ningen.
Get it out of your head, concentrate on something else.
Irritated he slipped his sword from its sheath, watching it glint darkly. Ah, there! Think about fighting; think about enhancing your skill. He studied the blade, running master's fingers over it, feeling the perfect cold of the metal and the acute sharpness of the edge. Digits came across a small smear of red, the smallest inclination of the swords' recent use. He gave a slight smirk at it, the stain of the blood of a pathetic bat-demon he had the pleasure to stumble across yesterday on the fringes of the Makai. Good swinging practice, plenty of screaming, great mood-relaxer.
Taking a moist leaf he wiped away the crimson smudge, making the blade gleam again. Absentmindedly he glanced to the leaf. It was a familiar color, an ivy green like…
No. He said firmly, almost aloud. You will not think. You will sleep.
Ah he hated that! His conscience was more of a burden that this rain. Quickly he tucked it, along with his sword back. Growling the fire demon lay with his back against the slick bark of the tree trunk and let his legs dangle down either side of his branch. Not a minute passed before a small disturbance caught his attention.
A woman was scrambling out of the park to catch a taxi, and cluttered noisily under him. From his perch he watched her stumble into the car, catching her raincoat on the door. After a bit of tugging she had pulled it in with her and managed to slam the door shut.
She had been at the park every other night now, come to meet her secret lover under the tallest oak in the very center of the place. Hiei watched to two, almost amused, for a week, finding that human nature was more interesting then watching the leaves drip.
Humans are odd. Of they get tired of one mate they find another without even ridding themselves of the first. They claim of love when they first meet only because both are in desperation for it. He rolled his eyes and fell back onto his arms, tucked neatly under now sagging black hair. Who would want one annoying mate, much less two of them?
-So, its better to be sitting drenched in a tree without anyone? -
Go away.
Sighing he shifted in the loft, unable to spur the tiniest bit of sleep, his mind far too active and with that second annoying and doubting conscience begging for attention. In the small motion he upset a branch, it dumping all the water its leaves had cupped on the youkai. Was every tree out to get him?! With a sudden gasp he threw his cloak over his head, cursing the large rip in it that he had received from yet another vengeful tree.
That was all his mind needed, that small referral to that night. Now it rushed back in an unwelcome flood, and he saw himself in the darkness of the whole thing.
I don't want to think of it.
-Why not? After all you should be proud…
You've never run faster.-
* * *
~two weeks prior~
The Makai was inky. So dark that the shadow running atop the crowns of the trees was undistinguishable. Just concentrate on where you put your feet. The youkai was running blindly, going so fast the trees seemed to reach for him to have him slow down.
Where are you going?
To nothing. To nowhere. It didn't matter; he had to outrun his thoughts. Had to keep them far behind. And he was moving so desperately he'd miss branches, praying he wouldn't fall… praying he wouldn't catch himself. The wind scolded him, its whispering voice muttering what he wouldn't think.
-What did you do? Why do you run?-
He faltered, a tree closing its branch over his cloak. And with the lightest of shouts he met the ground, tumbling from the heavenly canopy to sprawl upon the moss of the forests floor.
Hiei lay like a black jumble of cloth, truth be told he looked it; his cape flailed out around him. Part of it ripped by that damn branch. His scarf was gone… most likely still on the woven white carpet of the youko's room.
The demon looked with glazed eyes to the stars above him. You couldn't see stars like this in the human world, pollution blocking out the light. There were millions of the winking beauties, the sky painted even with streaks of the faintest color.
It was cold. The ground was cold. The trees were cold. The stars were cold. His arms quaked in a sudden shiver, remembering the warmth they had only a half an hour ago. Confusion reigned behind his eyelids as he shut out the heavenly light dancing above. What had happened? What had he done?
Simple enough what had happened. He had been in want of companionship, and knew that Kurama would take him in in a heartbeat, and that he would get much more then a place to sleep. And so it went, truth that he was rather more excited then usual, but the kitsune did that to him.
A misted breath floated from his lips as he remembered it. Kurama looked a sinful god laying under him, red tresses fanned out on a white pillow, lush mouth open and breathing hard, hands gripping soft fabric. He shuttered whenever the youko would arch under him, throwing his head back in ecstasy and writhing under his small lover's touch. Hiei would work him hard just to see that rosy flush come to his face, to see that muscled chest heave, perspiration rolling off of it, just to hear the wonderful cries that sprouted from a tender throat. Just looking at the youko in such an erotic state was enough to make him climax.
When they had both come to the desired and heavenly end he would collapse onto a firm belly, hands stroking the soft skin under him. Lie for a few minutes, let them both recover, let the youko kiss him and whisper those foolish nothings. Soon he'd felt those slender hands lightly grip his shoulders. Feel himself being pushed gently into submission against the bed. The fox was wonderfully skilled, the top of the league he seemed like he was always in his prime. At first in their relationship Hiei had had trouble letting himself be controlled, letting Kurama move and master him, but when the reluctance wore and he finally gave himself up fully to the tempter's will did he realize just who he was sleeping with.
Even in his young ningen body Kurama could still make any quiver under his touch, still prove to be the Youko of old. Hiei would have to fight off whimpers of desire as Kurama would tease him relentlessly, skilled mouth and hands preparing him with painstaking slowness, wanting the youkai to voice his need. This fight would go for several minutes until he threatened to cease it altogether. Only then would Hiei plea to be taken, pride broken by primal need.
A gasp shattered the stillness of the Makai as the dark youkai recalled that night. He smelled that animal-like scent of copulation. Felt those searing hands holding firm to his hips. Saw those jade eyes glittering behind heavy lashes. Tasted that sweetened mouth on his, their breathing staggered between reassuring kisses. Kurama was always careful in their mating, as if he were afraid to break the dark one. He was slow, rhythmic, creating a haze of passion and pleasure in their coupling.
"Is this all fox?" Hiei had called once several nights ago dying to see what he could possibly awake. He was pressed tight to him, lapping and biting fiercely at any milky flesh he could reach. "I'm not made of glass."
The request was all that was needed. He believed that that was the first time he felt the true-blooded Youko emerge again. Kurama laughed, the sound chilling and pinned Hiei's hands over his head, making him a captive of his passion. That hadn't lasted long. The youkai fought his hands free, the need to grip return the fiery lust to his mate letting him escape. Good that the house was empty, or they would have surely been discovered, their snarls and groans echoing throughout the room. He found that they were biting each other, not the gentle love-bites, but ones drawing blood. Their kissing could have choked them. The two demons were rough enough to create bruises and pain the next day, but they were lost in the fire and only were diminished when both were reeling in exhaustion.
He remembered how he had awoken only a few minutes after the fox had fallen asleep, sitting up in the half-gutted bed, feeling the slightest pain from their encounter. Kurama was next to him, asleep on his stomach, the bed sheets hardly covering him. The demon was slightly shaken to see sharp claw marks lined down the fox's back, blood still seeping from them; merits from their actions. Careful not to wake the youko, Hiei leant down to lap up the bright liquid, mixing his saliva into the wounds so that they might heal quickly. He had wounded his mate with his passions, and feared the aspect of it. He had run his fingers over those tiny scars weeks and weeks after that night, sometimes even kissing them. Kurama hadn't been mad at the slight injury, but Hiei was infuriated by it, the scars being a reminder on just how fragile a human could be.
It had felt so odd, to feel this general concern for the fox. More then once he caught himself thinking of Kurama when he was alone in the Makai, worrying for his safety. Stupid really, to worry. The youko knew how to handle himself; he had lived for hundreds of years in the demon world… if anything he could handle himself better than Hiei could.
But this night, this now cold and abandoned night had gone wonderfully. Perfect, passion-filled, everything he had come to expect… all except one thing. One very unexpected, unplanned and unwanted thing…
The youko had confessed to loving him. Loving him not in the way he whispered it when they were joined, not the way he told him when he was cute… but actual love. The kind of thing many confess to but so few know anything about. The thing that souls fought and died over without complaint. That frightening, and unusually powerful emotion to where all others were shadowed, even hate. And that's just how he had reacted. With hate.
What had the fox been thinking? It was obvious that he had not been doing it at all. There was no way the kitsune could feel that for him. No way could any demon confess to such a thing. Love, he had been told, required giving yourself to another, surrendering all of everything to them… and then what? Pray they weren't careless. No warrior, no demon, no youkai or youko alike could do such a thing. And even if they could, he would not be one to do it. Leave your soul to another? You were only safe with yourself.
He gritted his teeth. That wasn't even why he was so infuriated. Long ago, before he had ever even let Kurama touch him he had set some simple rules of the game. They were unwritten of course, and unspoken of, but made obvious enough without words or letters. And they had been so simple! Don't tell anyone. Stop when I say so. Keep me comfortable. And, do nothing to complicate this. And that was just what he had done! He had turned a casual sex relationship into an affair. They were mates, fuck-partners even, but not `lovers'. They copulated, pleasured one another, had sex… they did not `make love'! There was to be no attachment between them. Kurama had wanted the youkai as a bed partner for as long as they had known each other. Hiei had had no need for sex, not exactly wanting it or any of the baggage that came along. It had taken the longest time for him to be lured to any soft surface by the youko, but in the end Kurama had had success, and him. His stress relief. Youkos took mates for fun, for games… He wasn't meant to love him. It wasn't supposed to go that far!
But it had… and he did.
Then that voice, now cynical, whispered through the deathly quiet woods. -And you knew that all along too. -
* * *
A sharp and irritated bolt of lightening tore across the looming cloud over him, and quickly he snapped back to the present.
Recollection time was over, dwell on things as they are and not as they were. These two weeks of world skipping and bad weather had worn him near lifeless. Karma apparently was real, and hated him.
The thunder rolled, the sound vibrating through him. Go ahead and strike me dead then if I've made you so upset. He needed sleep and this was no way to get it. Rolling off the branch Hiei hit the ground softly, sinking in the mud slightly. Dirty, wet and without destination the demon headed for the streetlight and the small weather shield for pedestrians that stood next to it. The small piece of plate glass shuttered from the wind that was picking up. Where to go…
Ah but he knew the answer before even asking himself. There were only two places in the ningen world where he would even think about sleeping, and one being clearly out of the running left…
Where the hell does Yusuke live anyway?
*~ TBC ~*