Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Brought in from the Rain ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own, you don't sue. Got it? Yoko and all other Yu Yu Hakusho characters belong to Yoshihiro Togashi. Yuki belongs to uhm… Yuki. Tao belongs to me, because, well, she is me. ^_^;; Okay? No legal issues to deal with? Alright, lets get started…

A/N: I don't write lemons. Don't even ask. Fluff is a little difficult for me to write, so bear with me. One-shot fic. I might write a sequel.


Brought in from the Rain

by: Wolfy (aka Tao, Draco-sama, Wolfy-sama)

Rain was pouring down in the forests of Makai. Yoko dodged though the trees, trying to lose the hunters and still keep track of where he was going at the same time. It didn't help with his silver hair flying everywhere. And soon it became even more difficult, as the lightning blinding him every 5 minutes was irritating and all-around confusing.

After a few hours of running, he came to a small indent behind a rock in a hillside. He crouched down and waited for the hunters to pass.

He poked his head out when all he heard was the falling rain and the thunder. He grinned. On the down side, he was lost. On the up side, he lost the hunters. He chuckled to himself.

I achieved one goal- but failed the other. He shivered suddenly. I better find a cave or some bigger sort of shelter; I can't stay out here all night…

He brushed the hair out of his eyes and walked out of the confined area into the freezing rain, looking for a more suitable haven.


"Tao? Tao? TAO! FOOD!" Yuki yelled.

She walked over to where Tao was last, and found her still sleeping, oblivious to being called.

Damn… Does she ever wake up? Actually, when was the last time I even saw her awake? Yuki pondered for a moment. Whatever. Now, if I can get her awake, it'll be a record.

Yuki stared at Tao for a moment. She hates being poked… Yuki reasoned, so she proceeded to poke Tao in the stomach. Hard.

Tao's hazel eyes shot wide open revealing their pain and rage.

"GAHRRG!" she snarled, swiping.

Yuki's waist long pale blue hair swayed as she sidestepped and stuck her tongue out at Tao.

"Stop complaining. I made food. And I think I sense someone in the area. You can eat, then you can check it out."

The ageless tracker grinned. Now, this was her specialty. Something to be woken up for to say the least.

Yuki rolled her sapphire eyes and returned to the bubbling cooking pot. I can never figure out how she can keep this thing in her bag…She mused. Oh well, her problem, not mine. She thought as she stirred the stew.

Tao walked over and sniffed at the pot, grimacing. "The rabbit is getting old. We'll need to throw it out in a couple days." She informed Yuki.

"That's why I'm trying to make you eat more!" Yuki snapped irritably. She had just gotten her ragged white dress dirty with blood from the rabbit that she was now told would soon be inedible. Wonderful. Yuki absently tightened the cloth strip around her waist.

Tao just shook her head and tied her white hair up in a ponytail. Then she proceeded to pull out a five ft long bow, and twelve arrows from her bag and set them to the side.

"I'll go hunting after the rain stops." She said simply.

Yuki growled in frustration. There she went again. Defying all laws of physics with her damn magical-what-not bag. She passed Tao a bowl of steaming stew with one of her two tails and stared out into the rain. She glanced down at her tails in annoyance. They were all 'poofy', as Tao described it hysterically, because of the rain. The pattern made them look weirder in this state. Pale blue with black and white overlapping tips. Her matching fox ears twitched awkwardly. She grimaced. Humidity wasn't good for fur.

She almost regretted having to leave this cave. It was roomy; the entrance was hidden to all without a trained eye. The ceiling reached about 60 feet up, and the floor was about 30 feet from wall to wall. About 12 yards in, the cave branched out into 3 separate tunnels, all of which the tracker had investigated. Tao had told her…

"The one on the left goes to a pool of green water- which I doubt you would want to drink. The one on the right eventually comes to an opening on the other side of those mountains." She had stopped to point out which ones she was talking about. Yuki didn't even want to know how she had found the time to discover this.

"And the middle one just goes to a dead end. There are couple nasty holes in there

that you wouldn't ever return from if you found yourself misplacing your foot around there."

Yuki snorted. She sure knows how to punt things bluntly.

Tao's voice broke through her thoughts.

"I'm going to see if I can find whoever you sensed." She called and trudged into the dark rain.

Yuki sighed and started clean up the bowls that now lied empty on the cave floor.


Yoko sniffed the air. Its not that he could smell much other than the rain falling around him, but he still caught a whiff of something.

Can't tell what the first thing is…but the other is definitely a kitsune. He observed.

His ears twitched. Damn, someone is coming! He dived behind a rock, not particularly eager for another chase.

He looked out, and saw a girl with white hair that he could even see through the rain. She was dressed in a large, black cloak with a fighting outfit underneath. She was nearly barefoot- only strips of cloth were wrapped around her feet. But, at the moment, Yoko was only paying attention to the sword on her belt.

She looked his way, but apparently didn't notice him because she continued to walk farther into the dark.

Shit, That was close! Too close! I can't take that risk again! His conscience screamed at him. But he wasn't paying attention. He had seen a light from the direction the white-haired girl had come from, and he could smell kitsune in that direction too.

He crept up a ledge near the entrance of the cave. Now, being this close, he could smell hot food too. His stomach growled. I haven't eaten in hours…He smirked. Well this is where the skills of Yoko the Makai thief comes in. He slipped in quietly.

Glancing inside, he took a visual note of the interior of the cave. He could hear the vixen in the back of the cave, scrubbing out dirty food bowls probably used earlier. There was a sopping wet, torn black cape thrown to the right side of cave, along with a light blue sash that had been soaked by the rain. Other random belongings were strewn about, none of which he took great notice.

Yoko shifted his attention to the Vixen. He went and sat in a dark corner where he could see her. The Vixen's mind was apparently elsewhere, for she didn't notice the spying kitsune.

For some reason, Yoko just sat there, watching her. After about a minute or so, he finally got his mind off her. What am I doing? He shook his head to clear his senses. I should be trying to get some of that food!

He heard her voice. He froze.

"Ugh! Tao! You got me all wet! Why couldn't you just have-" The Vixen had turned around, and her eyes got wide then narrowed.

Did she hear me?! Yoko thought wildly. I didn't make a sound! …Oh. Yoko saw water splattered on the walls. Oh man, I shouldn't have shaken my head… He got up slowly without taking his eyes off her.

"INTRUDER!" She snarled and swiped at Yoko with her black claws.

Yoko barely avoided her. Damn, she's fast!

She growled. She wanted to get this over with. So, she advanced and feigned a trip, instead lunging at him and pinning him.

"GAH!" Yoko fell to the floor.

Yuki was sitting on Yoko's stomach, and had pinned him to the floor. Yoko struggled but to no avail.

"Get off."

"No. Do you know what I'm going to do to you? I'm gonna-" Yuki stopped. Her ears twitched.

"Yuki?" A voice came from the entrance of the cave.

"Tao? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I had to fight this guy all by myself!"

Tao looked down at Yoko. She raised an eyebrow.

"That guy? I saw him earlier outside and decided to leave him alone, heck he looked like he was out in the rain for hours, he can't have been to hard to defeat…"

"So? He came in here and was staring at me!! Wait a second…" Yuki looked down at Yoko. And slapped him. Hard. "PERVERT!!" She yelled.

"Anyway back to the subject." She continued as if nothing happened. "He could have finished me off while I wasn't looking! And…"

Tao was getting tired of this.

"I really doubt he could have done anything to you Yuki. Anyway, stop being rude and offer him some food." She spun on her heel and went to the cooking pot.

Yuki gaped at Tao. "He comes in, stares at me like some hormone-driven pervert and you say 'Stop being rude and offer him some food'?!"

Tao didn't respond.

Yuki fumed. "GET OVER HERE AND LISTEN TO ME TAO!" She got up and stormed over to where Tao was cooking.

Yoko sat up and looked in their direction. "I don't get it…" He thought to himself as he walked towards the cooking pot. He sat down beside the vixen and tried to stay out of the one-person argument.

"…WOULD YOU EVEN CARE IF HE KILLED ME?! WHY I…" Yuki continued, passing Yoko a bowl of stew absently.

Yoko ate the bowl of stew hungrily and helped himself to another bowl, all the while listening to the argument.

"…and, and, that's it." Yuki finished angrily.

"You done?"

"Yeah." Yuki's gaze flicked over to Yoko. "So what are we going to do with him?"

"You're the leader here Yuki, or do I sense a change in plans?" Tao smirked.

"No! Just…" Yuki again shifted her gaze to the silver-haired kitsune.

Tao rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You decide." She stated simply.

Yuki pondered for a moment. "What's your name anyway?!" She finally demanded.

"Yoko Kurama."

"Well that leaves me nowhere…" She thought. "Where do you come from?"

"None of your business."


"Are you interviewing me for a job or are you interrogating me as a prisoner?" He asked exasperated.

Yuki growled. He wasn't making it easy.

"Whatever. Were you running from someone?"

"Yes. Demon Hunters."

"He must be a runaway slave or something… maybe a criminal…"

"Why were they after you?"

"You know this is Yoko Kurama. I think he would be charged for thievery, ne?" Tao piped up.

"Yeah, maybe- wait a second, Yoko Kurama?" She stared at Yoko.

Tao snickered in the background.

Too busy staring into his golden eyes? Or perhaps eyeing his silky, silver hair? Tao's voice echoed in her head.

"Shut up Tao." Yuki grumbled.

Yoko smirked. "Are you two going somewhere? It's rare these days to see women traveling alone. Perhaps I should accompany you."

Yuki glared. "You're coming anyway, you're our prisoner, in case you forgot already." She snapped.

"I didn't!" Yoko raised his hands up in the 'I surrender' gesture.

"Good. We're leaving as soon as the rain stops and Tao gets more food." Yuki said dismissively.

Yoko grinned. Either way works, he supposed.


Tao was off in the forest hunting.

The rest of the night had followed like this: Yoko tried to put his arms around Yuki's waist, she slapped him and pulled him by his ears into a corner, and left him there rubbing his sore ears for the rest of the night. Tao had gotten up earlier than ether of the other two, and went off to hunt without telling anyone.

Yuki was quite used to this by now, so seeing she wasn't there, she proceeded to pack everything up. Well, almost everything.

"HOW-CAN-SHE-UGH-FIT-UGH-THIS IN?!" Yuki snarled as she tried to fit the cooking pot in Tao's bag. She tried a few more times then gave up, reasoning that it was Tao's problem.

"Hey, where is Yoko? I left him in the corner last night…" She looked around.

Strong arms came from behind and wrapped around her waist and held her fast.

"Hello there Vixen. Looking for me?" Yoko asked innocently, - if you could call him innocent.

Yuki growled. "Let go." Her ears twitched awkwardly as Yoko's breath tickled them.

"Can't you be a little less stubborn? Loosen up." Yoko whined as he nuzzled the side of her head with his nose.

Yuki didn't respond.




Still nothing.

"Oh alright…" Yoko slowly released her then jumped back in case she had a slap waiting for him.

Yuki just gave a slight 'Hmph!' and stomped towards the entrance of the cave to watch for Tao.

Yoko watched her go and sighed to himself.

"I was so close that time…" He thought as he slumped down to the ground.

"I wonder if I'll ever get her to accept me…"


Tao returned shortly after noon, carrying a deer in a sack over her back. She was greeted enthusiastically by Yuki.

"WOAH that thing's huge! Can we eat it all now? How do we cook it? Huh, huh?" (A/N: Sorry, I made Yuki too giddy…. XP)

No response.

"Are you listening to me?!"

Tao grunted.

"I thought so. Anyway, when can we eat it?"

"We will butcher it, preserve it and then we will leave. That's what we planned, right?" Tao droned.

"Yeah… but…"

"You will not gorge right after lunch." Tao stated simply and proceeded to cut the deer up.

"Who are you, my mom?" Yuki pouted but all the same listened to Tao.

Yoko grinned. He was really starting to like the kitsune.


Tao had disappeared pretty soon after they had started on the trail, much to Yuki's dismay and Yoko's pleasure. Yoko was already planning on how he would get the vixen to like him, but at the same time he was using caution not to anger her. She was feisty.

Yuki trudged along the endless dirt trail. "Why the heck did Tao leave?! Did she think I could actually be safe with him?! What if he tries to touch me like this morning?!" She glanced at Yoko. "Well, he'll have another pounding, that's for sure…"

They walked in silence for a while, taking great care not to look each other in the eye.

Yoko decided that it was time to attempt conversation. "So…"

Yuki's head snapped up and she glared fiercely at him.

"Oh come on, I'm just trying to be friendly!" Yoko whined.

"Yeah right, pervert. You think I'm gonna believe you?"


"Don't count on it."


Yuki growled warningly.

Yoko sighed. This wasn't going to be easy.

"What have you got against me?" He inquired.

Yuki was startled. She hadn't expected this.

"Well… uhm…. see, I…." She stammered.

Yoko looked at her expectantly.

"I- I don't know." She sighed finally.

"Will you give me a chance? Seems like if I'm your prisoner we'll be together for a long time, and I'd prefer it if you weren't growling and snarling at me the entire way."

"I- I guess."

Yoko smiled. Maybe these next few months wouldn't be so bad after all.


A figure in the trees grinned to herself. I love being matchmaker.



Woohoo! I'm done! ^_^;; For Yuki on her b-day. Sorry that I kinda made Yoko all mushy. -_-;; Heck I told you I'm not good at fluff. Anyway, R&R! And HAPPY B-DAY YUKI!!!!!