Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Captured by a Rose ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 16
“I want him.” The timbre of the youkai lord's voice rumbled heavily in the back of his throat, heated with stark desire. “Bring him to me, Muguru and use those.” In his hands Suzaku materialized two thunderbolts, long and jagged, gleaming and solid, their tips sharp to the touch. “Throw one at Kurama to bind him up, use the other to ward off attackers lest the dare interfere.”
“Oh, yes, Lord Suzaku-sama, I will,” cooed Muguru reverently, catching the thunderbolts in her talons.
“I'm counting on you, dear,” said Suzaku, stroking her deep green plumage. “Now I can only manifest a portal for a few seconds, so capture him quickly.” Suzaku joined his palms and chanted, “Thunder of the sky, I summon you to my chambers. With all your might, connect the demon realm to the human world with a door of light!” The skies darkened, thunder roared in a deafening crack, and lightning shooting straight down to Suzaku's chamber through the opening above in the domed ceiling. It formed into an odd horseshoe shape, its edges wavering, distorting time and space inside. A window to Kurama's garden appeared and Muguru passed through to the kitsune's world.
“What the hell!?” stammered Kurama, blinded by the sudden flash of lightning in his backyard.
Muguru dived at him, knocking him over. She released the first thunderbolt, which shot out at him, ensnaring him in its power. “Got you, pretty boy!” cackled Muguru evilly.
“Kurama!” cried Hiei, diving at the bird, unleashing his katana.
“No one thwart's Suzaku-sama's might!” screeched Muguru, hurling the second bolt viciously at Hiei.
Hiei screamed at the top of his lungs, writhing from the pain that burned his skin and fried his hair. “What the hell's Suzaku want with Kurama!?” he hissed, scythed from the attack.
Muguru plunged at Kurama, snatching him by the lightning shackles. As she plummeted towards the portal with Kurama in tow, she squawked, “His beauty. And don't you think of rescuing him or Suzaku-sama kills you. Not that it matters because once my lord destroys the barrier, the human world will be ours, and you'll all die anyway!”
As the portal closed and Kurama vanished, Hiei uttered “Suzaku…you bastard…” and lost consciousness.
* * *
“Kurama-kun!” I cried grasping the rose the kitsune gave me as I hiked to Genkai's temple. The rose instantly withered, its lush stem limp, its sweet scent gone, and silky petals browned, blown away in the wind. “Something's happened to Kurama-kun! Must hurry to Genkai's!”
* * *
“Hiei!” shouted Botan, jumping off her broom to tend to his wounds. “This is awful! Third degrees burns from a lightning attack.” Botan concentrated on gathering a ball of reiki in her palms over Hiei's body. The blue green energy spread enveloping him in its light. Slowly, the burns healed, as new skin grew over charred flesh. “Oh poor Hiei, who would do such a cruel thing to you?” she sniffled, forcing herself to focus.
“Only wimps cry,” groaned Hiei under his breath, gradually regaining conscious. He hissed as she healed the last of the burnt flesh on his neck. All of his clothes, his shirt and his pants were gone scorched from Muguru's attack.
Under normal circumstances Botan might take in his features, studying his slim, naked well muscled body, yet now she could only cry. “Hiei, are you okay? What happened!?”
“That f*****g Suzaku, he kidnapped Kurama,” Hiei hissed, wrapping himself in the pink kimono Botan gave him. “Soon, he'll invade the human world. I could care less.”
“Your heartless, Hiei,” wept Botan, sinking to her knees. “Kurama-kun's your friend, and this is how you treat him?”
“Just shut up, woman,” grumbled Hiei, fuming at her. “I'll save Kurama. But the human world means nothing.”
Hiei remembered what Kurama said before. We're friends, Hiei. Someday you'll know what true love is. I'll do everything in my in my power to free you from the ice goddess and find for you a true lover.
The fire youkai thought, Yes, Kurama-kun loves me. He's the only one who has and he'd die for me. The least I can do is save him now even if I die.
“Won't you need Yusuke-kun's help?” asked Botan timidly, wiping away her tears.
“He can go to hell for all I care. He stole my lover,” remarked Hiei coldly, his voice bitter with hatred, chilling Botan to the bone.
This isn't good, thought Botan to herself, shivering. They'll have to work together.