Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ crazed midget man ❯ kasia's dream come true ( Chapter 3 )
A/n hi!!! I can't wait my one dream comes true in this chappy you'll have to read and see.
Disclaimer: I'm sure your getting tired of hearing this no we don't own yuyu hakusho this goes for all chappys
Chapter3: Kasia's Dream Come True
Fluffy: "Why is that pathetic mutt doing here? I thought you were going to talk to me, and me alone. You never mentioned him [gestures towards Inuyasha].
Inuyasha: "Who are you calling a pathetic mutt, you scumbag!!!!
Razz: "Shut the hell up, you two!!!!!!! You both are acting like f**king children!!!!!!!!!
Inuyasha: "I don't have time for this!!!!!! I have jewel shards to find."[Inuyasha walks off into the woods.]
Fluffy: I'm leaving now, if you don't mind.
Razz: "Yes I mind!!!!"
Fluffy: "Well make it quick."
Razz: "The money fairy wanted me to give you this."
Fluffy: {Sesshoumaru takes the box and begins to open it} "Who did you say?"
Razz: "Never mind."
Fluffy: "What is this strange white robe?"
Razz: "A very special one." {I began tying the sleeves behind his back}
Fluffy: "What are you doing?"
Razz: "Tying it"
Fluffy: "Behind my back?! Hey wait a minute!!!!!!!"
Before he realized what I was doing, it was too late.
Fluffy: "Damn you, Terrazzo!!!"
Before long Kasia came skipping along screaming bingo.
Kasia: "I see you've managed to get him in the straight jacket.
Fluffy: [horrified] "You're that freak that mauled me the other day!!!!! Razz how could you hand me over to this horrible beast?!?!"
Razz: "Let's see, I don't know? Maybe it's the fact I don't like you."
I turn away as Kasia drags him off. I completely ignored his cries for help. It didn't matter anyway, they were soon drowned out by Kasia's piercing voice.
Kasia: "I've got the fluff boy, I've got the fluff boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come, Sesshoumaru, Come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!