Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Crazy in Love ❯ Abandoning Reality ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hear ye, hear ye, thou knaves! Here be the first chapter of my brand-new, first-ever YYH fanfiction! ^^ All right, I'll shut up and let y'all read the dang thing now. *cough*
Disclaimer: I don't own YYH, sadly. *sigh* If I did, I'd have a billion dollars… BUT I will have that much money once I start SELLING BISHOUNEN ON THE BLACT MARKET! Then I'll be able to BUY YYH! Mwa ha ha ha- *cough cough choke gasp strangle* Um… ^^0 Heh heh heh- YOU HEARD NOTHING!
Anyone who didn't know April might have wondered exactly why she was up at one in the morning in front of a luminously glowing computer screen. But to those who really knew her- meaning, her fellow anime lovers/authoresses- they wouldn't give it a second thought. Because April was, in fact, an anime lover and authoress. And a rabid Hiei fangirl as well.
For those who would have wondered what she was doing, April was, at the moment, beta-reading the first chapter of a fic her cousin had sent her via email- an OC fic. OC's were Loren's specialty. In fact, fanfiction of any sort was Loren's specialty. She was a great writer- except that she couldn't spell to save her life. Which was where April's beta-ing came into the picture.
After skimming through once more to confirm that she had fixed all the errors, April clicked the 'send' button and sighed, rubbing her forehead. Her reddish-blonde bangs flopped into her eyes, and she brushed them away absentmindedly. She looked at the clock on the toolbar. 1:18. As much as April would have liked to keep browsing the Internet- something she could do for hours- she really should get some sleep. It would be the mature, responsible, appropriate thing to do… plus, she was tired. April loved fanfiction, but she loved sleep too. She was about to exit the Internet window when the AIM signal sounded. She had a message.
LJ-4ever: yo cuz
April smiled, recognizing her cousin's screenname. She was one of the few people who knew what it meant. Like her cousin, Loren was a die-hard Hiei worshipper. The LJ stood for Loren Jaganshi. The 4ever, of course, was obvious.
April typed in a reply. Sleep could wait. After all, family came first, right?
Squnk_the_Mighty: Did you get my email?
LJ-4ever: ya
LJ-4ever: can i post it?
Squnk_the_Mighty: Sure
LJ-4ever: huzzah
LJ-4ever: was it ok?
April sighed, shaking her head.
Squnk_the_Mighty: YES
Squnk_the_Mighty: How can you be so unaware of your own literary genius?!
LJ-4ever: thatz 2 many big words, a-chan
Squnk_the_Mighty: >_<
Squnk_the_Mighty: I pray for you, Lori
LJ-4ever: sez the grl who went 4 dayz w/o using the letterz h-o-t in a row
Squnk_the_Mighty: ^_^
Squnk_the_Mighty: You know, it sucks trying to decode your messages
LJ-4ever: wutever. u need psycologicul help
Squnk_the_Mighty: There is no cure for obsession
LJ-4ever: tru
Squnk_the_Mighty: And it's spelled 'psychological'
LJ-4ever: shuttup demon child
Squnk_the_Mighty: Ha =)
LJ-4ever: XP
Squnk_the_Mighty: *pats the poor depressed child on the head*
LJ-4ever: im older than u!
Squnk_the_Mighty: I know, Lori
It was true. April was barely thirteen. Loren was fourteen and a half. That didn't necessarily make her any more mature, though…
LJ-4ever: bleh
LJ-4ever: so r u writing n/e thing new?
Squnk_the_Mighty: Yah
LJ-4ever: fb?
Squnk_the_Mighty: Nope. Same old YYH stuffses
LJ-4ever: GRRR!
April resisted the urge to imitate Toguro Ani's ever-so-scary laugh. Loren was forever trying to convince her to write a Fruits Basket fanfiction, and April was forever laughing at her attempts. She liked Fruits Basket okay, but she just couldn't write fanfiction of it. She was much more comfortable with good old Yu Yu Hakusho- and besides, Ayame scared her.
LJ-4ever: U SUK!!!
Squnk_the_Mighty: Calm down before you pop a blood vessel, woman
LJ-4ever: T_T
LJ-4ever: pleez write 1?
LJ-4ever: pleeeeez?
Squnk_the_Mighty: No
LJ-4ever: pwetty pweez, a-chan?
LJ-4ever: 4 my b-day?
Squnk_the_Mighty: … your birthday isn't for seven months
LJ-4ever: my 1/2 b-day then?
Squnk_the_Mighty: *sigh* Give it up, Lori
LJ-4ever: XP
Squnk_the_Mighty: Snackle snackle snackle
LJ-4ever: wut the squeak does that mean?
Squnk_the_Mighty: Snackle=snicker+cackle
LJ-4ever: ???
Squnk_the_Mighty: It's supposed to sound like Toguro Ani's laugh
April loved combining words- like in her screenname, Squnk_the_Mighty. A 'squnk' was a cross between a squirrel and a skunk. She had no idea when it had first popped into her mind, though… probably some random day when she had been stuck inside, watching TV and getting high on Oreos, and that stupid Zoobooks commercial had come on… or something like that. April rarely worried about half the things that popped into her mind.
LJ-4ever: oh… ur crazy
Squnk_the_Mighty: And you're a Smeagol
LJ-4ever: yah… *cough*lotr sux*cough*
Squnk_the_Mighty: O_O
Squnk_the_Mighty: YOU BUTT!
Squnk_the_Mighty: I'M SIGNING OFF ON YOU!
LJ-4ever: noooo!
Squnk_the_Mighty: Yes!
LJ-4ever: im sorry!
LJ-4ever: stay! talk 2 me! im bored!
Squnk_the_Mighty: Too bad! Bye!
April signed off, not really as mad as she had pretended to be. Unfortunately, Loren was nowhere near as much of a Lord of the Rings geek as April, so April never lost a chance to harass her cousin about that. She glanced at the clock. 1:49. Wow. She had been IMing for half an hour, and now that she thought about it… she was dead tired. April rested her forehead against the mouse pad.
"Baa…" she moaned softly- one of her favorite quotes from the show, said by The Kurama Himself. Her eyes were aching. Insomnia clearly did not agree with her. She felt her mind detaching from thought, drifting off into the void that was unconsciousness…
In less than a minute, April was asleep. Her cheek was resting against the right edge of the keyboard. On the computer screen, Loren's email, containing her fanfiction, was still open. April fidgeted in her sleep. She nudged the keyboard with her cheek. It pressed a key.
The 'Enter' key.
Nothing happened at first. Then an eerie, faint blue glow surrounded both the computer and the sleeping girl, whose hair was standing on end, manipulated by static electricity. Suddenly, in a pop, she vanished, leaving an empty chair behind. There was a humming sound, then the glow faded and the house was silent.
Peacefully oblivious, April slept on…
Woohoo! I'm psyched! *cough*Yeah right*cough* ^^ No, seriously, this is my first YYH fanfiction. Me hopes me will get all the stuffses right- oh, and the snackle thingy? That belongs to moi. I owns it. I owns the word squnk, too. They are both in the dictionary of Nee, which is unabridged, unchecked, and unavailable in all stores. I own the only copy, and I burned it, so no one can find it anywhere. So really, it's not even worth mentioning. HA ha. *cough* Review please! All reviews are gratefully accepted and appreciated! Unless they're flames, in which case I'll hunt you down and INGEST YOUR SOUL! *cough cough choke gasp wheeze hack*