Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ crimson eyes, my crimson eyes ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok. I found a name I like better. Last chapter I explained that the girl's name was Hazel. I now changed it to Yumiko. It means child of beauty in Japanese. I know it is a whole different name, but like it a lot better. It has a ring to it. I would also like to thank Asilin for giving me tips on how to defeat writers block. Who knew acid actually worked?

Hiei's POV

The ride in the portal ended, and I quickly moved and landed on my feet. The bakas, however were their usual idiotic selves, and fell on their backs. I rolled my eyes. I don't know why I have to put up with them. Not much longer after the bakas fall, the kitsune appeared, landing on his feet. He took a look at the idiots, and shook his head in frustration.

"Yusuke, Kuwabara, how many times must you forget to land on your feet. Please try to remember next time."

I rolled my eyes again, and decided to look around at my surroundings. We were in an old forest. Moss and other vegetation grew wild on the ground I stood on. It was very tranquil here. Every plant slowly swayed with the light breeze that was blowing. I actually had to admit to myself that it was beautiful, which was odd for me.

I sighed inwardly. The forest may have been beautiful, but it was also very large, which would make our job harder. I turned around to see that the kitsune had already helped the two bakas, and was taking in his surroundings just as I had done. Knowing the kitsune's obsession with plants, he would take a very long time to take in his surroundings, and I didn't have time for his pleasures. I decided now was the best time to snap him out of it.

"We are here now, so can we find the baka ningen and get on with our lives?"

This got his attention. He nodded, and looked around at every direction. He seemed to be thinking, so I didn't say anything. After a second he reached a conclusion.

"This forest is very large." Well of course it was, I could have made that conclusion. I stopped my thoughts as he continued.

"So, to find the girl we will have to split up and go in different directions. We all have communicators, so if we find her we can communicate with one and another. Everyone agreed to this plan. I really didn't care as long as it didn't take long.

Each of us toke of in different directions. Kurama went east, Yusuke went west, Kuwabara went south, and I went north. I climbed the trees to cover more ground, and to see more of the area around me. The faster I found this onna, the faster I got to go home.

After about thirty minutes I heard a noise. It was close, ahead of me. I jumped a few more trees and saw a slight clearing. In the clearing I saw a circle of lower class demons, one was ahead of the rest. I guessed he was the leader. He was taking to someone. I looked in the middle of the circle, and my eyes widened in surprise.

It was the girl, the one in the picture. She was even more beautiful in real life than in the picture. She had long black hair that went to her waist. Her bangs were out of her face, showing her deep sapphire eyes. She was short for her age, only about Yukina's size in height. She was thin, and seemed fragile to me. I guessed that she was about 16.

My attention to her was adverted when I heard the leader speak.

"I guess you choose to play the hard and painful way."

I growled, but remained in my spot in the tree. He would not dare hurt her. Wait what am I saying?

"I like to play that way."

I don't ever care, so why am I thinking this?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the girl scream. I looked and saw a katana sticking out from her right shoulder. For some reason I stayed where I was. I suddenly realized I had no idea what to do. I kept watching the scene knowing I should do something, but unable to do it.

I watched everything. I watched the leader pull out the katana.

What am I supposed to do?

She fell to her knees looking down at the ground in pain.


I watched as tears started to form in her eyes, with one rolling down her cheek. I heard a clink, and saw a tear gem on the ground. Suddenly everything came back to me. Everything I was supposed to do. I unsheathed my katana.

The leader kicked her side, causing her to start coughing up blood. I growled as I jumped down and landed in front of her. Using my speed, I killed the leader before he could even realize what happened. I could feel her eyes on my back, but I didn't have time for her right now, the leader dropped dead. The rest of the demons were enraged, but I didn't care. I killed them all without a second thought as they charged at me.

Once they were all dead I wiped off the blood on my katana. It was a disgusting, sticky, black blood. After I got it off I put my katana in its sheath, and turned around to face her. For some reason she gasped, which caused her to cough blood again. I read her mind.

She was scared.

I watched her as she tried to get up to get away from me. I also saw her fail miserably. I noticed her wound in her shoulder was still bleeding. I gently touched it, trying to use some of my energy to make it stop bleeding. She backed away in pain, I was surprised. I didn't mean to cause her pain. She looked at me again. I could see the fear in her eyes. She probably still thought I was trying to hurt her. For some reason the fact that she was scared of me hurt me.

But Why? I decided to try and relax her. I tried to look in her eyes.

"Hn, baka ningen. I am not going to hurt you again. You can relax."

Why did I say that?

I looked in her eyes, noticing she was looking at me. I saw relief and trust flash in her eyes. It made me feel better. She started to speak. Her voice was melodic and beautiful.

No! Why am I thinking like this?

"Thank you……."

I heard her thoughts like an open book. I was surprised. She wanted to know my name, and for some reason I gave it to her. I noticed her eyes started getting more distant, and she started to black out, but before she did I heard her whisper my name.

I blinked once in surprise. I then realized that I should take her to Kurama. She was badly wounded. I gently picked her up, having to do so bridal style so I could avoid touching the wound on her arm. I communicated telepathically to the kitsune, telling him that I had the girl and for him to call the other two to meet me back at the portal.

I found my way back at the portal. Kurama and the two bakas were already there. Kurama looked at the girl in my arms and gave me a questioning glance. I told him that I would explain everything once the girl's wounds were treated in his head. He nodded, and we both jumped into the portal, knowing that the bakas would follow.

Once we got back to the temple, Kurama told me take the girl to a room and put her on the futon while he got the supplies to help her arm. I never toke orders from anyone before, but for some reason I did everything he told me to do. All I could think about was whether she would be ok.

After about a good two hours, her wounds were treated, and I started to relax. Kurama and I left the room she was in, and headed towards the living room. As we entered the room I noticed everyone was there, including Koenma and that ferry onna. I noticed that all of them were tense and worried, probably about the girl. The kitsune spoke.

"Don't worry, she will be fine, she just needs to rest for a while to heal her shoulder. Which reminds me, Hiei how did she get those wounds?"

Everyone in the room turned to face me. I "hn"ed and told the whole story, well most of it, I didn't tell them of the odd feelings I seemed to have for the girl.

Everyone nodded in understanding of my story. Yusuke then turned to Koenma.

"So, we brought the girl back like you said toddler, now are you going to tell us why?"

I turned to look at the toddler ruler. He looked slightly ticked at Yusuke for calling him toddler, but nodded. I was interested, but made myself look like I wasn't. He started.

"First her name is Yumiko Arimoro, and the reason I asked you to get her is,"

Everyone turned to the hallway which Kurama and I had came down out of from Yumiko's room. I heard a loud thomp. She was awake.

I am going to stop here. The next chapter will be Yumiko's POV. Please review.