Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ crimson eyes, my crimson eyes ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )
Crimson: I was surprised at how many people like this story a lot, it was great actually. Anyways, you know the drill, now it is Hiei's POV of the same event.
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Hiei's POV
I was surprised at how easily she took the news. I half expected her to break down, but all she did was sit there, worrying more about the kitsune then herself. She gave him a sympathetic look, and then turned her head around the room, obviously looking for something.
Again I heard her thoughts without using my jagan. My suspensions that she was telepathic started to grow. If it was true, and she didn't know how to control her thoughts, she would have no protection over her mind or secrets. I heard her voice in my head over and over, the same melodic voice I heard earlier in real life.
`Where is a pen and pencil when you need them?'
I knew where some was. The kitsune kept it in a drawer in the kitchen. I remember finding the pen one day, mistaking that drawer for the utensil drawer next to it. I got up off the recliner, and retrieved some paper and a pen, appearing in front of her. I held it out to her, resuming my emotionless gaze. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she toke the objects from my hand, mouthing a silent "thank you", and started writing some words on the paper.
I moved over a little, reading from side as she wrote. When she was done, she held it up for every to see. It read `Please don't worry, it was not your fault, and I am not mad at you. Thank you. What is your name?'
It was obvious that the kitsune was more relaxed about confronting her again, and he gave her a smile. I began to feel a pang of jealousy, though why I wasn't sure. Was because of the onna? I was only partially aware of the voices around me as I thought.
"My name is Kurama," he pointed to Yusuke and the ferry onna. "And that is Yusuke and Botan. I believe you already found out about Kuwabara."
Yumiko nodded, stopping suddenly, causing me to worry a little. Her head obviously still hurt. She started writing on the paper again. She held it up. This time it read `Sorry, my head hurts and I am a little tired.' I stayed were I was as the ferry onna replied to Yumiko.
"Well then Koenma and I will come back tomorrow when you are feeling a little better."
I looked to the girl, seeing her eyes display a look between surprise and confusion. I didn't say anything though. The toddler finally spoke, showing that he was still in the room, not much of a surprise to me. He seemed to have a knack for surprising people.
"That would be me, and though I hate to put things off till later, Botan is right, you need your rest. Besides, I think you will be plenty safe here tonight."
I guessed he meant with us. We would obviously be getting a baby sitting job for a while. I took a glance at the girl. No emotions were showing on her features. I shuddered involuntarily, but apparently no one noticed. I wondered why she was so cold. I saw her face change slowly to wonder. The toddler spoke in a tired fashion.
"I know I look like a toddler, but to be honest, I am older than all of the people in this room combined."
No arguments there. He was ancient, even compared to Youko. The girl nodded shortly, and gave a thoughtful look, as if she was thinking about something. It was brief, only lasting for a second or so, then it was gone. The toddler seemed not to notice the look, and gave a satisfied smile, turning to Botan, who nodded. With a snap of his fingers he was gone, most likely back to Spirit World. I could only think of one thing.
Show off.
I rolled my eyes, as the two bakas started to fight over what would be for dinner. It was timed like these that I wish the old lady was here, but she was out, and would be for a couple days. Damn my luck. Yumiko gave a silent grunt in frustration, and I couldn't help but agree with her. She wrote down on the paper, only one word being written in her tiny hand writing.
She glanced over to the kitsune, who was rubbing his temples, trying to pull the two apart, and got up slowly walking in front of him. He read the paper, and smiled at the girl. Again I felt that feeling of a jealous nature.
"Good idea Yumiko, now why didn't I think of that?" he said, still smiling at her. She shrugged at him, and the kitsune pulled the two away from each other.
"Could you guys hold on for a minute, Yumiko has an idea." He said loudly. The two bakas shrugged, muttering briefly, reading the paper as well. Once done, Yusuke held out his hand to Kuwabara.
"Well I say that is fine by me, if its okay with you we can call it a temporary truce, but just while Yumiko is here. Agreed?"
I read Kuwabara's thoughts. He was going to disagree, not liking Yumiko's suggestion to stop the fight. I growled, and spoke into his head, and I could sense his fear as he realized I was there.
`If you want to keep your head on your shoulders, I'd suggest that you keep your tongue behind your teeth, and agree.' I said it mercilessly.
In fear, the baka shook Yusuke's outstretched hand, talking in a rushed manner.
"Ok Urameshi, agreed."
The girl turned to look back at me, with a look of surprise. I could hear her thoughts swirling in my head, repeating over and over on my head.
`It was you, wasn't it, but how?'
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Crimson: Yes I finished your chapter Hiei, do you like it?
Hiei: Hn? It is okay, I guess.
Crimson: ^-^ thank you Hiei.