Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ crimson eyes, my crimson eyes ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )
Crimson: Sorry, I had Sols and final, and I had to study, that and I have major writer's block. Any suggestions, either those that are to help or those that you are of what you would like to see happen, would be greatly appreciated, and I will praise you very much, that I would. (Kenshin, hehehe, ^-^)
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Yumiko's POV
I stared at him for only Kami knows how long before Kurama finally caught my attention. He looked slightly annoyed.
"Well?" I gave him a blank look, causing him to sigh and repeat himself.
"What type of pizza would you like? I already have cheese, pepperoni, and black olive." I smiled at him and wrote on the paper.
`Sorry Kurama, I didn't mean to zone out on you. Pepperoni sounds fine for me, so I will just share.' Kurama nodded.
"It saves money, and I am sure Hiei won't mind, he never eats it all anyway." He paused and turned to face Hiei. "You don't mind if you share, right Hiei?"
I turned to face Hiei once again, only to see him shrug and disappear before my eyes down the hall, and into the room I remembered originally coming from. I gave Kurama a questioning look, and he smiled at me.
"Don't worry, it is not you, he always does that, but he will be back in time for dinner." he replied.
I just nodded, eliminating my worry about Hiei from my head, and sat down on the couch next to Kurama, contenting myself by listening to the three tell about themselves. I found myself learning a lot, Yusuke apparently had a girlfriend by the name of Keiko, and I found Kuwabara's crush on some girl named Yukina both cute and funny at the same time, and I found myself adding a smile with my silent laughter.
It wasn't much longer until the pizza arrived and it was time for dinner. I had to admit I was ecstatic that I was going to eat a decent meal, without stealing it, for the first time in what felt like eons. During the conversation, Yusuke and Kuwabara had a stroke of genius, and decided to show me around the temple, so I knew exactly where the kitchen was.
As Kurama and I entered the dining room, Kuwabara and Yusuke were already there and already eating, I thought of something. Where was Hiei? I looked around the room, seeing that he was definitely not here yet. But that made no sense to me because Kurama said he would be here for dinner by now. More and more Questions swam through my head, until finally I decided to go get him for dinner myself.
Leaving a confused Kurama behind, I walked back to the living room, and down the hallway, pausing at the third door on the right. This was the only room Yusuke and Kuwabara didn't include in their little `tour', Hiei's room. I hesitated before knocking, and after a few minutes there was still no answer. I toke a deep breath and turned the handle, happy to find that it was not locked, and entered.
The room was more or less normal, with the exception that everything was black, even the tables and window. I smiled slightly, feeling at ease in the dark room, before I realized that Hiei was not in here. Then I my smile was erased. What if something happened to him? What if they came, and are currently here in the temple right now?
No, if they were here then the room would show it.
I shivered slightly as a breeze brushed past me, realizing that the window was open for the first time. I walked over to it, and sat down on the ledge, smiling at my discovery. He was in a tree! That was why he didn't hear me knocking. I sighed slightly though. By the looks of it he was asleep, and without my voice I could not wake him up. I would have to climb the tree, and though I have climbed trees before, I was not sure if I had the strength to climb so high, but I would have to.
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Sorry for the short chapter, but I now have a slight sketch as to what to do now, so no more writers block, hopefully for a while. Still ideas would be nice. I should be able to make more updates now that school is over. ^-^ have a happy summer!