Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Curse of the Past ❯ Half a mystery pt.1 ( Chapter 1 )
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You live in the human world...you just moved to japan from america. The teacher in homeroom (hey what do ya know it's called a homeroom teacher...) introduces you to the class.He tells you to sit next to non other than Yusuke. He seems really nice and innocent (yusuke? innocent?? ya right! not in a million years.) He intorduces himeself and you do the same. At lunch you sit at an empty table, eating peacefully....when you hear someone shout your name. You face the direction in which it came and see Yusuke running up to you, followed by 4 others. __(your name..enough said)! These are my friends, Keiko, Boton, Kuwabara, and Shuichi.". You think their really nice, considering their the only ones to have talked to you ALL day. i have to put 'your name' everytime??), please call me Kurama, as do the rest of my friends." He says kisssing your hand. They sit down and you all talk (wat about it doesn't matter..srry if this sucks i'm taking it from my quiz series and doing my best to transform it to story type.)school, you run into Yusuke. Literally. You turned around the wall that surrounds the school so fast you didn't have time to stop. Or even notice he was there. He turns around and helps you up.ok?" he asks. about that." You say looking down at your watch( or cell phone for the time)" CRAP!! i'm going to be late!" You said and took off runing. As you ran off, Kurama joined up with Yusuke.that __?" Kurama asked(dah)wonder where she's running to. Back with You%#%#%#%#outta time!!! Why can't I run faster?!?!' you screamed at yourself. You were running through the woods, almost sunset. The sky was getting darker and darker by the second. Everything become silent. Your footsteps went unheard, no owls howling or watever they do, and everything seemed still like time was frozen. You finally came to a stop after running for wat seemed like forever. You thought you had heard and seen somehing jump from one tree to another. You look up and around at your settings. And eventually gave up the fact it was real and just a piece of your imagination. It's now around midnight.(god times flies by fast) the beautifull full moon shines down on you in the clearing your in. You hear voices. They're coming your way....##$ that's where i'm leaving you all to think!!!