Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Eternal Night ❯ Chipper Friends ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama's eyes opened and he found, to his immense displeasure, that Botan was still there. “Hi guys!” she said again, not deterred by the glare the redhead was sending her way. “What are you all doing out here?”
“Ah, it's a blue snow cone!” Before Hiei could actually attempt to devour the blue haired girl, Kurama grabbed him, forcing him to sit in the seat.
This had unsettled the girl a little, as she was now eyeing the group uncertainly. “Uh, guys, what's wrong?”
“Nothing, we're tired,” Yusuke said, doing a superb job of explaining.
“Then why not go to sleep!”
“Because if we do, then we loose and have to bare the shame of being defeated by other members of the human race!” Kuwabara declared.
“Well, then how exactly are you planning to stay awake?”
They exchanged glances. “What are we going to do now, guys?”
“We could-.”
“No! You can't have any more ice cream!” Yusuke shouted, pointing at the still struggling demon.
“Sweet snow!” said demon growled.
“What ever, you can't have it!”
This statement seemed to amuse Kuwabara, who proceeded to eat his ice cream at a deliberately slow pace. Hiei's eyes narrowed and the orange haired teen gulped.
“Why don't you guys go for a walk, work off the ice cream?” Botan suggested, her own fear becoming more pronounced.
“It's hot,” they all declared as one.
“Fox, is that human contraption working yet?”
“I don't know if my mother managed to fix the air conditioning. But, I guess we could go back home….probably safer for the general public.” He said the last bit under his breath.
“Botan, why don't you come with us!” Yusuke offered.
“Certainly, that sounds fun!” Kurama glared at their backs, while dragging the sugar crazed demon behind him.
`Fun?' he thought. `Fun! They have a sick, twisted idea of what fun is!' He belatedly realized that the other were staring at him.
“Might want to keep your thoughts to yourself, fox,” Hiei said by way of explanation, before retreating into the sugar filled world, where no limits would be placed upon the ingestion of sweets. The rest continued to walk, and only when they started to skip down the road did he feel his headache resurface. `They have to sleep sooner or later. But, help us all if it's later.'