Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Faux Pas ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Faux Pas - Chapter Eight
Lord Enma, ruler of the Spirit World, was not impressed. He was not impressed at all.
He was disappointed in his defense team. He was disappointed in the apparent insubordination of those who worked for him. He was disappointed that such an occurrence could even have arisen. Most of all, he was disappointed in his son.
Oh, Koenma would surely be getting it when the whole situation was dealt with and concluded. He would be getting it indeed. The god clenched his fist and, somewhere in the Human World, a volcano erupted. Slowly, the ruler of the Spirit World forced his anger aside and relaxed his hand. It was not the time for anger. It was the time for analyzing and calculating. Somehow, the problem would be resolved.
Enma had been aware of the current situation from the beginning, as all god-like beings tended to be, and watched the proceedings with anger tinged interest. He had not interfered for the sole reason that Junior would have to learn to deal with certain milestones when it came his turn to rule, and there was no time like the present for a little bit of practice. So, he had turned a blind eye (for the current time, anyway) on his son's debauchery in favor of seeing how he would handle things.
The enemy had been (and still was, he supposed) a demon his son had past dealings against. All right, that was fine. Ideally, it would not have been an enemy Koenma could not match, as he had taught his son to choose his battles wisely. Of course, since his son was the junior lord of hell, it seemed that all fights should be in his favor. The Sensui fiasco so long ago had proved that theory wrong. Koenma had lost, even with the mafukan.
Apparently Koenma had yet to learn his lesson and still underestimated his opponents. Pity.
Enma himself would have considered the former spirit detective more of a threat than his demon companion. Then again, he had also wanted that particular vermin wiped from existence for some time now. There was nothing that made him angrier than spirit detectives gone bad; they were so troublesome to deal with. Urameshi, with his inherent lack of humanity, had been the cream of the crop in that category. He had failed to have that rat annihilated, due to the incompetence of the Special Defense Team, but in the end Urameshi had stayed out of the way and out of trouble. Relatively. The fact Urameshi had kept his human characteristics and retained his own personality, despite his demon heritage, was a surprise. Still, Enma did not like to be proved wrong. He would have taken care of Urameshi himself, but the odds were too high that the repercussions of his anger would take a toll on the very world he was supposed to protect.
Either way, Enma had not interfered with Sensui. He had left it up to Koenma and look what had happened; a renegade demon spirit had managed to back the soft junior lord of hell into a corner and negotiations had been made. Negotiations were never made, under any circumstances, with those who would dare to threaten the Spirit World. Possible threats were to be eliminated and destroyed at all costs. He shuddered at the potential consequences; every unhappy soul with a grudge and some spiritual energy to spare would barge in, waving their threats and demands. That was not something he wanted to deal with.
He wondered how the demon had even managed to summon the shadow in the first place. Such things were supposed to be extremely hard for the dead to do in the Spirit World, due to barriers against potential threats. He supposed the human phrase `love is a powerful force' could be applied, though that made the situation seem less grave and more like some romantic tale of triumph after death. No, that was not the case. This tale would have no happy ending. Direct opposition to the Spirit World would be destroyed at all costs. If his son ceased to take care of it, he would step in. He would send the demon to Hell himself.
There was one thing he would do to insure an end to the problem. Enma looked to the ogre cowering before his throne, whom he had ordered brought to him earlier during the crisis.
“I want it arranged for a separation between the demon and it's shadow creature before it is sent to hell. I will not tolerate this happening again on any plane of existence. Understood?”
“Yes, Lord Enma,” the bowed form stuttered out between his shaking teeth.
Underlings, Enma thought with distaste.
“Go then, before my son carries out his plan.”
The blue ogre scuttled backwards, still bowed, and continued on out through the large chamber doors.
Enma laced his fingers together and contemplated on his previously broken train of thought. He would have to do something about the Special Defense Team as well, that much was for certain. They were getting sloppy. Even so, he would worry about that later. The immediate problem was Sensui. He knew that Koenma had gone and let both him and Urameshi off any proverbial hook they may have been impaled on. The question was, would Junior be fool enough to try such a stunt again? From under Enma's very nose, no less.
He had yet to decide whether or not he would allow it. Did he dare chance the possibility of the past repeating itself? He frowned. Why was Koenma so adamant on getting Sensui off, anyway? Could it be that his son… Enma shook his head. He did not even want to think about that scenario. That would be good for no one. Caring for mortals, mentally unstable mortals at that, would only lead to a world full of trouble.
Enma paused, drumming his fingers lightly against each other. Slowly, he disengaged his hands and used his right index finger to adjust his glasses. He would watch and he would wait.
It was what he was good at, after all.
For the time being Sensui's and, to some respect, the demon's fates were in Koenma's hands. He only hoped that they were capable.
* * *
Itsuki followed Koenma out into the corridor, where Shinobu was leaning against the wall. The slight fidgeting of his fingers and the tensed shoulders told Itsuki that the other man was anxious. Or worried, an inner voice added. He put that thought aside. It was probably just wishful thinking.
Upon their exit, Shinobu drew away from the wall with startling quickness. He looked to Itsuki, then questioningly at Koenma. No words were spoken but the message was conveyed.
“It's time the situation was brought to a close. Unless there's anything else you need to discuss,” Koenma told Shinobu, his back to the demon.
There was a tightening in his chest and he turned his concentration inward, ignoring the debate happening between the former detective and his former employer. This was it. He was going to Hell and he would never see Shinobu again. The tightening intensified and his heart ached. How he would miss him...
His head jerked up to find two pairs of eyes staring at him, one concerned and one barely masking irritation.
The clock was counting down on his time left while there were still things he wanted to say. Things that he didn't think could be verbally expressed. He could try. He could take the time he needed, draw things out, and tell Shinobu everything. Yet if he drew it out, it would be even more painful to part.
It would be easier for both of them if they didn't have to dwell on the decisions he had already made.
Shinobu took a step towards him but he interrupted.
“No. I do not believe there is anything left to say.”
“Very well.” Koenma looked once between him and Shinobu before turning away.
Itsuki glanced at Shinobu and was crestfallen when the man followed suit, jaw tensing. The demon's arms crossed, hands clutching his pale biceps, and rested against his chest. It was for the best. Somewhat comforted, Itsuki followed Koenma when the prince began to walk.
* * *
Everything was coming to a close.
The past could be laid to rest and with it his old friend could attain peace. His conscience would be clean with the newly remedied situation and all the loose ends would be neatly tied together.
If that was the case, why did he feel so unsatisfied?
Koenma frowned. It wasn't the ideal finish he had imagined. It was merely an end, and a bittersweet one at that. Everyone was getting what they wanted, or what they claimed they wanted, but it was at a high price.
Again, he found himself wondering how it had ever come down to this.
Sensui walked to his right, jaw clenched and body taut. That was unfortunate. The former detective had been through enough already but this was one matter in which Koenma could not show any lenience. Itsuki's sentence could not, no, would not, be wavered. No, someone had to take the blame and Itsuki had willingly agreed. That and the fact that the demon had knowingly put all inhabitants of the building at risk with his little shadow pet stunt. What the demon got, he now deserved.
Itsuki was quietly walking behind them. As far as he could tell, the demon was not afraid. That angered him more than anything else did at the moment. Any normal person would be terrified, and rightfully so. Hell was no joke, especially when the sentence was directly chosen by an authority figure of the Spirit World. Koenma had been deadly serious when he had said that Itsuki would regret his decision.
Koenma turned down a side hall and led the way outside, towards the path that would bare the way to the Gates of Hell. He took a deep breath of air.
It was bitter.
“Don't do this,” Sensui hissed, leaning in towards him.
“I have no choice,” Koenma replied.
“There's always a choice,” Sensui whispered, his voice taking on a tone of urgency.
“Itsuki has made his decision,” Koenma protested. “And you have made yours.”
Sensui looked about to say more, but a pale hand on his upper armed quelled any words he was going to speak. At some point during their whispered conversation, Itsuki had caught up with them. Koenma did not doubt the demon had heard every word. Really though, there was nothing left for him to do. If he dared to summon the Uraotoko again, Koenma decided he would put seven hundred and thirty two years worth of pent up spiritual energy forward in retaliation.
“He is right, Shinobu,” Itsuki said quietly. The pale thumb gently caressed the tattered sweater over the tan biceps before the demon removed the offending hand. Despite how angry he was with the demon, Koenma felt a pang of pity. Itsuki was obviously kidding himself; any chance he had of getting Sensui to return his love (or his misconception of love, anyway) was over. The man never had loved the demon and never would.
Sensui's jaw moved slightly, working the lower half of his face into an expression that was not quite full-blown anger. The blue eyes narrowed and looked everywhere but at Itsuki and Koenma.
Silence settled over them, broken only by the three sets of footfalls on the pale colored dirt.
* * *
Just up ahead loomed the double golden doors. The seemed innocent enough, but looks could be deceiving. Itsuki tried not to think too much about it.
A slight tingling sensation in the back of his mind made him stop abruptly. His arms, which had lowered and were wrapped protectively around his waist, tightened as the feeling intensified. It was not exactly painful, but it was disturbing. He shut his eye, bowing his head, waiting for the feeling to pass.
There was an impression of something being tugged, then an overwhelming feeling of loss. Itsuki's eyebrows drew together in confusion as the discomfort faded. The feeling that there was something missing remained. Hesitantly, he reached out with his mind.
The Uraotoko was no longer present.
His eye flew open. “What did you just do?”
Koenma turned, looking irritated. “What are you talking about?”
“Just now, what did you do with the Uraotoko? Its presence has disappeared.”
For an instant, Koenma looked just as confused as Itsuki felt. Then, in the span of a few short seconds, all the color drained from his face. Sheet white, he cleared his throat.
“The most likely reason is it has been separated from you as a suitable judgment will have to be passed on it separately.” It sounded logical enough, but why had the junior lord of hell looked so spooked at the prospect?
“So you have not harmed it?” Itsuki questioned, staring intently at the prince. Koenma shook his head in the negative. The demon was not sure whether or not to believe him, but he was left with little choice. He admitted to himself that he was slightly relieved; if the shadow demon had been dragged with him to Hell, there was no telling what tortures it would undergo. At least this way, it was safe. Or as safe as one could be in such a situation.
Itsuki turned his attention away from Koenma, who was trying to compose himself, to Shinobu. The man stood a few feet to the side of him, looking at the doors. Just looking at him warmed Itsuki's heart. It would be all right. To save such a wonderful creature was worth everything that awaited him in the depths of Hell.
“If you have no more objections,” Koenma began, “I think it's about time we ended this once and for all. Prolonging things will make it harder.”
For once, Itsuki agreed with him.
Shinobu was clenching his injured hand, causing a few drops of blood to trickle through his fingers and onto the dirt. The former detective refused to look the demon's way.
“Alright,” Itsuki said simply. He turned and glided across the short distance that separated him and Shinobu, once again taking his injured hand. He rubbed it once with both his thumbs gently then raised his head. Shinobu turned, rather reluctantly, and stared down at him.
This would be his last chance.
Slowly, so as to give Shinobu time to withdraw if he so chose, Itsuki raised his arms and wrapped them around the taller man's neck. As he drew Shinobu down, he rose to meet him. Their lips touched.
Years of want, need, and love were poured into the simple action. Never again would he have the chance or opportunity to tell Shinobu what he meant to him. And so, Itsuki tried to convey his message in one single kiss. Shinobu did not draw back… but he did not respond either.
Eye half lidded, Itsuki released the smooth lips he had captured. He relinquished his hold on the tanned neck before him and unwrapped his arms, drawing back. Shinobu was staring at him, no expression on his face. There was no disgust, there was no hatred, there was no love, and there was no excitement. There was nothing. Try as he might, Itsuki could not quell the sudden hurt that blossomed somewhere deep inside him.
There was nothing left for him to stay for.
Taking in Shinobu one last time, he turned and walked towards the doors that were slowly creaking open. He caught the look of frustration on Koenma's face, but spared him only a short glance. The prince was no longer a part of his thoughts.
Not slowing, not turning back, not hesitating, Itsuki walked through the Gates of Hell.
* * *
Sensui was stunned. There was no better word to describe it. His brain was working in slow motion, processing every action with a strange sort of detachment.
Itsuki was sacrificing everything for him. Him, a lowly being tainted by the impurities of mankind. And for what? So he could spend a few hundred years floating in the middle of nowhere and then gain a second chance at life? Was that really worth the soul of the one who had stood by him all along? Up until a short time ago, he would have said yes. It shamed him, but his goals were all consuming.
Anger had encompassed him. He was angry with himself for bringing on the whole situation. He was angry with Koenma for not giving Itsuki a second chance. He was angry at the demon for doing such an unthinkably reckless act for him. Most of all, he was angry at his own helplessness to do anything.
The kiss had succeeded in blowing away his anger, but he had been too surprised to respond. The demon had never been so bold with him before, and he had been at a loss as to what to do. The brief flash of hurt that had shown upon the pale face, as he failed to react, had caused his heart to clench. Why couldn't he have, even for just this once, given his companion what he wanted? What he needed?
Sensui whirled, catching sight of the white retreating back. The green hair was being blown backwards by the wind tunnel the opened doors created. He would not have enough time.
All his planning, all his scheming, all his careful deliberation. All his neglect, all his preoccupation, all his dark obsession, all his hatred. This. It had all come down to this.
It suddenly hit Sensui, and it hit him hard. The full-blown realization caused him to actually take a step backwards. He would never see Itsuki again. This was his last chance to say what he wanted to, what he needed to. He opened his mouth but the words would not come out. The doors were beginning to shut.
“No…” he whispered. His fists clenched at his side, sending fresh rivulets of blood leaking out between the tightly pressed fingers. He started forward but Koenma grabbed his arm, holding him back. He twisted, trying to free himself, and made to lunge forward. The demi-god's grip held. He would not make it.
“No…” His pleas rose in volume. “NO!”
Sensui Shinobu let out one last anguished cry. Not a word, but a name.
* * *
The doors closed with a bang, but Shinobu's voice carried through. Itsuki's eye drifted shut and a small smile touched his lips.
Somehow, the words filled him with hope.