Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Flames ❯ And Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
No lyrics for this chapter kids.
Authors note at the end of this chapter.
And so here it is, the final chapter.

"Those clothes are awfully big on you. You don't look like someone Shuichi use to work with. Well at least not someone from here." She said with a light frown.

Hiei stared at the woman, what had she meant by here? Did Kurama tell her about his origin? Maybe he had worked with some people from out of town. He thought about a moment before responding.

"Well, it's been quite a few years since we worked together. It's been almost two since I've seen him." Hiei said softly.

She laughed lightly, "So, you aren’t from here. Are you the fire demon that he spoke of? He never gave me a name, you know."

Hiei froze up for a brief moment, "Yeah... I'm a fire demon. I... um..."

She laughed again, "It's alright. I understand, it's not everyday that you learn a human knows all about you." She paused for a moment, "You know, he gets a sad look in his eyes every time he speaks of you."

So the two spoke of things that Kurama and Hiei had been involved in together, though he only spoke of missions that they were on.

"You know, he got into a lot of trouble leaving that window open for you." Shiori said still wearing a smile.

Hiei had gained a new respect talking with the elderly woman. Even though she was dieing she still wore a smile. She continued to be strong and didn't give up. He couldn't help but wonder if all humans were the same. Were they all really that strong?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to cause trouble." He said softly looking away from the woman.

It was then he felt a soft hand touch his face and turned his head back towards the woman to find she had in fact reached over to touch him.

"It was no trouble, so long as Shuichi was happy." She said softly. "And he was then..."

She was going to say more but a light knock on the door made them turn to find out who was there. Slowly the door opened, a wisp of silver and red hair was all that could be made out as the visitor had quickly turned to close the door behind them.

"Sorry I'm late mother, I got caught up at work and..." It was then that green eyes met red.

It was then that Hiei realized Kurama had changed in the two years he had been gone. The once bright green eyed, striking red haired, average built boy he'd left behind had become a two toned, dark eyed, muscular man. He had begun to merge with the demon inside him.

"What are you doing here?" Kurama asked harshly.

However, before Hiei had a chance to respond Shiori spoke, "Shuichi, is that any way to talk to your friend? I thought I raised you better then that." She then added, "And don't try to play it off as being Yoko's fault. I won't have it."

Kurama looked at his mother in surprise. He wondered how she could defend him? He knew he had told him about how the demon had left him behind. And how could he, after everything, think he had the right to return?

"Kurama..." Hiei said softly, "I know that..."

He didn't know if he could do it. Sure everything he wanted to say was how he felt, but was it possible for him to say it all. All his life he knew emotions were a weakness, but he had shared so many other things with him.

"Go on, tell him." She said lightly placing her hand on his arm. "He'll listen, I promise."

Hiei looked over at the woman. He couldn't have her being more courageous then he was. So he nodded to the woman and returned his attention to the man by the door.

"I know that I said we would go together, and when I left I told you I would wait for you to join me. I couldn't do that though. I couldn't wait any longer. I came back... I came back to see you, Kurama." He said with a blush threatened to cover his face.

"Don't lie to me. You came back for the Kitsune. Not for me. You said it when you left and you've said it many times before. We even agreed that once in the Youkai I would become Yoko once again. You care nothing for me. You just want Yoko's power."

Hiei was taken back, how could he say and think such things. He then felt the hand on his arm move. It was a gentle motion, seeming to encourage him to speak.

"That... that's not true." He had to force himself a bit, he really wasn't sure how to share his thoughts. "Why would I want Yoko? Your the only one I've ever know Kurama. I've never known Yoko. We decided for you to become Yoko so that you could harness your full potential, so you'd be safe."

Neither spoke for a moment, but then Hiei decided it was now or never. He had to tell him now or he'd never have another chance.

"I wanted you to become Yoko so I wouldn't have to worry and so I wouldn't have to wound your pride. I didn't want there to be a day where I would have to save you. I didn't want you to one day hate me... I didn't want you to be hurt in anyway, ever."

Kurama looked at the dark haired man, wondering if it all could be true. Then again, never once had Hiei lied. He doubted the demon knew how. Well unless it came to the severity of his injuries, but then he just didn't want anyone to worry.

"Shuichi, you told me how happy you were when he was around. You said he was your best friend. How could you want to give that all away? He came back for you, he's been through hell to get here." Shiori spoke softly, "That should count for something, shouldn't it?"

Kurama sharply looked away, "I don't! I don't want to give it all away! I want to believe that he means everything, but when he left he took that away too! How can I trust someone who so easily betrayed me?" His words were sharp, yet full of sadness.

Hiei looked into his lap. He couldn't expect him to forgive him so simply. He'd broken so many promises that they had made. In reality he had even begun to wonder if Kurama would have joined him in the Youkai, if he'd even choose to return to the Youkai.

"He came back." She spoke with a gentle, sweet tone, "Hiei came back to you. He realized his mistake and now he's trying to fix that. You need to give him a chance."

The two boys looked at the woman lying in the bed. No matter how strange anyone else would have thought that the conversation would be it seemed she was one human who had no problem working her way into the hearts of demons.

"Mother... Mother, how can you defend him like that? How can you defend the man that hurt me so much?!" Kurama whined, it was obvious his human side was pushing through.

"Dear, it's not polite to shout in a hospital." She said softly before taking a breath, "How many times did I forgive you when you were young and made a mistake? Everytime, everytime I would except your mistake and your apology. Each time no matter what the case, no matter how bad it was, no matter how hurt I was. I thought I taught you that lesson already."

Hiei couldn't help but stare at the woman. Her strength was incredible, it may not be physical like his but her emotional and mental strength was beyond even his own. He was a bit surprised that a human could be that strong.

"I'm sorry, mother." He said looking at the floor, "Your right. I was nothing but trouble for you when my body was young. I did so many things... so much turmoil. It would be wrong if I let your kindness end with me. I need to continue with the ways you taught me. How can I just turn around and trust what he says?"

"Because deep in your heart you know that you can. Deep inside you know the truth." She said softly.

"I'll earn it back." Hiei said softly, "In any way I can. I'll earn your trust again. And you'll always have mine. Never again will I act for myself, everything will be for us. You'll see."

== Owari ==

And thus ends the adventure. It's up to you to decided how well it all worked out.
I know that both Kurama and Hiei were a bit out of character, especially at the end there, but this story was a bit out of place for them. Also since it doesn't really have a place within the storyline I was just kind of working off what I know about the two characters.

This was a request I had received many years back and somehow it just got tossed aside and forgotten. However I recently went through old files and folders and happened upon it. Against my better judgment I went ahead and began to read what I had. It was all worthless. So I deleted it. However the idea of the story continued to roam in my mind. It just wouldn't go away, so I wrote the story.

I know most Song-fics usually follow the lyrics a bit more closely then I did. With a song like this though, it seemed better to just take the general idea of the song and then work with the emotions that I felt were included with the song.

Lastly, I won't write a sequel to this story because for me this is where it ends. This is all I know. I know that won't make sense for a lot of you out there but that's the only way I can think of phrasing it.
And so ends this story and the author's after thoughts. Thank you for sharing in my world of fantasy. Until the next time.