Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Fox Song ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 12 )
Fox Song:
Later that day, as the sun was just beginning to sink down behind the horizon, two kitsune sat with hands entwined watching as the sky turned gold. With a loving kiss, the taller of the two scooped the smaller into his lap and held her close, resting his chin on top of her head.
"But . . . how?" Kurama wondered, his breath stirring the golden strands of Haven's hair slightly. "I thought you were dead. When I saw your body-" He choked.
"Yes, Kurama, I was dead," his mate continued in during the space. "You were not wrong about that. But I was allowed a second chance, I was allowed to come back. The weight of goodness on my soul far outweighed the evil and King Enma himself reviewed my case and gave me permission to return."
With a soft gasp, Kurama squeezed her tightly for a moment before relaxing his grip. "I guess that sacrifice of yours did it." He grinned.
With that tinkling laughter that Kurama loved so much, Haven turned and planted a firm kiss on his already kiss-swollen lips. "Well, what else could I do? In the end it all worked out so let's just forget about it and enjoy this gorgeous sunset!" She turned back around and gazed at the purple clouds and pink streaked sky.
Kurama sighed, his breath tickling one of the golden fox ears perched upon the top of her head. "I love you," he stated simply, dipping his head and nibbling on her neck.
"Mmm," she murmured in response, enjoying his attention. "I love you too Kurama."
And as the last traces of color disappeared from the sky, the two kitsune proclaimed their love for each other in ways that words could never even hope to match.
Author's Note: Well folks, this is it: The last installment of the trilogy. Thanks so much to those of you who read everything and reviewed it! I've appreciated it very much. I hope everyone enjoyed it. ^.^ (Oh and by the way . . . I've started the sequel trilogy!!! It starts out with Kit Love, so reads and reviews would be very much appreciated! Thanks again!)