Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Friendship of an Angel ❯ Another Chapter ( Chapter 1 )
Friendship of an Angel
Azumi Angel
Wow I guess this isn't a one shot anymore.
I am finally used to using ____! So now your name will be urm ____!
Chapter 2: After ____
You sighed as you watched through the rock pool. You saw your friends act like nothing happened but you knew because you can feel their pain for you leaving them because you feel the pain as you left them. Your father went over to you. "What is it ___?" he asked gently. You just kept looking into the rock pool. "I see you are still wishing to go back to earth. But why dear? Is there something there that you cannot have here?" he asked. "Friends are what I don't have here." You answer. "But you can be friends with the other angels here. Why don't you be friends with them, instead of those- those demons there." Your eyes widened. "They might be demons but they're my true friends! I can't just leave them for other friends!" you shout and he closed his eyes. "Maybe we just shouldn't have let you go there." He then glided away. Your mother who was watching that came over. "Honey what's wrong?" she asked. "I don't know what to do! Father tells me I must stay here but I wish to go back!" you exclaim tears threatening to fall. "Honey, you don't know what to choose?" she asked. You shook your head. "Well this is what my mother taught me which I will tell you. My mother told me at times you are just confused and don't know which path to take you close your eyes and open your ears to nature. Listen and do not concentrate for it will just come to you." You did so and soothing whispers come to you and then one that you heard very clearly like it was said right next to you held your answer, "Return to the one you love, your friends await your arrival." It said and you looked to your mother. "Don't worry I won't tell your father." You smiled and hugged her. "Thank you so much!" and with that you jump down the feathery bridge to earth. "She's gone now, you can come out Daimon." Said your mother as you were out of hearing. "So the plan worked?" said your father. "It seems so and to see her happy makes me happy." Your father agreed.
Yusuke and Laine sighed. "Man! It's just not as happy without ___ around I mean look at us! We're as grey as the clouds on a rainy day!" exclaimed Kuwabaka. "You know for once he's actually right." Yusuke his chin resting on his palm. "…….." Laine stayed quiet. "Ya know it seems that Laine is always out of it now like she doesn't seem to be here anymore." Said Kurama. "Hn. It's because of the leaving of _____" Hiei obliviously said. The Reikai Tantei, and the three girls (Keiko, Botan, and Yukina) looked over at their quiet friend. Her raven hair had lost it's color and turned silvery white, her blue eyes lost shine and turned dull grey. Her tanned skin turned as white as paper. All in all she was a wreck. "That must happen when you lose something like a family member." Whispered Keiko. Laine got up and went to her room. "What do you mean the loss of a family member?" you asked as you desended from the sky. They took a blank look at you not noticing. "Oh nothing ____... Wait a sec _______?!" they all shout. "Yup it's me back from heaven and trust me earth is a much pretty nice place than up there!" (not sure bout that though) you say pointing up as everyone jumps up to hug you. "Whoa! Hold up! First I wanna see Laine-san! How is she?" you ask not knowing about what has happened. "Oh yea Laine uh we'll go get her." They went into Laine's room and she was her cheerful self again. Her raven hair came back and her blue eyes sparkled. "What is it guys?" she asked. "Maybe she heard us shout?" Keiko whispered to Yukina. She nods. "C'mon ____'s here!" they then drag her out of the room. "Huh? ____?" she asks on the way. "Hi Laine! Long time no see!" she stares blankly at your face as if to remember or to see if it's really you. "Um excuse me miss?" your face faulted. "Why did you call me-" you got cut off. "How do you know me? Do I know you from somewhere?" she asked. "Oh no.." Botan's eyes widened. "That's what happened during the time when Laine was in shock her body put pressure on the memories of ____ that they were erased in the process!" Yukina cried. You started shaking Laines shoulders. "Why don't you remember me?!" you cried. "We were such good friends don't you dare ever forget me now!!" you fell to the floor a few feathers scattered from your wings. "I'm so sorry miss but I don't know what you're talking about." She got up and left the house. "This is bad. Really bad."
Wow that's too sad for them Angel
Yea so what?
You're mean
I know I am
Review if you want us to update.