Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hacker 10904580 ❯ The New Girl ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Babblings: Ahhh, methinks an apology is an order for the excessively long wait. A second apology as well: There is apparently no `Mr. Takanawa' in the series, I do have a bad memory, and who I actually had in mind for the b4$t4rD teacher was Mr. Iwamoto, who is a resident greaseball to the high school, aye? Aye, he is. But I shall keep Takanawa, as a new hated teacher, and then I also recollect now that Mr. Akashi specifically forced Kuwabaka *cough* …my apologies…KUWABARA…to obtain a certain grade on a math (or mayhap was it…geometry?) test, and lo and behold, he passed the test. Do forgive me darlings, I lack a memory and an ability to find extra time to write, if only I had a spare set of arms, sadly they're on back order at IKEA. I shall begin. Yet again my apologies, and sorry if I confuse you…all will be made clear at some point or another. I'd also like to say that since this is more Wind Demoness's fic than mine (only helping, lol…) so I will assume likely very small amounts of control over Amanda. ^^' And I know little about the reader charries too, so meh on that. Windy can do that.
The New Girl
The door swung open to reveal the people beyond. There stood a rather quickly put together young woman. She looked as though she might've been forced to hurry it up with her getting ready to leave, because she looked a tad ruffled. Her hair was long. Blonde, layered, and tipped at the ends with black and cobalt blue, it moved gently with her when she walked. Her wrists where bound up in cuffs, a guard had his gloved hand resting on the chain connecting the shackles themselves. Her face was downcast. They could not see what she really looked like just yet. The only other discernable details presently where the plain green cargo pants and t-shirt she wore, the heavy military style boots, a barcode writ upon the pale, bare flesh of the arm above the left elbow, and the light muscle tone that seemed drawn up and tense at the present.
Takanawa greeted the woman and her wary guards with true warmth. He must be glad to see someone who would likely not question him…a freed jailbird who ought to have learned a lesson or two in manners by now. Freed from such a cruel prison, as each hacker would later discover, that Takanawa's assumptions about her disposition should have been highly accurate. The guards were nervous. Like how horses are when a wolf is nearby. A young woman in the desk row closest to the door piped up, nervously, a soft and innocent question. “Please sirs…why is she still chained?” The one guard closet to hear this timid question looked at her through slanted brown eyes, and sighed heavily. That question was one bound to appear of course. Luckily there was a false answer for it. “It's protocol for such a situation. I assure you she has no need for them but procedure is procedure, and I want my paycheck this week.” It was an answer that worked for everyone in the class except Keiko and Kurama. He puzzled at this. The prisoner's head was bowed for one reason or another—there is no need to lower one's eyes in a school as there is no one there important enough to humble yourself before. And he was positive that it was far from protocol. No one else but he and the few others had seen that military van pull in. It was built to keep someone in, not out. Now up pops the one that was being kept into that truck, lo and behold, she is chained. Something about this was raising flags to him. This could be part of something greater...or was the unsung conspiracy theorist within him merely reasoning again?
The guards began unlocking her handcuffs, and soon, she was lifting her hands and rubbing the wrists where dim red circles remained. The cuffs had been too tight for comfort. “This is Ms. Lexa Daiminec. She'll be attending this school for awhile, likely for the rest of her high school career. In case any of you are curious, this school volunteered to take part in a program to reshape the juveniles in jail and give them a second chance.” Takanawa said. “Do your best to make her comfortable. It's not exactly nice to pick on new students…” His eyes narrowed and flickered towards Yusuke. Though Yusuke was not mean spirited, he did tend to have his bullying moments. But Yusuke had no intentions of being mean to her. He had a feeling that if he picked on her, she would pick right back. The guards bade them all have a good day and left as quickly as possible, Takanawa closing the door behind them and turning back to the class.
Ms. Daiminec had already walked forth through the rows and selected a seat at the back, which also happened to be one of the two open seats in the entire room. Both of course…where at the back. There she sat, crossed one leg over the other and rested an arm across her knees, the other elbow propped on the desk where she rested her cheek against her hand. Her hair and shadow no longer obscured their view of her face. She had strange markings around her eyes, the eyes themselves being steel blue and colder in expression than the dead moon of night. Lexa flicked her ankle back and fourth every so often. She seemed not bothered at all by the looks the rest of the class gave her out the corners of their eyes. She was…menacing, in her own special way.
Takanawa passed out a pop quiz for the class that day. He didn't give Lexa one—she obviously would not be expected to test on what she wasn't there for. The students groaned, but they did the tests anyways and Yusuke muttered an unwavering stream of cuss words through the whole thing. Takanawa had them grade each others papers as he went over the answers after it, and then had them pass in the papers a minute before the bell rang. Finally, they where out of math hell for the day and into the free hallways for five minutes to the next class. Kurama wrinkled his nose when the scent of a stink bomb hit his sensitive nose. A Senior Prank, no doubt.
The day progressed on, and the new girl seemed silent and withdrawn for some reason or another. She certainly could not have felt threatened because she was more threatening to everyone else than they could be to her. She ate little at lunch. Keiko sort of felt like going over and making friends with her, but when she told the others of this notion, they shied away from it.
“Keiko, for all I know she could have been a serial murderer!” Yusuke protested, but she puffed up and glared. “Yusuke Urameshi, that girl looks sad and lonely and if she's supposed to be here to become a better person, she'll need some friends to help her through with that!” Kuwabara admitted that she had a point, and Yusuke glared at him too. He didn't like the thought of his girlfriend rubbing elbows with someone that was…worse than him. She got up and headed over to Lexa's table, which was empty aside from her. Kurama chuckled and said, “She looks like a lot of things, but lonely isn't one of them. At least take comfort in knowing that if she can date you for awhile and survive, Yusuke, then she's made of tougher stuff than you give her credit for.” Yusuke put his middle finger up in his friend's face, and then, a new female voice sounded right behind him.
“That isn't very ladylike, Yusuke Urameshi. That's your name, right? I heard Keiko call you that. Or was she referring to someone else?”
It was Lexa, standing there with Keiko, looking taller than they originally realized she was when she arrived that morning. “No...yeah, I'm Yusuke.” He looked peeved. “And…ladylike?”
“You heard correctly.” She sat down in one of the few vacant chairs at their table, Keiko plopping down cheerfully beside her. “Say hi, everyone.” She said a little nastily. Maybe she could make them feel bad about being a little judgmental on Lexa's part. Keiko was good at that sort of thing, but her true forte was found in the growing sport of `Boyfriend Beating'. She usually wound up smacking him upside the melon for some reason or another every day (or every other day).
“No need. They've probably already heard of me by now.” Lexa said dryly. “I'm the talk of the school and everyone is scared of me. Strange, I haven't even done anything yet. Ah. The power of prison.” There was an uncomfortable silence. “I wonder, have you heard of my sister? Her first name is Sakura.” She said. Kurama thought for a moment. He thought he might know. But instead of that…
“I wonder if you'd mind telling us why you are really here.”
Lexa glanced up from the bagel, jelly, and strawberry-kiwi Snapple that was her lunch. “Are you one of the Spirit Detectives?” This made them jump in their seats. Yusuke leaned close and narrowed his eyes. “How the hell do you know about—“
“It's not hard, Detective Urameshi. I'm a professional myself.” She turned her cold eyes towards him. “Do I look all that much like an enemy, Urameshi? If I were, I would have slaughtered you and everyone else in the school by now…” She trailed off and looked up towards one of the cafeteria entrances when a young woman entered and watched her with those frosty eyes.
A friend of hers. Lexa knew more than they realized. Far more. Perhaps too much. Yet she knew how to keep her mouth shut. The girl she eyed seemed to notice her and stared back, though with some measure of shock in her eyes. Amanda knew that…Lexa had been in a compound of some type, but…
…how was it that she was here now?
Across from the cafeteria was another young woman, Sakura, who watched her sister amusedly. She knew that the cogs where working in Lexa's mind, knew who she just saw, an old friend they had just not too long ago spoken to online. Lexa smiled. “I'll speak to you screwups later. Got a bone to pick with someone.” She rose and walked over towards Amanda…
…Amanda nodded towards Sakura's table and Lexa followed her there. Lex had taken her bagel and drink with her, and settled down to finish nibbling at it. “It's been awhile, eh?” She said, elbowing Amanda. “How come you're here?!” Amanda hissed, more worried than anything. To that Sakura shrugged. “I told you she was due for release soon. You know what that means…”
“Sadly.” Amanda answered stonily.
“I'm amazed they ever let me use the computers at the compound. At any rate, it's why I'm never online anymore.” Lex added more jelly to her bagel with a white plastic knife, then licked the blade when she was finished with it. “You know, I should save this thing. Might come in useful later on.” Amanda rolled her eyes but laughed. “You can't hurt someone with a fake knife! And they won't let you out of the cafeteria with it anyways. So why not just throw it away?”
“Ahhh, methinks thou hast not refined the fine art of concealment, me dear.” Lexa said, seeming a little cocky about this. “I killed someone with a tin soup bowl in jail once. They ran out of plastic bowls and cups and plates that year.” Sakura squinted in the direction of the clock, which was far across the vast cafeteria room, and said, “We still have ten minutes to lunch. We never had twenty-five minute lunch periods when we where in school, right Lex?”
“Yeah, I remember sadly. The teachers also weren't particularly fond of me.” She sipped her Snapple. “So back on the boyfriend topic from the other day, I haven't seen mine in solid five years. “ Amanda was not about to let them change the subject so quickly though. She had some questions, and they definitely had the answers, so, she had to get them to divulge what she wanted to know. A lot of these things they kept secret where, as they had told her, `So vital to the survival of Fate's Spawn that they couldn't tell her'. “Not so fast, you have to answer a few things. Why are you two here if you're older than most high school age kids, and what are you after, and what…” She trailed off, looking at them, both young women where exchanging mischievous glances.
“If I told ya, Lex would have to kill ya.” Sakura said, laughing a bit, and then resumed rummaging through her denim handbag for that tube of lip gloss she could never find. Lexa took up that end of the conversation though. “Look, Amanda. we have no quarrel with you. So don't make us your enemies. You know that neither you nor your hacker buddies would last very long at all if someone got sent after you. There's very little that we have clearance to let you know, and if I don't take you down when you know too much.”
“So…” Amanda began. “HE'S in league with my enemy, isn't he.” Lexa and Sakura looked grim. “Don't talk of what you don't know, Amanda, because as far as you're concerned, hacking only appears to be an amusement for you.” Sakura said, and she was serious too. Amanda felt extremely insulted. “It isn't a game.” She growled, fists clenching under the table. This was hardly a place for such conversation, but the nearest people where a group of cheerleaders who where talking about a sale at a shoe outlet. They weren't any threat.
“Yes, it is.” Lexa said. Her aura had grown menacing again. “Don't…DO NOT…make us your enemy, Amanda. You're trying to reform something you don't understand. Trying to make a new era, indeed! The repercussions would be massive! Tell Red Destiny to hold his horses. If you let him have his way, things will start happening that I guarantee you never accounted for. And besides.” Lexa laughed bitterly. “You don't know what we're capable of. We'll stop you if you get too far into our business, even if you aren't trying anyting Amanda, because you see, you're being watched. Privacy ended in the Dark Ages. We're probably being listened to right now. Here's the deal. When school ends, you're going to meet a pair of legends. Invite your friends if you like. Meet us online. We have a secure chat channel. Red might want to be there too.”
Two minutes later the bell rang, and students flowed to their classes. What felt like two seconds later, school was over for the day. Those hours where spent in an unhappy haze for Amanda. She had to get in contact with a few people. After school. Online. After school. Wait! Her computer…she'd have to use her laptop, seeing as her desktop computer was dead. Her head thudded, like thunderous drums where being pounded by a hammer…again…again…again.
After school. At home. Computer.
She found herself at the computer very fast, book bag forgotten near the bedroom door. She began setting up her laptop, fingers working with the wires feverishly, hooking it up, and thinking all the while. Things would fall into place soon she hoped. Amanda knew for a fact that things wouldn't fall nicely into place right in her lap, like she sometimes already wished things would. The meeting at lunch was just one of many things on her mind, although, the chat room she was about to enter also took precedence as perhaps one of the most ominous events of the day. So far, she was just worried. The computer was booting up. She watched it mindlessly, not much really going through her mind at this point. She had to stay clear-headed and calm. Just needed to be her happier self.
Once she signed on, there was an invite to a chat after about seven minutes. She counted every one of them. Fate's Spawn entered the chat room, driven by an irresistible impulse that leapt through her; she felt jittery for some reason. There had to be some real need for this. Who was she meeting? But then she realized she had been drifting off again into her mind, and saw that the other chat room occupants had been chattering about pretty much nothing. There was two names she knew of, two she didn't.
Malice Black: Al salaam a'alaykum. O.o
Hel: English please, hun. You'd be the only one in this room who sporks Arabic! >.<
Malice Black: Meh.
Athena: Ohio! ^_^
Orangey Ramen Noodles: Konichiwaaaaaaa! I <3 Athena 4E. :P
Malice Black: Goodbye-oh. Now who the crap am I supposed to meet?
Athena: She should be in here; I know she accepted the invitation.
Malice Black: I'm starting to wonder if I should get a less troublesome girlfriend. o_o
Hel: Maybe you should be a supportive boyfriend and get into trouble wiiiith me, bwahahaa
Malice Black: Maybe.
Hel: Obviously.
Athena: Here we go…
Malice Black: Maybe.
Hel: Definitly!
Orangey Ramen Noodles: Lmao
Malice Black: Maybeeee….
Hel: Screw you, you aren't gettin' any for a year.
Malice Black: Nu! ;.;
Athena: I'm still trying to figure out why you have such a weird screename!
Orangey Ramen Noodles: I like the color orange and I loooooove ramen, what's to figure out? n.n
Malice Black: But it sounds like one of your gross experimental recipes. ._.'
Orangey Ramen Noodles: Eheheh… ^^;
Athena: What?! You let him in the kitchen?!
Hel: O.O! Dood. That's scary.
Malice Black: Ah, memories.
Athena: Living green goo! Did he remake the green goo?
Malice Black: No, it was purple this time.
Hel: -_-` You've got to be joking, not this again.
Athena: PURPLE GOO! AHHH! *spazz*
Orangey Ramen Noodles: Sorry? And I could swear it moved. o.O
Hel: It's not like it's alive or anything. It's only frosting made with bad shortening.
Athena: But I swear it moved!
Hel: It didn't! Man, is everyone in here a wuss?!
Malice Black: Calling me a wuss, woman? I'll show you wuss.
Hel: Um, thanks, but I'd rather not. What're you wearing?
Orangey Ramen Noodles: xD I remember that convo.
Malice Black: I'm wearing the `lets play carpenter: first we get hammered, then I nail you' shirt, why?
Hel: :3 Well if you insist we shall
Amanda had to laugh. They where amusing to say the least. They seemed to have forgotten she was invited. She hadn't typed yet, so, she didn't appear on the list of names yet. Athena had said that would happen and that it wasn't a glitch before she sent the invitation. Sigh, she must intervene though.
Fate's Spawn: Hello! I'm here.
Athena: OMG *glomp*
Hel: o.o' Didn't bring any fwends?
Fate's Spawn: No. Maybe later though. None are online yet. ^_^ So who's Noodles and Black?
Hel: One of those is my property. <3
Malice Black: ¬¬' *twitch*
Fate's Spawn: lol! Hi Hel's property. ^__^
Malice Black: Me r smurt.
Orangey Ramen Noodles: fhklsahfwlkahgwg
Athena: ^That's my boyfriend.
Orangey Ramen Noodles: =) Hullo Fate.
Hel: *pokes the grumpmeister*
Athena: Okay guys, this is the infamous hacker Fate's Spawn.
Malice Black: Really? I didn't notice. *poked*
Athena: Beeee niiiiice!
Hel: ¬¬ Dun push it buddy, you're already not allowed to touch me for a year.
Orangey Ramen Noodles: OOOO I'm telling! *psst* He's muttering evul things.
Hel: Say no more. :D I'll upgrade it to two years!
Fate's Spawn: LoL come on guys, what are we here for?
Athena: You've heard of Narathu, right?
Hel: And Osiris too, as well as Hel and Athena? :P
Fate's Spawn: Well, I know about all four, you two most of all, so what's the point.
Hel: These two are them. You can likely guess who is which.
Fate's Spawn: Are you kidding?! How'd you get a hold of them?!
Hel: Har har har I guess she wasn't watching our convo after all
Athena: They're our boyfriends! *giggle*
Hel: …o.o *giggles?*
Fate's Spawn: Wow it's a pleasure to meet you two you're like legends lol
Malice Black: Like, I feel worshipped.
Orangey Ramen Noodles: Like, Me too. O.o
Athena: As you should, ^.^
This had turned into something very unexpected already. Amanda had thought she was going to be introduced to some business associates from whatever cause her two friends where adhered to. This might become a very fruitful online meeting indeed!
Fate's Spawn: So why did you want me to meet them?
Malice Black: To blah-blah-blah about an organization called the Miserati. You can look them up all you want and won't find anything on who we're talking about. That's because they're existence depends on secrecy.
Orangey Ramen Noodles: You see, we've been tracking them especially.
Hel: They're why I was jailed for 5 years. The incident should have made global news, but they cleaned it up within an hour of it all happening.
Athena: The world is worse than you could have imagined, FS. We've recently discovered them. It was totally by accident too. But the bottom line is that you need to be alooot more subtle about your plan. They've got their eyes on you and they're
Athena: waiting to make a move. *hates word limits*
Malice Black: I wonder if Red Destiny knows he's being watched.
Fate's Spawn: What? I never mentioned him to any of you, that's part of what creeps me out.
Orangey Ramen Noodles: No one is truly hacker proof. =)
Fate's Spawn: But I've never written anything down about it!
Malice Black: But you have. In your diary, hidden under your mattress.
Amanda didn't type anything for a very long minute. What? How could he know anything? How could any of them know anything? She always made sure she was alone when she was writing in her diary. She had to confide in something, since there was no one she could talk to about everything. Her breathing had picked up a few notches. She looked around the room, and after awhile (really just twelve seconds) she typed another line.
Fate's Spawn: Where are you right now
Malice Black: Why don't you try to hack me and figure it out? *snicker*
Athena: Don't, he has an anti hacking program.
Orangey Ramen Noodles: o.o;;;; *sitting and watching while munching ramen*
Malice Black: A truly accomplished hacker can get past it. You just need to be able to type really really fast.
Fate's Spawn: Have you guys been watching me?
Malice Black: The shadows hide things that you are unguarded against, Amanda.
Fate's Spawn: Why though?
Malice Black: Why have I been watching you? [sarcasm]Don't worry, I only made the mistake of seeing you hop in the shower once.[/sarcasm] Look. I had to know if you where hooked up with the baddies in any way so that was the only option.
Fate's Spawn: Are you some sort of twisted demon?!
Hel: Uhm, that's one way to put it xD
Malice Black: I can be a demon if I want to. Here's a hint. You don't want to see me. I'm bad luck. What am I?
Fate's Spawn: Uhm, gtg. Mom got home and needs the phone, bye!
Fate's Spawn is Offline.
Hel: I think you scared her, hun.
Malice Black: I know I scared her.
Athena: Definitly, since she has constant internet.
Malice Black: Oh well.
Orangey Ramen Noodles: I'm going afk so I don't spill ramen all over my keyboard. I just bought this thing. Seeya guys later! n__n
Orangey Ramen Noodles is Away.
Malice Black: Lex, I'm coming over your place whether you like it or not. :D
Hel: xD Lmfao, that's fine. No one's here and I need some company. If you come bearing dinner I'll pay you back later.
Malice Black: Fine then, I'll get some Cheap Chinese.
Hel: xDD You stole that phrase…
Malice Black: Well it doesn't cost a lot of money. See you then.
Malice Black is Offline.
Athena: You're going too, sis?
Hel: Yep. TTYL
Athena: TTYL!
Hel is Offline.
Athena is Away.