Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Half empty Half full ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
Hi. I hope the last chapter wasn't too confusing. Hiei is mentioned in this chapter, but doesn't have much of a part until chapter three. Ok, and by the way I am still having a problem finding a name for Kuronue. Also I am writing the next chapter of the other story, and it will be posted sooner or later. Sorry about the inconvience.
Hiei: I am not, let them wait, I love to see their anger at you.
Crimson: Hiei, don't be mean, besides if I get any flames I will redirect them to burn Kuwabara's hair. Now that would be entertainment. Ok now on with the story, and as a warning, there is some foul language inside Noel's thoughts.
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Noel's POV
I noticed that my brother's eyes were on me, but I continued to pack his things slowly. I really wasn't in any hurry. I didn't want him to leave. I don't feel so alone when he is around. The only comfort I had left was the fact that, knowing him, he would visit me every time he could.
Damn that bastard that calls himself Lord of this hell. Everything that has happened to me had his fingerprints on it. He killed my parents and my best friend. He made her watch it. He made the slaves do work, and it was his rules that were making her brother move away from her.
Her brother's birthday was in a week. He would be 21, and officially be an adult. He was moving to another room, where a person would train him to do the work. Of course since he was leaving, she would get another roommate, probably someone new that was misfortunate enough to be caught by the Lord's recruiters, of whom she would have to train.
Oh Joy.
But the thought that really scared her was what it would be in another month. Her birthday. She would turn 17. She held a secret that gave her nightmares every night. She didn't want her birthday to come. I will have to tell my brother my secret, just not now, I have a feeling something is going to happen.
……………….and soon.
A shiver went down my spine and I looked up to my brother, only to see the same thing happen to him. My gaze met his, both filled with confusion and worry.
My brother got up and walked over to the metal door of our room, me following closely behind. Something was happening outside. My brother opened the door of our room, only to revel a crowd of people move down the hall leading to the outside. I wasn't surprised. This happened every Sunday. The Lord's recruiters come back on Sunday with anyone they caught, trying to embarrass them in front of everyone for their entertainment, then they leave on Monday to find more people. Nothing new.
Kuronue's POV
I know my sister thinks this is just like every Sunday, but I have this feeling that it is something more. I started to step out the door to follow the crowd, only to be stopped mid-step by Noel. I turned to her, giving her a "I am serious" glare. Let me just say that this feeling was a very big one.
After a few seconds, she rolled her eyes, giving up. I knew she would, she always does when it comes to me and making me happy. I smiled at her thankfully, and together we followed the back of the crowd outside.
We walked out on the grass, still slightly wet from the morning dew. The crowd of people were formed in a giant circle, leaving the middle open. I knew that was where the recruiters, along with the new slaves, were. We walked closer to the crowd, almost being the people in the very back of the circle.
Now I know these things were popular, but not this popular. I couldn't even see those contained in the middle. I decided to ask the person in front of me.
"Well, the rumor is that the recruiters caught Prince Koenma's spirit detectives."
I was surprised. I didn't know what they looked like, or what their names were, but I have heard the stories. According to some, they were the best, but if that was true………….
How and why did they get caught?
The voices of the crowd started to die down, and I perked my ears up to listen. I was almost positive no one else could hear the whispers, most of them were human. I concentrated harder to make out what was being said.
"Please calm down, don't forget why we are here."
Hold on…………………Do I know that voice? I recognized it from somewhere. It was familiar…….
"Hn. I know that, but I still have the urge to kill them in one sweep for their arrogance."
That voice hit a mark. I was almost positive I recognized that voice.
Noel's POV
I couldn't see or hear anything that was going on. I hate being short, but then again my brother insisted that he couldn't see either. I sighed, this was pointless, even if I did have this feeling.
My brother looked down at the ground, a look of concentration upon his features. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but I decided not to bother him about it.
After a minute or so, his head shot up suddenly, and he started to push his way threw the crowd to the middle. I followed him easily, slipping my way past the people right behind him.
Once both of us got in the front of the crowd, I noticed four people, but paid little attention to them. I turned to my brother, only to see him gape at the people in front of us. I gave him a questioning glance, but he didn't seem to notice. All he said was one word, making it audible to everyone around us.
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Crimson: How did you like it? In the next chapter I will begin with information about the castle that they are forced to work at, please read it because it will be crucial to understanding many of the events. After the information I will continue on with the story. Ok, bye. Oh yes, and Hiei has something to say.*glares at him intensely*
Hiei: *says out of fear of the maniac before him* Hn, I am sorry for*pauses to read the writing on his hand* anything that caused you discomfort.