Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei and Me ❯ Putting Yusuke In His Place ( Chapter 6 )
(A/N: I'm ba-ack! Hope you all will enjoy this chapter. I've been busy updating my other fics on Fanfiction.net and haven't even thought about updating here. Ja ne to all my reviewers and Enjoy!!)
Disclaimer: I don't own YYH. All I own are myself and Ariel
Ch.6 Putting Yusuke In His Place
Last Time
Hiei and I turned to walk away.
"Hey, wait! Why are you two lovebirds being so evasive?"
"Hn. None of your business, detective.", I said, whirling to face Yusuke.
"Ouch! Looks like she put you in your place, Urameshi!", said Kuwabara, who'd apparently been watching the scene the whole time.
"It's none of yours either, baka." I heard Yusuke teasing Kuwabara about my remark, as Hiei & I walked off. Suddenly, I heard someone calling my name.
"Hn. It's that baka detective. I'll be back, koi."
This Time
"Hn. Hurry."
"Hn, right. You know I will." I went to the steps and sat on the second one up, just behind where Yusuke stood. I placed one foot beside me, the other on the bottom step, put my arm over my upraised knee, and waited for the detective to notice me.
"Erin! Where are you?!"
"Hn. Look behind you, baka."
"How do you do that?"
"Hn. I'm mysterious. You figure it out."
"'kay . . . So, what's up with you & Hiei?"
"Hn. Nothing that's any of your business, detective. Besides, I thought you
knew.", I laughed
"About what?"
"You really are a baka, aren't you? Me & Hiei. You were the one teasing us."
"Hmm? I don't know what you're talking about."
"Baka. Let me help you. 'Yeah, Yeah, we know. You two lovebirds wanna be alone, right?' Did I miss anything?"
"Touche. Now I remember.",Yusuke said flatly. I got up and turned to walk away.
"Oh, and detective. One more false move and-" I drew my finger across my neck, making a slashing sound.
"Clear? Good.", I said, and vanished away while Yusuke's back was turned. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me:
"Nice performance, Fire Mistress."
"Hiei! How'd you do that?"
"Hn. I'm mysterious. You figure it out."
"Hn. I should have known.", I said. Hiei wrapped his arms around me. We didn't kiss this time, he just held me. Then he picked me up bridal- style, sped me to my room and told me what tomorrow held.
"We're going to the beach tomorrow. Yusuke and his girlfriend are coming."
"Oh, good. That'll give us some alone time. She'll hold his interest.", I said.
The relief in my voice made Hiei laugh. I laughed, too. I went to sleep dreaming of Hiei and tomorrow's beach trip. This would be fun.
(A/N: I know, I know. Short ch. You're probably mad at me now. I update after about two months and it's short. Anyway R&R!!)