Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei Loves? ❯ The Suichuu Tournament ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hiya all. Since Quizilla isn't working right now I'll be writeing this next part. Oh, and have you all stopped reviewing or is it all lot of you just haven't read my new chapters? Well, either way I'm kinda dissapointed, I love to write his story and when you all review it incourages me, so please keep up the reviews it mean a whole lot to me, seriously, it does. Anyways, I'll just say humph, there were some of you who guessed who it was and were right. But that doesn't matter now because it will be said in the first sentance!

Cahpter Elelven: The Suichuu Tornament

They all were shocked at who it was when the person came into view. It was....Asaki! He ran up to them wearing a white t-shirt with a leather jacket and blue jeans. He also carried two bags over his shoulder. They all stared wide eyed, well ewxcept for Hiei and Sutana.
"HE'S our sixth member?!" Kuwabara exclaimed. Asaki rose a brow to the comment.
"And what's that suppose to mean?" he said roughly
"Er...heh heh." Kuwabara inched away from him.
"So," Yusuke grinned, "I'm guessing you have powers then."
"Of course. I wouldn't come here if I didn't." he handed one of the bags to Sutana. "You almost forgot this, squirt." she glared but softened her look and took the bag and swung it over her shoulder.
"Hey! Urameshi!" someone yelled from the boat. They turned to see a girl with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes with gold flecks. She waved at them. "The boat's leaving! I was hoping to see you in the tornament so get your ass on the boat!"
They all ran to the boat which was sailing out. Yusuke reached the edge of the dock along with Kurama and Kuwabara. They all jumped and landed on the deck...actually Kuwabara just fell on the deck. When Asaki was in mid-air he turned to see Sutana had fallen to the ground and had just stood up. Asaki landed on the boat and went to the edge. "Sutana!" he called, but when she took her first step she collasped to her knees. She loked to her left ankle and it was swollen blue. "Damn..." she muttered. "Oro?" she said as she was lifted off the ground bridal style. She looked up to see Hiei had picked her up. "Er..." she said.
"Hn, I'm not going to be disqualified because you tripped over a stupid rock."
"Hey, that rock was pretty big." she teased. Hiei took off and they were soon on the boat. Asaki went up to his little sister.
"Are you alright?"
"It's just a sprain." she muttered. Hiei put Sutana in Asaki's arms. And started to walk off when Sutana grabbed him by his shirt. "Hiei," he took a side glance to her. "Thanks."
"Hn." and with that Hiei walked off to the other side of the boat. The girl that had warned them about the boat came up to them. She looks Yusuke up and down with a look of this-can't-be-him on her face.
"What?" Yusuke growled.
"Oh nothing, I just thought the supposide 'Great Urameshi' would look more... I don't know... stronger?" the girl stated nonchalantly with a wave of her hand.
"Grr. Oh, like you're one to ta-...wait a second! We don't even know who the hell you are!"
Her gaze snaps to Yusuke's as she glares at him giving him her full attention at last. Her eyes flashed a dangerous red as she ground out, "My name is Tenrai Ametsuchi, but you will call me Ametsuchi and nothing more or less."
"WILL?" Yusuke said with an anime vein. Ametsuchi stepped up to Yusuke so that they were now nose to nose.
"Yes, you will call me what I told you to." she growls in his face.
"Alright," he smirked. "Tenrai." She clinches her hands by her side trying her best not to just haul off and punch him in his ugly face, at least to her. She then smiles at him and grabs a hold of the front of his shirt as her nature green and silver aura flares around her.
"NEVER... ever call me by my first name or you will feel the consequences." she growls staight into his face.
"Why not? I think Tenrai's a good name." Yusuke laughed. Ametsuchi raised her fist about to knock the smile right off his face when someone elses hand grabbed her's and the other person's hand grabbed the back of her shirt. She was pulled away from Yusuke as everyone else animesweatdropped. She spins around seathing with anger as she looks straight into the eyes of the person that stopped her. Brown eyes clashed with emerald forest green eyes as the person stared back at her.
"Damius!!! Why'd you stop me?" she yelled at the messy brown haired demon before her. Damius just stared at her with his typical not interested look on. This proved to further her anger even more as she continued to glare at him.
"Grrrr. You shouldn't have stopped me from hitting him. He deserved it for what he said." she yelled at him. Just for a second his face changed to one of concern but his normal look was in place just as quickly as it had gone.
"I know what he said but you still shouldn't hit him. Save it for the tournament." She glared at him and was about to let him have it when two other demons appeared beside them. This proved to stop her from continueing but she was still angry.
"Finally we found you two. We've been looking all over for you." the girl with long black hair and piercing green eyes said.
"Yeah. Oh, who are these people?" the boy with boyish fluffy (fluffy!!) brown hair and piercing ice blue eyes said looking at Yusuke and the others. The intercom spoke over all the rambunctious demons/people.
"We ask for all members to return to their cabins. We are about to submerse the ship under water." Everyone started to file into their cabins.
"What does submerse mean?" Kuwabara asked. ANIMEFALLOVER.
"Do we even have to answer that obviously ignorant question?" Ametsuchi stated to Damius. A loud clank was heard and a glass dome began to surround the ship.
"Oh no. We seriously need to return to our cabins we already have spent to much time fratinizing. It was nice meeting you, good bye." the girl from before stated as her and her teamates left for their cabins.
Kurama pulled out a slip od paper and read it aloud. "We have rooms 5 and 6." he put the paper back in his pocket and they found their rooms.
"So who wants five?" Yusuke asked.
"Asaki and I will." Sutana volenteered.
"Alright, then. Then that leaves six for Kurama, Kuwabara and I." Yusuke said with a wide grin.
"What?!" Hiei yelled. "And where am I suppose to stay?"
"With them of couse." Kurama smiled pointing to Asaki and Sutana.
"Kurama, you share with them." Hiei said. Kurama shook his head and Hiei grabbed him down by his colar. "Kurama," Hiei growled.
"What's the matter Hiei?" Sutana siad now behind him on one leg. "Embarrassed about sharing a room with a girl?" Hiei turned around and glared at her.
"Hn." he went passed her and opened the door to room six. Yusuke and Kurama grinned in satisfaction, this, Sutana noticed.
"What else do you two have planned?" she said raising an eyebrow.
"Nothing! We don't have anything else planned." Yusuke said shoving Kurama and Kuwabara inside their room. Sutana roled her eyes and entered the room which Hiei and Asaki had already entered. The room was medium sized with wooden planks for the floor and wood walls, that were newly polished. In the back right corner was a bed that Hiei had occupied and in the left back corner was another that Asaki had taken which left her with the back center bed.
'Asaki better not be in on there scam too.' she thought and went over and sat on her already made bed. Each bed had white cotton bedspreads and a fluffy white pillow. "Not bad for a demon ship." she said pulling out her brush from her bag. Asaki only nodded, seeing as he was more intrested in a manga he was reading and Hiei only said 'Hn'.
She brushed her hair and sighed laying down on the amazingly comfortable mattress. She stared at the wooden ceiling and her eyes slowly began to become heavy and she soon shut them, falling into a deep slumber.


Sutana's eyes snapped open, she stared at the ceiling, with a warm sweat dripping down her tan cheeks.(oh yeah, her skin is no longer pale because she spent the last three weeks outside) 'What kind of... dream was that?' she thought.

Sutana stood in the middle of a forest not known to her. She walked around a bit and came upon a band of theives. She kept hidden behind a tree as she watched them. They were laughing and telling jokes with one another, when something caught her attention.
"It's been a few years now. Do you think the brat will ever come back?" sai one of them.
"You mean Hiei? Feh, naw. Even if he does we'll kick his sorry lil' ass." another said then laughed nervously. Sutana took a step forward to hear better but snapped a twig. 'Shit.' she thought. And within second one of the demons was nehind her and had grabbed her by the arm. She struggled in his grasp.
"We'll lookie here. We caught ourselves a little wench. A cute one at that." he flung her over his shoulder and brought Sutana back over to the theives.
"An intruder, huh?" one of the demons, obviously the leader by the way the acted, came up to her and lifted up her chin as to examine her. "Put here in my tent." he said. Sutana's eyes grew wide, he wasn't was bad looking he was actually pretty hot, she just didn't want to what was going to happen to happen.
She was tossed into a the bigger tent of them all, landing on a hay bed with some sort of animal fur covering it. Moments later the same guy came in with a smirk. "You were a nice pick, that's for sure." he said and walked over to you sitting on the bed of hay. She glared and backed away from him. He chuckled and in a fast movement he was on all four above her with her hands pinned up above her head.
With one hand pinning her arms and the other free he ripped her shirt straight down reveeling her *cough* bra *cough*. He smiled very pleased what was before him. She yelled the first thing that came to her mind as he moved toward her neck.
"HIEI!!!" the demon stopped, and looked at her in shock.
"How do you know him? Are you his 'pet' now?" he said roughly. Then screams filled the air along with demons yelling, 'He's back! He's back! The forbidden child is-' and they were cut off. It went deadly silent then demon went back and placed his mouth into her cloarbone. She yelled Hiei's name again but the demon seemed to not care...that is until his tent was ripped down by none other than Hiei himself.
His eyes grew wide when he say you. "S-sutana?"
"So, she IS your 'pet'." Hiei snapped his attention back to the demon and with a quick thrust of his katana he stabbed him in the chest, he fell to the ground beside the hay bed. He looked back up at Sutana. "What are you doing here?" he said actually with concern in his voice. She was shocked at first but responded.
"Hiei-" she began but was interupted when he dropped his katana and puled her into a warm embrace. 'What's with Hiei? He's acting funny.' she thought while blushing. "Don't do that ever again, Sutana." he whispered into her ear.
"But Hiei-" once more she was interupted but this time by his lips meeting hers. She was so taken back she sat there forzen and speechless.
"I love you." he said. Her eyes filled with shock and yet a somewhat releif. He kissed her again and layed her softly onto the hay mattress. He moved from her lips to her cloarbone and placed butterfly kisses in the dips and curves of her shoulders. She lifted his chin up to her and....

(End of Dream)

Sutana sat up and touched her lips. 'It felt so real. But why did I dream that? And Hiei...' she looked over to Hiei's cot to see he was gone and that the door was slightly open. She quietly got out of bed and walked out onto the dome covered deck. She gawked at the sight above and around her. The were beneath the very ocean. Fishes were swiming about and she could even see a few whales about a mile or so away. She looked at the bow spirt and saw Hiei before it, gazing into the breathtaking sight.
She walked up to the fire demon and before she was took another step he spoke, "What do you want?" he said blandly.
"Um...well nothing really. It's just a woke up..that's all. I had a ba- well..." she blushed. He turned around to her and raised and eyebrow.
"Hiei, why are you up?"
"Same as you." he said and turned back around. That's when it hit her. 'His dream interfered with mine! But then that means..." she blushed again and notice Hiei do the same. She walked up beside him. "You read my mind...so it is true." she thought and touched her lips.
Hiei growled and jerked her up to him by her shirt. "If you ever say one thing about it." he stopped seeing her gentle smile and kind eyes, which softened his grip and so he let go. "Hn. Just don't say anything, got it?" he said
"Hai, Hiei." she wrapped her pinky around his causing him to blush more. "It's a pinky promise." she said with a smile. (she is SO passive aggressive ) Hiei only stared at her then went back to watching the scene before them, as did she. But she didn't remove her pinky, in fact she had grabbed his hand and laced it with hers, he didn't refuse and yet he didn't agree.


Sutana sleeps soundly against the boat, siting down with a blanket over her. When two demons came up to her sleeping body and snickered. "She's with Urameshi, lets just finish her off now before anyone wakes. With that the demon raises his clawed hand and trusts it at her....

Next time on Hiei Loves....aw screw that. It's 1:45 in the freaking morning and I have school. So blah blah blah b;ah...see you in chapter 12, Part of this chapter or whatever.