Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei's Dare ❯ You Can Never Go Back ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hiei's Dare

Chapter 17: You Can Never Go Back

June 14, 2003


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Yusuke looked behind him to make sure Hiei was following him to school. Despite the fact Hiei said he was going to try to act like a human, it didn't really show. Hiei had complained about going back to school. It was their first day back since the incident with Iwamoto and Akashi, and he was nervous about school and Hiei's reaction.

He sighed when he saw Hiei following him. He was looking down at the textbook in his hand. Yusuke smiled and held back a laugh as Hiei brought his hand up and brushed his long black hair behind his ear so it wasn't in his face.

"Why don't you just tie your hair back?" Yusuke asked.

Hiei growled back and looked up at Yusuke.

"Why don't you keep your mouth shut and leave me alone. I'm following you to school, so you don't have to keep looking behind you to make sure I'm there."

"I didn't say anything about you not following me. I was asking you why you just didn't tie your hair back."


Yusuke knew that was all he was going to get out of Hiei. When they reached the school Kuwabara and Keiko were waiting for them outside. Yusuke stopped; he knew Hiei wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody.

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Keiko saw the unhappy look on Yusuke's face. She knew he didn't want them there. She grabbed Kuwabara's arm and dragged him inside and behind the stairs so they were out of sight.

"What's wrong, Keiko?" Kuwabara asked.

"Yusuke doesn't want Hiei to see us. He must be in a bad mood."

After she said this, Hiei walked by the stairs and into their first class. Yusuke came around the corner and walked to where they were standing.

"Thanks Keiko. He would have thrown a fit if he would've had to walk past you guys. He's not in a good mood."

"Is it really that bad, Yusuke?" she asked.

"Yeah, he fights with me about everything. I tries to act like nothing is bothering him, but it doesn't work. It's like he's mad at the world and everything in it."

Keiko and Kuwabara were silent. Yusuke continued to talk.

"This morning I tried to get him up for school and he fought with me then. On the way to school I saw him pull his hair out of his face and when I asked him why he didn't pull it back, he blew up on me then. Just do me a favor, will you?"

They both nodded and waited to hear Yusuke's favor.

"Don't talk to him or touch him. I don't need him blowing up on me any more. As it is, I'm on his ass kick list for when he gets his powers back."

They nodded again and went to their first classes.

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Yusuke walked into his class and saw Hiei sitting at his desk. He was still reading his textbook. Yusuke sat down in his desk next to Hiei, but he didn't say a word. They were in their English class and the last thing Yusuke wanted to do was stir up things.

"Hey Urameshi," Kuwabara's friend Komada yelled.

"What?" Yusuke replied knowing that Komada was talking to him and not to Hiei.

"Did you hear about, Iwamoto and Akashi?"

Yusuke felt his face pale. This was exactly what he didn't want. He turned to look at Hiei, but he wasn't there. In fact, Hiei wasn't in the room.

"Yeah, I did. I can't talk right now. I've got to go find my cousin."

With that, Yusuke took off to look for Hiei. After a few minutes of looking, Mr. Takanaka stopped him.

"Yusuke, aren't you suppose to be in class?"

"Yeah, but I'm looking for my cousin. He came to school today, but he wasn't feeling well. He disappeared right before class started, so I just want to make sure he's okay."

"I'm sure he'll be fine, Yusuke. You're cousin doesn't seem like the type of person that needs checking up on. Go back to class."


"Now, Yusuke"

Yusuke wasn't one to back down from a teacher, but there was no way Takanaka was going to let him search for Hiei. He slowly began his walk back to his English class.

When I find Hiei, he's going to be in deep trouble.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Hiei stood on the roof of the school. He wanted to be alone and someplace high so he could think. Kuwabara's friend and everyone else in his hearing range were talking about Iwamoto and Akashi. He didn't want to hear it at all.

Hiei knew Yusuke would be looking for him. When he heard the roof door open, he expected to hear Yusuke yell at him. Instead, he heard nothing. He turned around to see Angel and Hinoki behind him.

"Go away, I'm not in the mood to talk."

"Well, we're in the mood to listen. You've been avoiding us and school since we attacked…" Hinoki said before she was cut off.

"Say their names and I swear I will kill you."

"What's gotten into you?"

"I'm surprised the two of you haven't noticed."

"Your energy is gone. We've noticed and Hinoki wanted to confront you about it," Angel spoke up.

The girls were silent as they waited to see if Hiei would give them an explanation.

"Spirit World's lackeys have been keeping their eyes on me. They saw what we did to those two fools and Koenma decided to take matters into his own hands. That's all you need to know."

"So you're being punished," Hinoki said.

Hiei didn't answer. He just looked out at the city.

"I don't want to talk about it," he said finally.

"We'll we still want an explanation as to why your in the Human World and going to school?" Angel asked.


"I take it that's a touchy subject to," Hinoki said.

"It is now, but since I made an agreement with you I guess I'll tell you."

Hiei explained everything from Kuwabara's dare to what happened to him. As he explained, he realized there where a lot of unanswered questions that he hadn't thought about asking.

"So basically you're stuck like that for the next six months," Hinoki said.

Hiei didn't answer her.

"You know, you'll never go back to the way you were," Angel said

Hiei looked at her.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked.

"It's for me to know and for you to find out," she said as she stood, "We can go our separate ways now that you've fulfilled your half of the bargain. Let's go, Hinoki."

The girls left. Hiei let them go. He wanted to be alone again; he had so many unanswered questions. The school bell rang signaling the end of another day at school. Hiei walked down the stairs and right into an angry Yusuke.

"Where have you been?"

"Hn, none of your business."

Hiei walked past Yusuke and headed out the doors of the school. He knew Yusuke was right behind him. When they reached the appartment, Hiei threw his school stuff down and walked back to the door.

"Where are you going, Hiei?"

"I'm going to Kurama's. You don't have to follow me I'll get there safely on my own."

With that, Hiei slammed the front door shut and left a stunned Yusuke standing there wondering what his problem was.

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