Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei's death...and rebirth ❯ Alive Again ( Chapter 4 )
Neptune's Daughter: Yeah!!!! People actually reviewed and they liked it!!! It's a miracle. Well I knew Yucara would, I asked her too and Mica did cause Yucara and she read it together but other people read it!! I guess I have to finish typing it then….oh no…. not good at the whole typing thing. Guess I'll just have to work hard. I have no excuses now ;) (Winking and smiling) I don't own YYH blah blah blah I think the guy who owns it is yoshihiro togashi or something like that. I'm not sure 'cause my friend's manga book that has his name on it is in my mom's car and I'm too lazy to try to find it. Here, enjoy some more sayings from all the sayings I know.
When you get stressed out, breathe, that's generally a smart thing to do. ~Mea (also known as; my best friend)
Open mouth; insert foot ~don't know who this one's by but I heard it somewhere
Hearts break, hearts mend, love still hurts. ~Sarah McLachlan, World on Fire
The following are from my book that I got from my granny who got it from my Aunt called God's Little Instruction Book.
The grass may look greener on the other side, but it still has to be mowed.
He who is waiting for something to turn up might start with his own shirt sleeves.
Remember the banana -----when it left the bunch, it got skinned.
It is better to be silent and be considered a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Hey doesn't that remind you of Kuwabaka, Kuwabara I mean sorry
Many a good man has failed because he had his wishbone where his backbone should have been.
If at first you don't succeed, try reading the instructions.
Your temper is like a fire. It gets very destructive when it gets out of control. Gee whom might that remind you of, maybe a certain short tempered fire demon who was dead for most of this story…?
Patience is a quality you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead.
It's better to die with a good name than to live with a bad one.
Some people complain because God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses among thorns. Hey you couldn't make a good rose whip without the thorns.
The cure of crime is not in the electric chair, but in the high chair.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it Proverbs 22:6 I loved that song *starts humming*
The bridge you burn now might be the one you later have to cross.
Real friends are those who, when you make a fool of yourself, don't feel you've done a permanent job.
The mighty oak was once a little nut that stood its ground.
If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.
Although the tongue weighs very little, few people are able to hold it.
You should never let adversity get you down ----except on your knees. Meaning that you should pray.
It is good to remember the tea kettle, although up to its neck in hot water, continues to sing.
Sorrow looks back. Worry looks around. Faith looks up.
A man is never in worse company than when he flies into a rage and is beside himself.
Life can only be understood by looking back, but it must be lived by looking foreword.
Success comes in cans, failure comes in can'ts,
Falling down doesn't make you a failure, but staying down does.
Nemarske: at this rate you'll never be done. You know that, right?
Neptune's Daughter: Oh right, the story, forgot about that. Well on with the story then.
Negative 2 Minutes
Yukina arrives after leaving the dragon at the gates. She looks straight at the koorime and says, "I'm too late."
The koorime doesn't answer but a tear falls from her eye.
"I'm still going to try."
All of a sudden Hiei's body starts to glow, as does Yukina's. Yukina kneels down beside her brother and feels all her love and all her healing power condense as a single tear falls from her eye and does not crystallize, but lands on the spot where the sword had pierced Hiei's heart, making it whole again. She feels him returning and smiles, tears of joy covering Hiei, joining those already shed, as his eyes flutter open and he stares first at the koorime and Mea, then at Yukina, whose love, at that moment shines through all other things. At that moment he realizes that she knows who he is and would never have rejected him.
The very moment that Yukina had arrived Yusuke, Kurama, and Kuwabara found the battle ground. They stopped, struck by the utter destruction.
Hiei sits up as Yukina says happily, "Onissan!" as she hugs him. He is startled then at last, hugs her back. Mea takes this moment to kiss him on the cheek, and then nearly burst out laughing at the fact that she hadn't said `MEEP' yet. She didn't really want to either. Hiei knows all the love he has felt in his life pales in comparison for what he is feeling now for Mea and Yukina.
His usually emotionless exterior crumbles as he smiles and says, "You are the best sister anyone could ever have. Sorry I couldn't bring myself to tell you who I was sooner," he turns to Mea, "Thank you for being there too. You really are special." He is crying out all the bitterness in his life and also tears of joy as it all sinks in, Yukina loves him, he's alive, his people and Mea saved him, and all is at peace, for now.
Yukina, Mea, and Hiei all stand up and Hiei asks, "How did you get here? For that matter how did I get up here?"
"I don't know how you got here but I rode your dragon. I think we should go now."
The koorime stands and says, "Hiei, we are truly sorry that we abandoned you all those years ago, but now I know you wouldn't have stayed here even given the chance."
"Hn," replied Hiei, which in this case mean, no I wouldn't have.
At this the two koorime twins and Mea leave the village and ride down to where their friends, I mean companions (I don't think Hiei likes the term friend), were, Hiei in front and Yukina in back on his dragon, and Mea on her own looking half asleep. Here's the strange part, Hiei had been and still was smiling, smiling, and I don't mean an evil smile I mean a normal happy smile, weird. (Mea wishes to say that he DOES smile, just only around certain people)
When they land the dragons go back to their normal dormant states on their owner's arms. Everyone is stunned into silence, even Kuwabara, to see that Hiei is alive.
Unfortunately Kuwabara recovered quickly enough to say, "Waah, the shrimp's smiling!" and fall backwards. Everyone sweatdrops at this but Hiei and Yukina. Yukina because she doesn't understand and Hiei because he is too busy trying to wipe the smile off his face, trying unsuccessfully, I might add. (I hope Hiei doesn't hurt me for that.)
Yukina is still standing next to Hiei and he whispers to her, " Imouto, I just want you to know I'll always be there for you when you need me, just like you were there for me."
She simply smiles and words fail her. She realizes he had always been there and always would be.
Mea faints (sorry I forgot she doesn't faint she `blacks out') and Hiei catches her without leaving Yukina's side. He stares at her not comprehending why she had just lost consciousness. She moves and Hiei holds her, wondering what to do.
"I think she's exhausted. She poured her energy into keeping you ready those last few minutes until I got there," says Yukina softly.
Mea wakes up saying, "I'm alright, just a little tired. Let's go."
They had back to the Nigenkai, Hiei standing next to Yukina and carrying Mea after the 4th time she collapsed (`Put me down I can walk. I'm fine' `You can walk but you also seem very adept at falling, therefore you are being carried') Actually, I don't think it bothered her too much. He really hoped she was okay though.