Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei's in Love? ❯ The First Move ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
(A/N) Anyway, things are about to get more and more interesting. By the way, I might bring Kurama’s father into this so don’t flame me if I don’t have all the details on him.
Kurama: I wonder what became of him.
Eirka: Kurama don’t get carried away.
Kurama: Sorry.
Eirka: Anyway, where is Hiei?
Kurama: He’s still thinking about what you said. He doesn’t know what to do.
Eirka: I guess I deserved that. I only wish that I didn’t say a word to him about it.
Kurama: Oh don’t say that. Anyway, Eirka Black410 does not own YuYu Hakusho.
Erika woke up early the next morning. She got put on another tank top and pants and walked over to the closet. She found a duffel bag and put in a bathing suit, her brush, and a light blue cloth with dolphins on it to tie around her when she was in her suit. She put on a pair of flip-flops and went to the kitchen.
“Morning guys,” Erika greeted. She then turned to Hiei. “Ready to get training?”
“Sorry, but we won’t be training today. I decided that it would be to much of a hassle to train in the morning and then play in the afternoon,” explained Hiei. “So you ready to go to the beach?”
Erika nodded. She and the rest of the gang made their way down to the beach. However, Cat was a little late as she had to find her camera.
Anyway, when Cat did finally get there, everyone was changed. Hiei was in a black bathing suit, Kurama was in a red one, Yuseke was in green, and Kuwabara was in a green suit. Cat was wearing a purple bikini, Keiko was in a pink bikini and Erika was in a black bikini. Boton had a date with Koenma to do and Genkai had some work to do.
“So you guys ready to go into the water?” Cat asked. Her ears and tail were now blue with black stripes (they get stripes out in the sun).
“Not yet, I’m going to set the grill up so we can start cooking lunch and dinner when we are ready for them,” answered Yuseke.
So while Cat, Kurama, Erika and Hiei went out into the ocean, Keiko stayed on the beach to work on her tan and Kuwabara and Yuseke set up camp and the grill.
“So do you guys want to play a game?” Erika asked.
“Sure what game?” asked Kurama.
“The game is water tag, anyone who apposes it is it first,” said Erika.
“Awesome. Can I be it first?” Cat asked.
“Sure that is if the boys want to play,” said Erika with a playful glare.
“Sis, you know that I’m in,” said Kurama.
“If Kurama’s playing, then I might as well play so that he doesn’t suffer alone,” said Hiei.
“Alright. Cat go under the water and count to 30 giving the three of us enough time to get a head start,” ordered Erika as Cat dove under. Erika, Hiei and Kurama swam away quickly.
However, unexpectedly, Erika swam in the same direction as Hiei.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“What am I doing? What are you doing? I thought about coming this way first,” argued Erika.
“27...28...29...30! Ready or not its time to play water tag!” yelled Cat.
“Oh shit!” yelled Erika diving under.
However, Cat went after Kurama. She chased after him and for a cat she was pretty fast.
“Tag! You’re it Kurama,” teased Cat racing away.
Now Erika was in trouble. Her own brother was after her.
“Kurama! NO PLEASE STOP!” laughed Erika.
Kurama finally caught her. “Sorry sis, now you’re it.”
Erika new who she had to go after. First she tried getting Cat, but she was to fast, so Erika went after Hiei.
“You can’t catch me BIG MOUTH!” joked Hiei.
Of course, he spoke too soon. Erika, came up from in front of Hiei and pushed him by his hair under the water.
“Tag you are IT!” yelled Erika.
When she let Hiei go, his hair was slanted to one side, well half of it anyway. Erika, Kurama, and Cat, who was taking out her camera (which has a water proof case over it) took a picture to remember it forever.
“You look so funny,” Erika said in between her laughing fits.
“I want my revenge. We race right here, right now. First one back to the shore wins. Kurama tell his when to go,” yelled Hiei as he and Erika got ready for the race.
“Alright. On your mark, get set, GO!” shouted Kurama.
Hiei and Erika were off. Surprisingly enough, not only was Hiei losing, but Erika was way ahead in the lead. She swan fast, so fast that even Cat couldn’t get a picture of the race.
When they got to the shore, Hiei had a look of shock on his face.
“What the hell? Are you a dolphin demon or a water demon or something?” he asked.
“What? No, I just have always been good at swimming,” said Erika.
“Look we aren’t sure what it is, but we can relax. We wanted a day off remember?” Kurama reminded. “We’ll take care of it tomorrow.”
“Alright,” said Hiei.
“Lunch it ready,” announced Yuseke. He and Kuwabara both had scorch marks on their faces.
“What did you two do, have a fire fight?” Keiko asked.
Everyone except Yuseke and Kuwabara started laughing.
“Stop it guys,” Kuwabara yelled.
“Alright, so let’s eat,” said Cat.
On one side of the table, was Cat, Kurama, and Kuwabara. On the other side of the table, Erika was sitting next to Hiei and Yuseke. And Yuseke was sitting next to Keiko. They were having lunch, everyone each in there own conversations with one another. Which surprised everyone, as Hiei and Erika were getting along for once. Cat who thought it was a Kodak moment to quite a few pictures of the young couple.
After eating, everyone went into the water. And as usual, Cat got many pictures. She took a lot of everyone, mostly her fox demon, his sister, and a young fire demon. Now at the time, Hiei and Erika had no idea that they were falling in love, but the fact that they were getting along was a start.
Soon it became dark and the water got very cold, so everyone swam in. Yuseke and Kuwabara were fighting over who would build the bond fire that would keep everyone warm when they made smores. In the end, Hiei ended building the fire while they argued. It was beautiful, there was a full moon and you could see all the stars out in the sky.
“Anyone know any good ghost stories?” Keiko asked when they all had their marshmallows ready to cook.
“I do,” said Kuwabara.
Erika just sighed. “Well if you guys are going to tell ghost stories, then I’m going to take a walk,” she said getting up and walking away.
“I think I’ll go for a walk too. These ghost stories you tell are nothing compared to what is here, in the spirit world,” said Hiei getting up as well.
The others listened as Kuwabara began his story. However, Cat and Kurama were only half listening because, they were trying to develop Cat’s pictures, the Demon way.
(other side of the beach)
Erika was walking alone. She finally came to some big rocks and climbed up them to look out onto the ocean. She closed her eyes and felt the ocean breeze and heard the sound of the waves washing on the rocks and the beach. It was perfect, it was quiet, and it had no one around.
“You know, it’s not safe for you to be out alone at night, especially since Hitagora is after you,” came a familiar voice that broke the silence.
“I just wanted to be alone for a little while,” Erika said.
“Still, it’s not safe,” Hiei lectured as he went to sit next to Erika.
Again, silence. This time, it was an awkward silence.
“Hiei?” Erika said breaking the silence.
“Hn?” he replied.
“May I ask you something?” Erika asked.
“If you must.”
“What do you live for? Why do you fight? What do you care if this world was destroyed?” she asked.
“Erika, I fight to protect. I care if this world it destroyed because of my sister, and I live for the people I love,” said Hiei looking out into the ocean.
Erika was taken aback. She wasn’t expecting those answers from Hiei. “May I ask who those people are?”
“My sister and my friends,” that was a plan and simple answer.
Erika felt a bit uncomfortable with that answer. It was only because there was something that had been bothering her since her training with Hiei yesterday. “Am I your friend?” she asked.
“Of course Big Mouth,” he teased. “Am I you friend?”
“Yes Pointy Butt,” said Erika. She was feeling a lot better now.
All of a sudden a cold breeze over flew Erika and Hiei. Erika shivered a bit.
“Cold?” Hiei asked putting his arm around her.
“A bit,” said Erika as she leaned on Hiei’s chest. The two of them stayed like that, watching the stars and the moon. How romantic it was! Of course, in this case, all romantic things, must come to an end.
“We better get back,” said Hiei.
“Yeah,” Erika wasn’t to happy about it but she went anyway.
“Oh and Erika, I have 2 gifts for you,” said Hiei.
“What?” Erika was confused and felt bad that she didn’t have anything for him.
“Yes, you heard correctly. Close you eyes while I give you your first gift,” he ordered.
Erika did as told. Hiei took off his tear gem and put it around Erika’s neck.
“You can open your eyes,” he said.
Erika did and she saw the tear gem on her. “Hiei why do I have this?” she asked confused.
“It is so I know if you are in trouble, so I can protect you 24/7. It’s for your safety,” he said, “and for my safety,” he said to himself.
“And what is this second gift?” Erika pressed.
“This,” Hiei bent down and lightly kissed Erika on the cheek.
“What was that for?” she asked.
“You know,” answered Hiei.
In return, Erika softly kissed Hiei on the lips.
“What was that for?” Hiei asked.
“You know,” teased Erika.
Hiei smiled and kissed Erika again. Little did they know, but Cat, Kurama, Yuseke, Kuwabara, and Keiko were watching them. And so was someone else.
(A/N) Okay Chapter 5 is done. Oh and it gets better.
Kurama: I wonder what became of him.
Eirka: Kurama don’t get carried away.
Kurama: Sorry.
Eirka: Anyway, where is Hiei?
Kurama: He’s still thinking about what you said. He doesn’t know what to do.
Eirka: I guess I deserved that. I only wish that I didn’t say a word to him about it.
Kurama: Oh don’t say that. Anyway, Eirka Black410 does not own YuYu Hakusho.
Erika woke up early the next morning. She got put on another tank top and pants and walked over to the closet. She found a duffel bag and put in a bathing suit, her brush, and a light blue cloth with dolphins on it to tie around her when she was in her suit. She put on a pair of flip-flops and went to the kitchen.
“Morning guys,” Erika greeted. She then turned to Hiei. “Ready to get training?”
“Sorry, but we won’t be training today. I decided that it would be to much of a hassle to train in the morning and then play in the afternoon,” explained Hiei. “So you ready to go to the beach?”
Erika nodded. She and the rest of the gang made their way down to the beach. However, Cat was a little late as she had to find her camera.
Anyway, when Cat did finally get there, everyone was changed. Hiei was in a black bathing suit, Kurama was in a red one, Yuseke was in green, and Kuwabara was in a green suit. Cat was wearing a purple bikini, Keiko was in a pink bikini and Erika was in a black bikini. Boton had a date with Koenma to do and Genkai had some work to do.
“So you guys ready to go into the water?” Cat asked. Her ears and tail were now blue with black stripes (they get stripes out in the sun).
“Not yet, I’m going to set the grill up so we can start cooking lunch and dinner when we are ready for them,” answered Yuseke.
So while Cat, Kurama, Erika and Hiei went out into the ocean, Keiko stayed on the beach to work on her tan and Kuwabara and Yuseke set up camp and the grill.
“So do you guys want to play a game?” Erika asked.
“Sure what game?” asked Kurama.
“The game is water tag, anyone who apposes it is it first,” said Erika.
“Awesome. Can I be it first?” Cat asked.
“Sure that is if the boys want to play,” said Erika with a playful glare.
“Sis, you know that I’m in,” said Kurama.
“If Kurama’s playing, then I might as well play so that he doesn’t suffer alone,” said Hiei.
“Alright. Cat go under the water and count to 30 giving the three of us enough time to get a head start,” ordered Erika as Cat dove under. Erika, Hiei and Kurama swam away quickly.
However, unexpectedly, Erika swam in the same direction as Hiei.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“What am I doing? What are you doing? I thought about coming this way first,” argued Erika.
“27...28...29...30! Ready or not its time to play water tag!” yelled Cat.
“Oh shit!” yelled Erika diving under.
However, Cat went after Kurama. She chased after him and for a cat she was pretty fast.
“Tag! You’re it Kurama,” teased Cat racing away.
Now Erika was in trouble. Her own brother was after her.
“Kurama! NO PLEASE STOP!” laughed Erika.
Kurama finally caught her. “Sorry sis, now you’re it.”
Erika new who she had to go after. First she tried getting Cat, but she was to fast, so Erika went after Hiei.
“You can’t catch me BIG MOUTH!” joked Hiei.
Of course, he spoke too soon. Erika, came up from in front of Hiei and pushed him by his hair under the water.
“Tag you are IT!” yelled Erika.
When she let Hiei go, his hair was slanted to one side, well half of it anyway. Erika, Kurama, and Cat, who was taking out her camera (which has a water proof case over it) took a picture to remember it forever.
“You look so funny,” Erika said in between her laughing fits.
“I want my revenge. We race right here, right now. First one back to the shore wins. Kurama tell his when to go,” yelled Hiei as he and Erika got ready for the race.
“Alright. On your mark, get set, GO!” shouted Kurama.
Hiei and Erika were off. Surprisingly enough, not only was Hiei losing, but Erika was way ahead in the lead. She swan fast, so fast that even Cat couldn’t get a picture of the race.
When they got to the shore, Hiei had a look of shock on his face.
“What the hell? Are you a dolphin demon or a water demon or something?” he asked.
“What? No, I just have always been good at swimming,” said Erika.
“Look we aren’t sure what it is, but we can relax. We wanted a day off remember?” Kurama reminded. “We’ll take care of it tomorrow.”
“Alright,” said Hiei.
“Lunch it ready,” announced Yuseke. He and Kuwabara both had scorch marks on their faces.
“What did you two do, have a fire fight?” Keiko asked.
Everyone except Yuseke and Kuwabara started laughing.
“Stop it guys,” Kuwabara yelled.
“Alright, so let’s eat,” said Cat.
On one side of the table, was Cat, Kurama, and Kuwabara. On the other side of the table, Erika was sitting next to Hiei and Yuseke. And Yuseke was sitting next to Keiko. They were having lunch, everyone each in there own conversations with one another. Which surprised everyone, as Hiei and Erika were getting along for once. Cat who thought it was a Kodak moment to quite a few pictures of the young couple.
After eating, everyone went into the water. And as usual, Cat got many pictures. She took a lot of everyone, mostly her fox demon, his sister, and a young fire demon. Now at the time, Hiei and Erika had no idea that they were falling in love, but the fact that they were getting along was a start.
Soon it became dark and the water got very cold, so everyone swam in. Yuseke and Kuwabara were fighting over who would build the bond fire that would keep everyone warm when they made smores. In the end, Hiei ended building the fire while they argued. It was beautiful, there was a full moon and you could see all the stars out in the sky.
“Anyone know any good ghost stories?” Keiko asked when they all had their marshmallows ready to cook.
“I do,” said Kuwabara.
Erika just sighed. “Well if you guys are going to tell ghost stories, then I’m going to take a walk,” she said getting up and walking away.
“I think I’ll go for a walk too. These ghost stories you tell are nothing compared to what is here, in the spirit world,” said Hiei getting up as well.
The others listened as Kuwabara began his story. However, Cat and Kurama were only half listening because, they were trying to develop Cat’s pictures, the Demon way.
(other side of the beach)
Erika was walking alone. She finally came to some big rocks and climbed up them to look out onto the ocean. She closed her eyes and felt the ocean breeze and heard the sound of the waves washing on the rocks and the beach. It was perfect, it was quiet, and it had no one around.
“You know, it’s not safe for you to be out alone at night, especially since Hitagora is after you,” came a familiar voice that broke the silence.
“I just wanted to be alone for a little while,” Erika said.
“Still, it’s not safe,” Hiei lectured as he went to sit next to Erika.
Again, silence. This time, it was an awkward silence.
“Hiei?” Erika said breaking the silence.
“Hn?” he replied.
“May I ask you something?” Erika asked.
“If you must.”
“What do you live for? Why do you fight? What do you care if this world was destroyed?” she asked.
“Erika, I fight to protect. I care if this world it destroyed because of my sister, and I live for the people I love,” said Hiei looking out into the ocean.
Erika was taken aback. She wasn’t expecting those answers from Hiei. “May I ask who those people are?”
“My sister and my friends,” that was a plan and simple answer.
Erika felt a bit uncomfortable with that answer. It was only because there was something that had been bothering her since her training with Hiei yesterday. “Am I your friend?” she asked.
“Of course Big Mouth,” he teased. “Am I you friend?”
“Yes Pointy Butt,” said Erika. She was feeling a lot better now.
All of a sudden a cold breeze over flew Erika and Hiei. Erika shivered a bit.
“Cold?” Hiei asked putting his arm around her.
“A bit,” said Erika as she leaned on Hiei’s chest. The two of them stayed like that, watching the stars and the moon. How romantic it was! Of course, in this case, all romantic things, must come to an end.
“We better get back,” said Hiei.
“Yeah,” Erika wasn’t to happy about it but she went anyway.
“Oh and Erika, I have 2 gifts for you,” said Hiei.
“What?” Erika was confused and felt bad that she didn’t have anything for him.
“Yes, you heard correctly. Close you eyes while I give you your first gift,” he ordered.
Erika did as told. Hiei took off his tear gem and put it around Erika’s neck.
“You can open your eyes,” he said.
Erika did and she saw the tear gem on her. “Hiei why do I have this?” she asked confused.
“It is so I know if you are in trouble, so I can protect you 24/7. It’s for your safety,” he said, “and for my safety,” he said to himself.
“And what is this second gift?” Erika pressed.
“This,” Hiei bent down and lightly kissed Erika on the cheek.
“What was that for?” she asked.
“You know,” answered Hiei.
In return, Erika softly kissed Hiei on the lips.
“What was that for?” Hiei asked.
“You know,” teased Erika.
Hiei smiled and kissed Erika again. Little did they know, but Cat, Kurama, Yuseke, Kuwabara, and Keiko were watching them. And so was someone else.
(A/N) Okay Chapter 5 is done. Oh and it gets better.