Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei's School Troubles ❯ P.E. ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3 - Physical education-

“This case is pointless, the demon won’t appear and in a place full of humans there’s no way we can make him appear.” Hiei said angrily through telepathy.
“We just need to have patience, perhaps the demon has impersonated someone other than a teacher, such as the principal.” The demons stopped, why had it not hit them before? The principal had the most power in a school so that would make them the biggest target.
“Damn! How do we get to the principal?”
Kurama thought then smiled mischievously, “Perhaps you’re detention wasn’t such a bad thing after all.”
Hiei had no time to think about Kurama’s words because they had now entered the dreaded gym.
Hiei stared around to where a huge, somewhat evil, looking gym teacher prowled looking for late students. She blew the whistle at Hiei,who was tempted to snatch it,
“Short stuff! You’re late!” Hiei stared at the woman who had the gall to speak to him like that.
“Actually we’re right on time, miss.” Kurama pointed out, taking a seat on the bleachers as the bell rang.
“Hurry up and get changed, you’re swimming today.” The teacher barked. The students filled into the appropriate locker rooms and began to remove their clothes.
“What’s happening Kurama?!” Hiei asked, surprised by the behavior of the students.
“P.E. makes you change clothes, we’re swimming today so we’ll do some yoga first with white shirts on then take them off to go swimming. You do have swimming trunks don’t you?”
Hiei pulled out a small pair of light blue trunks.
“I have to wear these things?!” He said in disgust.
“Oh, most people just wear their suits under so they don’t remove all of their clothing...” Kurama let Hiei’s mind react before continuing.
Hiei began to redden, “Take off all of my clothes!? In public!?” He stared at the boys who were now snickering at him.
Kurama nodded as he put his backpack in his storing locker and began to take off his uniform. As he had said he wore an almost black pair of long, concealing trunks that made Hiei’s look somewhat dirty. He swung his long crimson hair over his bare shoulder as he put on a loose white shirt with “Meiou School” in big characters on it. Hiei had never seen Kurama in such an outfit,
‘Who knew Kurama actually had arms and legs beneath those clothes?’ Hiei joked to himself.
“I’d put you’re shirt on first if I were you.” He said. Hiei suddenly remembered his problem at hand.
Hiei shuffled behind Kurama and took off his top and Kurama handed him a shirt. It was not as loose as Kurama’s and not as long, ‘DAMN!’ Hiei screamed in his mind.
Kurama opened the locker door to act as another wall as he turned his back to the embarrassed fire demon. To no avail, the boys laughed at Hiei, and laughed and laughed. Even the gym teacher laughed as Hiei came outside. “I will destroy these humans.” He told Kurama, a evil smile crossed his face as he entered a small room with a soft mat and a TV. The students took their seats and the teacher started a tape. A woman on the TV began some breathing exercises and the class followed. “In, out.” She said taking deep breaths.
‘Breath while you can human!’ Hiei snarled. The class was now instructed to take their leg and stretch it over their head. The class did it with ease but Hiei was not used to stretching and fell flat on his face. The students laughed at him, “Ignore them Hiei.” Kurama warned.
Hiei muttered something and now tried to place his other leg over his head. He failed and he failed and he failed, now with a red face from falling so often he looked evilly at the TV. No, he was past looking at things evilLy, he was ready to begin his rage of manaical laughter,
“ BWAHAHAHA! Now you die!” He launched a kick at the TV. The TV did not seem to be affected by Hiei’s kick, this made the demon angry.
“How dare you mock me box!” He punched the TV rapidly till he hit the off switch.
“HA! How dare you try to defeat the almighty Hiei!”
“Thank you for turning the TV off, short stuff, but get yourself in the pool. NOW!” Hiei followed Kurama to the freezing cold pool that had to be at least four feet at the shallowest end, the same height as Hiei. He took off his shirt and embarrassedly shuffled to the pool in his small trunks. Kurama refused laughing his head off with the other students.
“Damn, Kurama I don’t want to go swimming. I’m a fire demon dammit!”
“Don’t worry, it’s not too bad. Once you get passed the fact you could drown and that you’re swimming in water below 50 degrees it can be quite enjoyable.”
Hiei stared at Kurama and then to the water as the teacher blew the whistle at his ear.
“HOLY SHIT!” Hiei yelled, launching himself away from the noise and right into the pool.
“Swim two laps then meet back here!” The teacher commanded. Kurama took long arm strokes and caught up to Hiei who had already jumped about four feet.
“D-damn Kurama, I hate this.” He snarled in his mind to Kurama. The water’s harsh cold bit into Hiei’s skin and the chlorine stained his eyes so that they became very blurry.
“I blind!” Hiei splashed around in the pool on the last lap. “This cursed water has blinded me!”
He began to sink, Kurama pulled him up,
“Hiei it’s okay you’re done now.” Hiei opened his stinging eyes, he had completed the two laps, woohoo! The students had now stopped laughing and merely stared at he strange student, the teacher did too.
Now they had to do kicking exercises, Kurama showed Hiei how to correctly hold the side of the pool and how to kick.
‘This is so damn stupid. The teacher is evil, so evil. I shall make her pay....’ Thoughts of punishing the P.E. teacher began to run wild in Hiei’s head until Kurama told him P.E. was over.
“We get ten minutes too take a shower and get changed.” Kurama led Hiei into the large room with large poles in the middle, each with four shower heads. Kurama turned their’s own so the water was nice and warm and gave Hiei some shampoo.
“What the hell is this?” Hiei asked as it dripped onto his foot.
“Shampoo, put it in your hair to clean the chlorine out.” Hiei watched as Kurama lathered his long hair with soap that then became bubbles.
‘Bubbles.’ Hiei said curiously. He began to lather his pointy hair till bubbles came.
‘Bubbles are nice.’
Hiei thought as he eagerly added more shampoo to his already bubble laden head. It began to flow into his eyes, ouch.
“GET THEM OFF ME!” Hiei screamed, washing out the bubbles as though they were wild, vicious animals. Kurama would have helped but Hiei shot his arms off in all directions making it imposible to get near him.
When all the evil bubbles had been vanquished Hiei got changed (he had dicovered that the bath room stall was the best place to do it, quote “DAMN, WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT THING WAS THERE?!”)
As they lined up for attendance Hiei played with the teacher’s whistle he had ‘borrowed’ and then left, blowing the whistle in the teacher’s ear as he ran out unseen.
“Well that could of gone better.” Kurama sighed. Hiei rubbed his sore eyes,
“P.E. is evil.” Kurama chuckled and Hiei glared at him.
“What class is next? I am very close to ripping out someone’s throat.”
“That might be bad, next period is...”

Cliff hanger What is the next class? Could it be cooking? Computers? Wood shop? Who knows, c’mon people review! I’m mostly on Fanfiction.net right now so there are more chapters on there.

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