Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ High School Problems ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yu Yu Hakusho

High School Problems

Chapter 2

A Teen Sleep Over

By: Yaiko Youkai

Hashi and Hiei went home. Rose went to spend the night with them. She's very worried about Hashi and Hiei because of the fillings between them.

"Uhm…Uncle Hiei?" Rose asked.

"Yes Rose." Hiei said.

"Uhm…I forgot to eat before we left. I'm hungry." Rose said.

"Me too dad." Hashi said.

"Well you want to eat something here or go out and eat?" Hiei asked the two teens.

"Well if I cook something here. if not out." Rose said and Hashi sniggered.

"That's mean Rose." Hashi said getting his sniggering under control.

"At least I try to cook." Hiei said.

"Ah come on dad. She's just joking around. Besides you said your self you liked Rose's cooking." Hashi said.

"That's not the point son." Hiei said kind of irritated.

"Sorry…" Hashi said and looked at the floor in the house.

"No I'm sorry Hashi. You're right I did say I liked Rose's cooking. Her cooking tastes like your mothers and her sisters." Hiei said.

"I'm sorry Uncle Hiei." Rose said.

"Oh would you two stop apologizing to me. You did nothing wrong. I did wrong by getting irritated with your joking." Hiei said then turned and walked towards the Kitchen.

"Hey dad where are you going?" Hashi asked.

"To get every thing ready for Rose. Unless she's changed her mind." Hiei said and looked at her.

"No I'll cook." Rose said happily.

"I don't know if he's doing that because you're here or because Uncle Kurama talked to him." Hashi said and watched his father walk into the kitchen.

"I think my dad talked to him." Rose said.

"Probably." Hashi said.

"Hey lets play one of your game systems." Rose said.

"Which one? The Nintendo 64?" Hashi said then walked to the living room. Hiei had insisted it be in the living room but Hashi couldn't understand why.

"Yeah that game we all ways play and you beat me at." Rose said.

"Star Fox! That's fun when you loose." Hashi said and laughed.

"It's not funny. It's mean. It's like the only thing you beat me at." Rose said.

"I don't beat you in your little wrestling matches because I don't want to." Hashi said.

"Yeah right I'm just stronger then you." Rose said cockily.

"Yeah right what ever. You're a girl." Hashi said.

"That don't mean any thing. Want a match now?" Rose asked.

"Sure I'll show you." Hashi said.

In The Kitchen!

"What is all that racket? What are they doing?" Hiei asked himself then walked to the kitchen door.

<They're going to hurt each other.> Hiei thought and walked out of the kitchen but stopped.

"I told you I can win with you little wrestling matches." Hashi said, as he pinned Rose or so he thought.

"Yeah right." Rose said flipping Hashi and pinning him, "You'll never beat me." Rose said and Hiei started to laugh a little.

"Dad…sorry uhm…we made a mess." Hashi said as he looked around the living room.

"When will you learn son, she all ways wins." Hiei said and walked back into the kitchen laughing.

"He's not mad?" Hashi asked confused.

"Nope. Hey when are we going to play this?" Rose asked pointing to the Nintendo 64

"Yeah…" Hashi said then walked over to it and plugged the game in it.

"Hey I got a game tomorrow you and Uncle Kurama coming?" Hashi asked.

"We all way's do Hashi. You going to ask your dad?" Rose asked.

"No I gave up asking him. he don't want any thing to do with my games." Hashi said as he beat Rose again.

"Darn it Hashi stop cheating." Rose whined.

"I'm not cheating." Hashi said.

"Yes you are." Rose said.

"Why because I beat you again." Hashi said sticking his tounge out at Rose.

"Yeah." Rose said pushing Hashi down on the floor.

"What did you do that for?" Hashi asked from the floor.

"Just felt like pushing you over." Rose said and when to the kitchen.

In The Kitchen!

"Uncle Hiei. You really need to be where Hashi can see you at his game tomorrow." Rose said walking up behind Hiei.

"You know you're so much like your father that it is unreal. He said the same thing to me. But Hashi hasn't asked me to go." Hiei said sadly.

"He hasn't asked you because he thinks it's a waist of time." Rose said.

"But I've been to every game. How do I tell him that and make him believe me?" Hiei asked.

"Just go in there and asked him when his next game is and promise you'll be there. Then I'll do the rest." Rose said pushing Hiei to the door.

"But Rose…" Hiei said but shut up when she shoved him out of the kitchen.

"He's in my way Hashi." Rose said and smiled then ducked her head back into the kitchen. "Go play that game with him." Rose whispered as she pushed the door into Hiei.

"All right…ouch!" Hiei said when the door hit him. he walked over to Hashi and sat down on the couch.

"uhm Hashi when is your next game?" Hiei asked stunning Hashi.

"Don't worry about it Dad. You haven't showed up to any of the others." Hashi said and started to disconect the game system.

"How do you play this thing Hashi?" Hiei asked looking at the controls a little funny.

"Don't worry about it Dad I'll get out of your way in a minute." Hashi said.

"How can I talk to you or do any thing with you if you keep pushing me away Hashi?" Hiei asked.

"You've never wanted to do any thing with me before why would you now?!" Hashi said confused.

"I've went to every one of your games Hashi." Hiei said.

"Yeah right what ever." Hashi said.

"He has Hashi." Rose said from the kitchen.

"How could I not see him then Rose." Hashi said.

"He wasn't around the people but he's been to all your games." Rose said coming out of the kitchen to the living room.

"What is he ashamed of me." Hashi said and looked at Hiei.

"Oh god no son. It's just I don't like crowds and you seem to not want to be any were near me lately like I shame you or some thing. Do I?" Hiei asked.

"No but you could have said something about my games when I got home. To show me you had been there." Hashi said.

"That was my mistake Hashi. Now when is your next game?" Hiei asked.

"You don't like crowds." Hashi said.

"Yeah but I'll be there. I'll find out from Kurama if I have to Hashi but I'd rather get it from you." Hiei said and smiled at Hashi.

"All right, all right, tomorrow." Hashi said the smiled back at Hiei.

"Good now how do you play this thing?" Hiei asked confused.

"I'm going to go finish dinner." Rose said and went back to the Kitchen.


Authors Note: Please review and tell me what you think. I think this one sucks compared with my other Yu Yu Hakusho fics what do you think?