Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hope For Fox ❯ Images of a Dream ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sorry took long to update! But here you go.

Kurama took Hiei back to the den, he was wringing out his hair when Hiei started shivering again. The fox let out a sigh.

" He's still cold." Kurama had no more idea's to keep the small fire demon warm, even the fire still made him shiver.

Kurama placed a hand on Hiei's forehead, images started being transferred into the kitsune's mind.

He gasped and took his hand away. "What was that? Wait a minute…. Was that.." Kurama let his thought trail off, he placed his hand back on Hiei's forehead and began watching the pictures that were coming from Hiei.

" What's going on? Is… is this the dream?" Kurama said as he started watching the dream.

The wind was blowing, the tree's looked as if they were bowing, and away from the trees was a field where two fighters were attacking. A small child was lying on the ground shivering and whispering something that was not audible.

" That's me… I'm fighting Hiei's father.." Kurama continued to watch.

Kurama was in his Youko form, he attacked the fire demon with a vine full of thorns, in the thorns was poison. Enough poison to rot away all your bones and make you have a very painful death. Kurama was able to get the vine around one of Shinogi's arms, everything was silent, even when the older fire demon screamed nothing could be heard. Shinogi fell to the ground, his body laid limp in the field.

Kurama walked over to Hiei who was lying on the ground. Kurama said something that could not be heard. He picked up the fire demon child and started walking away from the other body on the ground.

Kurama suddenly turned around with a startled look on his face, then everything went black.

Kurama took his hand away. " What happened in there?" The fox started looking around frantically.

" He's close by." Kurama gathered Hiei into his arms and held him tight. " If I stay in here he can easily get us. We need to make a run for it, I can hide him somewhere and get as far away as I can so he will be safe." Kurama nodded, he knew what he had to do.

Kurama ran out of his den with Hiei in his arms, as he felt the ki of the enemy. He started picking up his speed. " He is close by. Very close." Kurama looked around, Hiei was whimpering softly with his eyes closed tight.

" The human world… I will throw Hiei through the portal." Kurama hated doing that, but he knew Shinogi could easily find him if he hid him somewhere here.

Kurama ran as fast as he could, the fire demon was close behind and gaining.

" I have to go faster, I have to." Kurama thought to himself. The portal that divided the worlds was getting closer.

Kurama looked to his right, Shinogi was there, and he had a smirk on his face. " Let me take him off your hands." Before Kurama knew it Hiei and Shinogi were gone.

Kurama stopped dead in his tracks. " Hiei! No! Give him back you bastard!" The fox cursed under his breath, he had to find Hiei. Kurama found his faint childlike ki, and started following.

" You want to see why you're lying on the ground in your dream?" A chilling voice asked Hiei. Hiei only closed his eyes not saying anything. Shinogi moved closer to Hiei his sword drawn and ready to attack the defenseless child. He raised the sword up and smirked. " Let me show you."

Kurama was running when he heard something scream in pain. " Hiei!" The fox growled. Kurama continued on his way. " Please be ok, please be ok." He said over and over again.

The silver-haired fox finally made it, he looked to the ground and saw Hiei lying on the ground. " H-hiei…." The fire demon opened one eye and stared at Kurama without saying a word.

Kurama looked away from Hiei and found Shinogi standing there. " How could you do this to your own son?!" Kurama was furious. Hiei was bleeding and was in a lot pain. Shinogi only smiled cruelly.

" How wonderful blood is. Don't you agree? I could care less for whose blood I spill, it just happened to be his."

Kurama had enough of this talk, he brought out a vine with poison thorns on it. "………" Kurama said nothing. He just glared at the fire demon. " You will die, that is a promise."

The fire demon laughed. " The great Youko Kurama is threatening me. I feel honored." Shinogi was mocking Kurama, Kurama growled in frustration. " Shut up and fight!" Kurama jumped in the air, lashing out with the vine. The fire demon dodged and attacked him back.

As the fight continued Hiei listened to the sounds, he could hear the blood splatter to the ground, groans of pain, hearts beating fast. He could hear it all. He wished he could go deaf. " Stop…." He whispered.

The fighting continued, cut after cut was placed on one another, neither one would give up. Who ever died, loses.

" Man, something big is happening. And I know Hiei and Kurama are right in the middle of it." Kuwabara was talking to Yusuke. Yukina has been crying, she could feel the pain he was going through. Tiny tear gems lay around her, more spilling out of her eyes. "Brother.." She whispered.

Kurama jumped behind the fire demon, his poison vine raised, he brought it down but before it wrapped around Shinogi, he was gone. Kurama gasped. " But.. But the dream!" Kurama landed on his feet on the ground confused.

He whirled around when he heard a laugh. " You think I am stupid? I know what he is dreaming, I know that if those thorns get stuck in me I will be poisoned. Dreams don't always tell the truth you know!"

Kurama lunged at him, attacking with a different plant, this battle was taking longer than expected.

The battle continued. They were both getting weaker and the spell that was placed on Hiei was wearing off. Kurama smiled slightly, it seemed that Shinogi could not tell.

Hiei woke up. He was older again. " The… the spell, it wore off." Hiei looked at the fox and his `father' fighting. " K-kurama… I will help you." Hiei stood up on unstable feet, and tore off his bandanna. His jagan eye opened and started glowing light purple. " I will kill him myself."

He stood up and looked at Kurama. Then to Shinogi.

His arm was engulfed in a black flame, his wards were burnt off as he prepared for the attack. Before Shinogi knew it Hiei started his attack.

"Jaou Ensatsu Kokuryuu Ha!" Hiei yelled as the dragon came forth and attacked leaving nothing but ashes behind.

" His power is not strong enough… He will be killed with it!" Kurama ran for Hiei grabbing him as he fainted. The dragon continued looking for a next meal, it made its way to Hiei and Kurama. Kurama was panting. He could not outrun the dragon.

A blue beam was shot and smashed into the fiery black beast. Soon it was gone. Yusuke ran up to Kurama and Hiei. " Hey! Are you two ok?" Yusuke picked up Hiei, Kuwabara arrived and helped the fox stand. " We're ok, just tired."

They reached the Ningenkai, Kurama was back into his human form and Hiei was still out cold. The kitsune was limping, his arm on Kuwabara for support. They found Yukina at Genkai's temple. She smiled brightly when she saw Hiei.

" Brother.. He's all right." She thought as she ran up to him.

Hiei awoke two hours later, Kurama was on a futon next to him. Kurama smiled at him. "Your finally awake. How are you feeling?"

" Hn. Ok I guess." Said Hiei, He rolled onto his stomach and sighed. " He's really gone." Kurama nodded. " Yes. I don't uinderstand one thing though. Why did you even have those dreams? Our fight went nothing like them." Hiei said nothing for a while, then turned to the fox.

" Dreams don't always come true Fox…"

" Yes.. You're right." Kurama sat up wincing at the pain. " Shall we go and join the rest of the group?"

" You can barely sit up without wincing, what makes you think you can make it into the living room?" Kurama smiled. " Well I'll need some help." Hiei sighed.

" hn. Stupid fox." Kurama chuckled. " Will you help me or not? We can help each other."

" I don't need help." Kurama sighed. " Fine then just help me get into the living room." Hiei sat up and winced at the sharp pain. " I'm tired, make it in there by yourself." With that Hiei laid down. Kurama laughed.

" I guess there is no need to hurry right?"

" Hn."

" Thank you Hiei." The fire demon turned to look at the fox.

" For what?"

" You saved me, I don't think I could have lasted much longer with him." Kurama turned onto his stomach and propped his self up with his elbows.

" Hn."

" I'll take that as a your welcome."

Yukina walked in with a tray of food. " Here you two go, I brought you some food."

" Thank you Yukina-chan." Kurama said thankfully, he sat up ignoring the small amount of pain that went threw him. " Thanks for the meal." He started eating with his chopsticks.

" Are you hungry?" Yukina asked her twin. Hiei nodded mutely. She smiled and helped him sit up. " Thank you Yukina." He said softly, barely above a whisper.

" Are you all right?" Her voice had a note of worry in it.

" What? No I'm fine." He started eating. Yukina got up. " All right. If you two need anything let me know!" She left the room and closed the door behind her.

" Hiei. You could have said more to her." Kurama stated still eating his food. Hiei shook his head. " I wish she did not know I am her brother." Kurama looked at him waiting for him to finish.

Hiei reached into his pocket and pulled out lots of tear gems. He showed them the Kurama who just stared at the handful of small tear pearls. " Where did you get those?"

" When I woke up I found them. She cried cause she knew I was hurt, if she did not know, she would not waste her tears on someone like me." Kurama frowned. " You still think you are not worthy of her?" Hiei sighed.

" Fox. I know I'm not worthy of her."

" She seems happy." Kurama said to Hiei placing his food down.

Hiei stood up wincing in pain. Kurama stood up after him just in case something happened. " I don't know…" Kurama grabbed Hiei's hand and pulled him to the door. " Listen to her! How can you say that?!"

Hiei cracked the door opened and listened to his sister's happy statements. After a while of listening he closed the door. Kurama stared at him.

" She…. She is happy." Hiei stuttered " She has never been more happy I say." Kurama informed him.

Hiei sat back down on his futon. " I hope she does not think I will be able to change."

" I don't think she expects anything like that. She is just glad she found you."

Hiei lay back down. " If she is happy, then everything will be ok." He muttered before he fell a sleep.

" Everything is ok Hiei." Kurama smiled.

~ The End ~

yay all done!

First story ever completed! Hope you like. Be continuing with other stories real soon. I don't know if should continue this. Like a sequel.. or not. Tell me what you think, and I will do what my reviews say.
