Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ How ❯ How ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own YuYu Hakusho, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.
How can I make him see the pain in my heart? A pain of guilt. A pain of love. He already sees me as weak. In my human body with human emotions. I sometimes think he is rightbr>Ibr>I feel guilt now. Though I also feel love. That is my greatest weakness. My love... My love for him. A love I hide. Again, I ask myself... How can I make him see?
How can I make him see the pain in my heart? A pain of guilt. A pain of love. He already sees me as weak. In my human body with human emotions. I sometimes think he is rightbr>Ibr>I feel guilt now. Though I also feel love. That is my greatest weakness. My love... My love for him. A love I hide. Again, I ask myself... How can I make him see?