Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hybrid's, Foxes, and Spirit Detectives ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Chapter one: The Beginning

The unnatural black sun shown down on the dark castle, covering the strange world in shadows. The gray trees swayed at the powerful forces of dead wind. At the entrance of the large chateau, several caliginous gaurds lay inanimate and lifeless, ebony blood seeping into the shady ground. The clashing of swords and crackle of electrical energy could be heard inside the murky halls.

"Sai!" called a tall, red-headed, teenage girl. Her partner, a short, scarlet haired eighteen-year-old, made quick work of the sentinel she was fighting and turned her attention onto the other girl.

"What is it?" Sai asked in an indifferent tone.

"The watchmen on the roof are gathering quickly. Do you think you can take 'em?"

Sai noticed Kethrina's teasing inflection. "Only if you think you can handle these idiots," she answered, not waiting for a reply before disappearing.

"Of course I can," Kethrina said, more to herself now that her friend was gone. She moved in on the group, holding her bow and arrow made of spirit energy. "Now," she began cynically, "you don't actually think you can beat me, do you?"

One of the warriors opened his mouth, his eyes suddenly widening as he saw the blue arrow heading for him and his small band. A few more shots, and they were destroyed. Kethrina smiled sweetly as she heard the curses of several men above her.

'Good,' she thought. 'It won't be long.'

She turned her head, flipping her long violet-tinted hair. "Now, where the hell is that king?"

She turned her sapphire eyes from the incinerated corpses', walking away to look for King Chizu. That's when she heard the noise outside, which sounded a lot like 'shrimp.'


"Yususke!" called Botan, a blue hair bobbing in it's ponytail, pink eyes searching as she ran along side the brown haired Keiko.

"Yeah, what is it?" a tall, lean boy with gelled black hair asked rudely.

"Koenma wants to see you and Kuwabara," she replied, coming to a halt before him.

"What does that toddler want now?" Yususke retorted dryly as he continued walking, hands in his pockets. "What about Kurama and Hiei? Or is it just that he wants us to watch him eat while he rambles on and on about useless stuff?"

"Kuwabara! Over here!" Keiko called out, waving for the tall orange-haired teenage boy.

"Oh, hey Keiko. Hey Botan. What's up with Urameshi?" he asked, pointing at Yususke, who was still complaining.

"Koenma wants to see you again," Keiko explained.

"Oh, really? What for?"

"Don't know yet," Yususke answered. "Later Keiko."

"Bye. Don't forget Yususke, tomorrow night," she warned as she walked back to campus.

"Yeah, yeah. Hurry up Botan, we haven't got all day," the teen in green called as he walked away, Kuwabara following closely. The ferry girl caught up with them as she appeared on her oar in a pink kimono, opening a portal.