Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hybrid's, Foxes, and Spirit Detectives ❯ Discerning Between Dream and Reality ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

WARNING: My first warning! Okay, well, this is basically for the `graphic nature' in this chapter. It's not exactly lemon, but it IS more detailed than the other chapters. There is something close to rape, but not quite, and some `touchy-feely' emotions. The characters, specifically Hiei, are OOC. Now, on to the story.
By the way, this chapter will probably be longer than most of my other ones.
Chapter Eleven: Discerning Between Dream and Reality
The mother kitsune wrapped her onyx tail around her hybrid daughter, ashamed of the union, yet proud of its result. Her tale was told nightly, their own mother-daughter time by themselves as her son and husband went out to hunt and train.
She giggled at the antics of her child as she sat on all fours waiting anxiously for her mother's tale of love and tragedy. The voice in the air was sweet, and it entranced Adokenai as she listened intently, though she had heard it many times before.
“I was but a young girl when I came upon a young man, obviously injured in a vicious battle. I was a far way from home, not that my mother minded any. I was always going off on my own, no matter what the other family members said. `She is her own person,' my mother had told them. `Let her do her own thing.'
“As many times as I had traveled down that trail, never had I noticed any strangers and bandits. Imagine my surprise when I found him there, all bloody and beaten as he was. I couldn't be sure where his wounds were, so, gathering up my courage, I tried hefting him to the spring that only I knew of, as well as the wildlife, of course, barely managing to drag him.
“Carefully minding his many cuts and bruises, I cleaned him and his wounds. I laid him on a small pallet of leaves hidden within the hollow of a large tree, silently admiring his silver ears and hair and tails while ripping strips from my own clothing to dress his wounds.
“I had not noticed him watching me until my golden eyes met his grey. My breath was stolen away in that one glance, my heart momentarily ceasing to beat, my hand quickly drawing back only to be caught by his.
“His grip was firm, but not nearly tight enough to be uncomfortable. He released me slowly, cautiously as though waiting for me to strike at him.
“I forced the malice out of my voice as I spoke to him with angry eyes. `If I wanted to kill you, you do know I would have never helped your healing process along, right?'
“He seemed confused for a moment before noticing the bandage in my hand, waiting to be wrapped around a ghastly gash in his left shoulder. I bent over him to work, unknowingly baring my chest for his pleasurable viewing, to work the makeshift dressing into covering the cut.
“As soon as I was finished, he had me pinned to the pallet, three of his tails wrapped around my waist as he pulled me closer to his body. I would have screamed, if not for one of his fingers stroking my lips as a lover's tongue would.
“He grinned mischievously at me, lowering his face to mine, just a breath away. `So,' he spoke, `my young healer is beautiful maiden vixen? Hmmm…' he purred, noticing the blush brightening my face. `Not used to receiving compliments?'
“ `No,' I murmured, embarrassed at how close he was. `It is not often that I spend my time at home.'
“He seemed to think for a moment as he let me slip from his tails, smiling mischievously once more. `How about,' he began, and then paused. I waited patiently for his proposal.
“ `How about you heal me whenever I need healing, and I will continue to compliment you,' he said, his eyes roaming over me. `And I will protect you,' he added sincerely.
“I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring defiantly. `Fine,' I told him in a huff. `But don't expect me to bend at your every beck and call!'
“I tried my hardest to hide my yawn, but he caught it just as I let my hand slip away. I was positive my eyes were already drooping, and he must have noticed, because the next thing I knew I was wrapped up with him in the small pallet of leaves, purring into his chest as I slept.
“I began to travel there more and more often, spending less and less time at home until I stopped going back at all. He treated me wonderfully, being always so kind and caring it often surprised me that he was a thief and a warrior. He kept to his word, always complimenting me and keeping me under protection, and I continued to heal him even when he didn't need it.
“Every night we slept on the same pallet, and sooner than later, I found myself falling in love with him, and he - ”
“Stole your mother's heart!” laughed a joyous voice from behind them.
Mother and daughter twirled around to look at the two silver kitsune standing in the doorway, the older smiling at Adokenai's mother playfully. The younger, as though sensing what was happening picked up Adokenai and toted her off into another room.
She landed hardly on the floor, rubbing her bottom and pouting at her half-brother. “What did you do that for?” she asked, tears welling up in her eyes as though she were going to cry.
He crouched down beside her, smiling maliciously as his fingers went to her sides, and she screamed and giggled all at once, trying to kick him away.
“Youko! Youko, stop!” she cried, her breathing hitched as he tickled her mercilessly. She writhed away from him in time to hear their father's yelp of surprise.
“Alexia! What did I tell you about pulling my tail?!”
Laughter could be heard from the other room, and Youko suddenly blushed as his father slowly drawled out, “Now you're going to pay the consequences…”
“Youko, what are Mom and Dad talking about?” Adokenai asked innocently, watching as his blush grew brighter.
He stood abruptly, startling her into jumping a bit. He took her by the hand and helped her stand, walking into the outside world.
“Come, little sister. Let us explore.”
She remembered the whip. The sting it set against her as she was taught not to disobey her “betters”. It was an awful thing, with it's braided cord and thick handle, snapping in the air every time she whimpered. It was the first thing to come back to her.
They were thieves, that she knew, she didn't, however, know what she was doing with them. One moment, she had been training, her two kodachi's strapped to her side as she raced for her target, and then she was waking up in a tent, foul smelling air lingering into her sense's as she heard the snap in the air and the cries from the other females in the room.
Suddenly, it hit her. They were a band of male thieves, and males were often known to have a need to `relieve' themselves, so to speak. There was no wonder why the only ones cowering were females, some not even demon.
She scowled at the man in front of her, though he seemed not to notice as he chatted with his friend about something she could barely hear. She began to make out more as she inconspicuously crept closer to them.
“…Think he'll like 'em…his birthday after all…wonder which 'un he'll choose?”
“…Have ta wait'n see…never seen'im with a woman before…”
“Think he's ever been with one?”
“Have ta wait'n see what it'll sound like from his room!”
They laughed, a hideous sound that almost made Adokenai choke. She felt tears pricking at her eyes, but held them in; she'd never let these beasts see her in a weakened state.
There was no wonder why the girls were crying; they were going to be used to pleasure these strange men, after all. It was too horrible a thought, and she wasted no time in quickly pushing it away.
The glare was still set upon her face as the two men turned to make sure she was getting into no trouble, and she couldn't decide if it was a good thing or a bad thing when they turned a frown onto each other.
“Think we should save this'n for him?”
“Depends on how fiery she is…you know he likes his challenges.”
Adokenai was scared for a minute before she leapt at them, reaching for her weapons that were supposed to be at her waist within hands' reach. Only they weren't there. And neither were the clothes she had remembered putting on that morning. This was a raggedy, torn rag, a rather pitiful excuse for a dress; looking around, she noticed the other girls wore the exact same thing.
She punched one of the men in the face, only to have the other grab her arms to pin them behind her back. She was sure she could almost feel her shoulder blades pop as she struggled against the hold.
She was free for a moment, only to lose most of the hope she had as she felt the chains go around her neck, her waist, her wrists, her ankle's. She closed her eyes out of fear, almost certain she was done for, but when she felt two bodies press against her own, they quickly snapped open.
Fear consumed her whole being as she watched in horror as the same two men from before touched her in no place she had ever been touched before, in places she had never wanted touched, especially by grimy men such as themselves.
They began to grind into her, one behind her, the other in front. Suddenly, she lost all of her senses as she felt the chains pulling at her legs, pleading with her, forcing her to spread them. She almost complied, but halted as her teeth dug into the neck of the man before her, a loud yelp of pain soundless as he slowly died, blank eyes rolling back into his head.
Blood dripping from her chin, long fangs displayed in the glinting sorrow, she turned to the one behind her, only to have herself chained to a pole in the middle of a tent she didn't remember coming to. She snapped at the group of men surrounding her, laughing menacingly as they stepped back to avoid her.
She wasn't sure what happened next, but whatever it was, she was sure she hadn't been too happy when she woke from the darkness once more, finding herself still chained to the pole. The links seemed to tighten around her as she struggled to free herself, only managing to have the rough metal break her skin, stinging as the rust hit her new-found wounds.
Adonkenai leaned her head back against the pole, beating her head against it. Think, think, think! I have to get out of here! She thought, unconsciously rocking back and forth.
She bit back a gasp as light suddenly consumed her vision. Squinting, she tried to look at the figure standing before her, only to be met with shockingly crimson eyes. Her shock must have shown through, considering the menacing smirk he was now giving her. He stood, clad in black, just as she had been the other day, and continued his small trek around her, examining his prey like the predator he was.
He stepped behind her, putting his hand to her head. She almost wanted to purr as she felt his comforting ministration, but let out a low, warning growl as he yanked her head back, eyes blazing fire, promising death. He merely chuckled.
“Such fervor is wasted on me,” he told her, setting her head back gently, then, kneeling before her, placed his hands on either side of her face. She flinched, visibly, but managed to hold back the whimper of pain as his fingers softly brushed a bruise she hadn't been aware of. “You should save it for the one's who did this to you.”
She looked up at him, shocked a friend of the thieves could be acting so…so tenderly with her. A blush suddenly alighted her face as his fingers found their way to her lips, trailing down her neck, across her bare collarbone, down the center of her chest, moving down to her naval where she tensed, a small whimpering moan escaping her parted lips; he smirked up at her again.
“Who would have thought,” he began slowly, “that one with so much fire such as you would be this ticklish?”
He let his fingers drop, the heat he had spread before leaving, only to be replaced as he leaned forward, his ear catching her uneasy, wavering breaths, his nose at the crook of her neck, taking in her scent as she shivered, unsure if it was in delight or fear.
He slowly loosened the chains so as not to tear at her wounds, but her sharp intake of breath caught him off guard as he started. He could smell the salt of her unshed tears, and the blood of her cuts, as they seemed to saturate the air around them. He cursed the gang of thieves he had joined, wondering why he had done so in the first place.
“Happy birthday,” she whispered, watching him work around the dried blood that had crusted around the links.
At her words, he stopped short, a confused and surprised expression written across his features as he stared hardly at her, almost as if he was trying to solve a puzzle.
“I heard two guys talking about a birthday, a giving me as a present since I was such a `fiery challenge',” she mocked, smiling at him as he resumed, only sparing her a brief glance of pity. “I only assumed it was you…”
Before either of them knew it, the chains had been removed, the abrasions they had caused dark in contrast to her pale skin. His fingertips burned into her skin as they danced over her, the tingling sensation bubbling over in the pit of her stomach.
Adokenai forgot her pain as she felt the ecstasy of his touch enter her mind, biting her lip as her eyes fluttered. He drew away quickly, as if scorned, only to have her fall sideways into his awaiting arms, exposing her neck to him, along with some of the bruises his `friends' had caused her.
He let loose a feral growl, one that would have made an alpha wolf turn tail and flee, but he let it drop as she wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling into his side and purring; he sighed in defeat as he flopped down before the previously occupied pole, gathering the girl close to him.
Hiei had shared his history with her, when he had never done so with anyone, and she had done the same, though a little more trusting that he was. He knew the other men and women grew jealous of the longing looks she always seemed to give him, the way she laughed at him when no one else was aloud to, the way he held her at night as they slept.
Time had seemed to fly for both of them, though they had promised to never forget their nights of love, especially the first time.
Adonkenai had been surprised he had been so soft with her, so gentle and caring, so many emotions ran through one touch, it was enough to make her melt, and melt she did. He had loved her for what seemed like hours, over and over, again and again, night after night, it seemed.
They were both surprised, however, when one morning she had been sick to her stomach, then only a few hours later, had been trying to eat anything in sight. Hiei had worried endlessly over her, however, knew everything was all right when she tried to steal his dinner one night.
They tried desperately to keep it hidden from the others, after all, the last time one of the women had become pregnant, she had been killed immediately. Not wanting that, they had stayed silent, though Adokenai's continuously growing stomach was not so easily concealed.
Hiei had thought nothing of it when he was asked to go on a “mission” with a few others. They had said nothing yet, so he had assumed they were not worried about Adokenai's condition.
He had been gone for only a few hours when a few of the women came up to her, requesting her assistance in gathering some things from the forest. Not wanting to feel completely useless, she agreed.
While walking through the underbrush and moving through the brambles looking for any kind of small game or nuts and berries, she could have sworn she had heard something rustling nearby. Ignoring it and pushing the disturbance far from her mind, she continued on with her task.
Barely moments later, a sharp pain laced through her skull, a warm liquid running down her forehead to end at the corner of her mouth. She tasted the coppery substance, the salt stinging a small cut on her lip Hiei had left as a reminder the night before. Adokenai suddenly realized that what she was tasting was her own blood as dizziness clouded her vision.
She didn't feel her knees hit the ground, or hear the hissing voice whispering something dreadful in her ear, and she didn't see the thick, green foliage as she fell head first into the darkness surrounding her.
She awoke briefly sometime later to a dull pain shooting through out her entire body. Groaning, and noticing how dry her throat seemed to be, she opened her eyes to look into the face of a red haired girl sitting beside her, two bundles held in her arms, tears streaming from her sapphire eyes.
There was such a saddening air about her, something Adokenai became suddenly worried about.
“I'm…sorry,” she heard a sniffle, hearing the choking sob interrupt the girl's words. She held one of her arms out, the bundle beginning to wriggle; the other was completely still.
Adokenai looked at her, confused to say the least. “What…what do you mean?” she croaked out, trying her hardest not to cough, tears already pricking at her eyes.
“I could only save one,” she cried, leaning over to show Adokenai the small child, still newborn, opening wide curious red eyes, a small tuft of crimson hair sticking up on her head.
She cooed and Adokenai couldn't help the small smile that graced her lips. It quickly slid away as she saw the other child. His small eyes were still open, violet peeking through, and a head full of raven hair, his skin lightly blue, his lips a pale shade of purple.
Wrapping her arms around herself, she closed off from the rest of the world, even her newborn daughter as she silently wept for something she was unsure of. It wasn't long that she drifted into a fretful rest, her last words hanging in the air like a haunting memory…
A/N: Okay, I'm ending it here. I think my first version of this chapter was better, but SOMEBODY'S computer had to delete it without letting me save it. Talk about being mad… Anyway, this chapter should be rather obvious. It's the past happenings preset before the story, sort of. Please, tell me what you think because I would really like to know. Thank you for reading! I'll try to get the next chapter out A.S.A.P.