Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Insert you with Kurama: Angel Kitsune ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 10

You ran into the house to see what the commotion was all about

and you found Kuwabara and Yusuke fighting again (obviously)

over who one the racing game. "NO I won." Kuwabara yelled

aiming at Yusuke. "NO I WON!!!!" Yusuke yelled back and

punched Kuwabara where the sun doesn't I repeat where the sun

DOES NOT shine. Kuwabara fell over and then fainted. "Well, I

don't think that he's going to wake up anytime soon judging by

how I beat him up and how hard you just punched him." You

smirked when you came out of the shadows. "Hey ______ can we

put him in his room then?" Yusuke asked. "Sure. I'll take care of

it. Do you guys want to train for a little bit then after?" you ask.

"Cool! Sure! I want to see your other abilities for my self. Kurama

says that they are REALLY AWSOME!" Yusuke exclaimed. You

blushed upon receiving such a compliment from Kurama. (OOOH

lucky!!!) "Ok then, let me get Kuwabara." You say as you get

some disinfectant and some tissues. "_________, what is that for?"

Kurama asked. "Oh this? I don't want to touch Kuwabara because

he is so dirty so I'm using the disinfectant to clean him off and the

tissues are so when I drag him upstairs, I still don't have to really

touch him." You reply as you spray the disinfectant. That done,

you dragged him upstairs making sure to `accidentally' drop him

and let him fall down the stairs(SORRY KUWABAKA I mean

Kuwabara fans! Wait…… are there any?). After you lugged him

onto his bed, you ran back downstairs to meet the rest of the gang.

"Ok I'll show you to the outdoor dojo." You say as you motion for

the people to follow you. You led them outside and into another

building. In this building, there were swords, wooden and real,

staffs, spears, and other weapons. "Ok Yusuke, how about this,

why don't we spar each other?" "Sure, what do you want to use?

Fists? Swords?" Yusuke questioned. "How about we use both? We

can add them in when we want." you suggest. "Hey Hiei? You're

an expert at swords right?" "Hn." Was Hiei's reply. "Well, I was

wondering about the quality of the swords here. Would you check

them?" you ask. "Hn." Was the answer again but nonetheless, Hiei

went over to where the swords were. He took one, unsheathed it,

and went through a couple of motions. You saw his eyes widen at

how easily it could swing. "Does it have a good quality?" you

question him. "Hn. The quality is very good." Hiei admitted. "I'm

glad you approve because it is yours." You reply smiling. (you're

so nice!!) Hiei stuttered. Then he said, "Thank you _____." (DID


You smiled and then said to Yusuke, "Let's begin shall we?"

"Bring it on." Yusuke said as he charged. He ran at you and

attacked viciously with flying punches and kicks. You blocked all

but one. Yusuke suddenly aimed and kicked at your stomach. You

flew into the wall and landed in a heap on the floor.

"___________" Kurama yelled. Yusuke then took the wooden

sword and placed it at your throat. "Surrender?" he asked.

"NEVER!" you scream out and suddenly kicked your legs over to

do a flip. You landed again on your feet kicking Yusuke over in

the process. You then used your speed to get your wooden sword

and whack him on the head EXTREMELY HARD!!! The bokken

(Bokken stands for wooden sword) broke on impact but did knock

Yusuke out. "Oops." You say. "I better take care of that."