Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Jaganshi Babies ❯ The Store And The Stick Up ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama and the babies enetered the large grocery store. Zinnia sat in the babychair of the shopping kart and Hiei and Jin in the larger part(you know where you put the food and stuff.). First Kurama thought it'd be best to stop at the pharmacy to get a refill on his constipation pills. He stopped at the counter and rang the bell for service, then he patiently waited. Finally, a woman came to the counter. She was a rather old woman with white hair and glasses. "Yes, what can I do for you, miss?"she asked adjusting her glasses. Kurama frowned.

"Im sorry ma'am but I am quite male and Im here to get a refill on my medicine. My name is Shuichi Minamino."he said. The woman smiled.

"Okay and what kind of medicine are you picking up?"she asked. Kurama sweatdropped. He was a bit embarrassed.

"Um....constipation medicine.."he said rather quietly. The woman put her hand up to her ear.

"Im sorry, miss I didnt quite catch that."

"I am a male and I said constipation medicine."he said a little bit louder.

"Im sorry young lady, you're gonna have to speak up a bit."

"I AM A MALE AND CONSTIPATION MEDICINE, PLEASE!!"he yelled from the top of his lungs. Now everyone in the whole store was staring at him. The red head blushed. The woman smiled.

"Okay"she took out a capsule of pills and handed it to him. "Here you are"

"Thank you...."said the red head still blushing. The old woman got a glimpse of the baby in the kart.

"You're children are so beautiful. The red head one looks just like you."she said smiling.

" 'ey!"said baby Jin. Kurama sweatdropped.

"Um.....they're not my children....Im only 16. These are my....um....little cousins!"he explained. All 3 babies gave him this stare. With that he was on his way. He made his way into an aisle to look for something good to eat. This was the cereal aisle. Kurama stopped he kart. He smiled at the babies. "Okay, take what you want." Jin and Hiei stood up and reached for the boxes on the shelves. Jin swiped a lucky charms box while Hiei took a trix box. Zinnia who was sitting in the baby chair had trouble reaching the resces(spelling?) peanut butter box. Kurama simply retrieved it for her and placed it in the kart.

"A'gatou"said the baby happily. Kurama smiled and patted her on the head.

"You're quite welcome." He decided that that was enough cereal so now that he got breakfast out the way he decided it was time to look for lunch foods. He made his ay to aisle 7. There were shelves full of ramen noodles! Which was probaly one of the few non-sweet human foods that Hiei actually ate. Kurama picked up 2 six packs of those and placed them on the the lower shelf on the kart beneath where Hiei and Jin sat. Now that lunch was taken care of he made his way to the frozen food section for dinner. Zinnia instantly began shivering as soon as the cold air hit her skin. Kurama already knew that neither Zinnia or Hiei would eat that mushed baby food that he had tried to feed them last night. So he figured that Jin wouldnt eat it either. He remembered how they liked the pasta so he opened the clear door to the refridgerator thing and pulled out several pasta tv dinners. He closed the door and wondered about dessert. That one wouldnt be too hard to figure out.....ice cream. He opened another door and pulled out a box of caramel swirl icecream.

"Yay!"cheered all three babies. Kurama chuckled. He also picked up some trix drinkable yogurt. He was gonna go pick up some flowers for his mother as well but that was interupted when he heard people screaming in the front of the store. He looked down at the kart. All 3 babies are here. They hadnt done a bad thing since they came in the store(you notice how they usually act up when it's Yuske and Kuwabara?). Kurama ran to the front of the store pushing the kart along. Standing in the store was a man dressed in black wwearing a ski mask. He lifted up a gun.

"Everybody get on the floor, now!"he screamed. Instantly everyone dropped to the floor. Kurama felt that it wasnt best to unleash his powers in front of others so he did as he was told. He picked up all the babies and got down on the floor just like all the other people in the store. He just decided to wait for the police to come and take care of this guy and just hope that he wouldnt shoot anybody. He knew how these human criminals rolled. Hold up the store, take all the money, then leave. There were about 15 cash registers so he was gonna have to wait a while for the idiotic robber was still trying to figure out how to open the first one.

"Be quiet, okay?"he whispered to the three babies. Then his eyes widened. They were only two babies. Where was Zinnia?! He franticly looked around for the missing baby.

"Now how the heck do you open this thing?"asked the robber still toying around with the cash register. Just then he heard barking. He looked down to see baby Zinnia. This was quite a strange sight to see since her wolf features were covered up by the bandana on her head and the sweater around her waist.

"Zinnia come back!" pleaded Kurama. Her barking continued. This crinimal showed no mercy. Not even to a baby! He aimed the gun....then fired. Instantly the puppy jumped up on him and started clawing his face. The robber screamed in pain and shook his head in all different directions to shake the baby off him. Her scratching didnt cease. Finally, he fell to the ground. Just then the police bursted into the store.

"You're under arrest!"said the one cop as he put the handcuffs on the criminal. Another cop picked up Zinnia. "This baby is a hero." Zinnia smiled and giggled in delight. Kurama sighed in relief.

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