Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Judgement Day ❯ Dangerous Thoughts ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: I'm still waiting for you guys to pick a title. Remember- it's between Tergiversation or Depredating Memories. Kay? Also…I still want two reviews for each chapter before I post the next one. I don't even write more until I get two reviews…or really stunning inspiration. Got it?

I want to thank everyone for their reviews. I appreciate them. You should see the look on my face when I see I got a new review- it's like I'm a little kid again at Christmas time…Hah!

Katzztar: I'll try and answer a few of your questions here. Kay? Okay, your first question was where's Kuwabara…well right now he's kinda near a border. Not like a border line or anything. It's a border between the dimensions; Makai, Ningenkai (did I get that right?) and the Spirit World. It's almost its own separate world. It has a mix of humans (example: Eris and Nekko although they might have powers), demons, spirits, and anything and everything of my creation! I hope that kinda answers that question. If it doesn't ask me again…later. The second question was basically asking what was up with the voice in his head. I'm sorry but you'll just have to read to find out…but no…he doesn't have multiple personality syndrome. Finally- I didn't know if this was a question or not but Alec and Eris are actually real names…I got them from babynames.com (it's a very big site with over hundreds of names in a lot of languages! Very cool. It also gives the meaning of the names). All the Yu Yu Hakusho names I obviously got from Yu Yu Hakusho. Nekko, Sutó, Elda, Kore, and Ledon are of my own creation and if they have any likeness to any other names- it's not my fault! Gyorgy though is actually a name too. (Gyorgy was only mentioned once in the last chapter as Nekko's and Eris's older brother). I had a waiter once and that was his name so I'd thought I'd use it. Thanks Gyorgy!(It's pronounced george-ee) Anyway…I hope I answered your questions. If I didn't, contact me and give me warning before you tar and feather me so that I can put tarps over the furniture… .

~:Dangerous Thoughts:~

Alec's mind was in a hell where only pain existed. Dark shadows covered his mind in a stifling mist. ~What happened?~ Alec questioned himself. ~What happened to me?~ A slight sigh in the mist gave way to a voice. ~Ah, my dear, dear shell. What happened to you is your own fault, you know. You should have listened to me. I didn't want to hurt you.~ The voice was gentle but stern. ~Wh-what did you do?~ ~I only scratched you a little. I didn't want to hurt you. If I had, I would have torn your mind apart. But see, I need you and you need me. Without each other we would be nothing. Don't you see?~ ~No, I don't. I don't need you- not now or ever!~ ~Oh but you do. You need me more than you know.~ ~I do not!~ ~Why do you not surrender to me? It would make things less painful and much easier.~ ~I will not give in.~ ~Fine- don't give. It won't make a difference to me. You'll only be hurt greater in the process. If you had given in it would have only made things quicker for me.~ ~What are you talking about? Why do I need to surrender?~ ~I only wish to help you.~ ~If that's all then you can take your leave, I don't need help from myself.~ ~Tsk, tsk. Still denying reality? I am not a part of you. I will let the insult slide this time, just remember, without me you would be nothing.~ ~But what about me?~


Alec awoke to find two large icy blue eyes starring down at him. The person jerked their head back as soon as they noticed he was awake.

"I was right when I said he was waking up. You owe me two coppers." The girl with the blue eyes had turned and was now smirking and holding her hand out to Nekko. Nekko looked at the girl.

"Alright fine. I'll give it to you later. Just check him over, okay?"

"Fine," the girl turned back to Alec, "can you tell me your name?"



"I don't exactly know."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I don't know exactly how old I am, duh." The girl with blue eyes gave him a sour look and returned to questioning him.

"So I suppose that means you don't know when your birth date is. Fine- does this hurt?" The girl tapped his head lightly. Alec yanked his head back when he felt the twinge of pain, but turning his head only brought another bought of pain and he gasped. "I would say so then. I was just checking. Okay, let me see…" the girl kept hitting and poking him and asking him if it hurt. Just about everything did.

"Can you stop poking me now?"

"Fine, fine. I was done anyway. Can you tell me what happened to you?"

"What do you mean."

"Well, you kind of just fell down and wouldn't wake up. I would say that's kind of odd, wouldn't you? I don't think it was fatigue. So, do you mind explaining?"

"I don't really know what happened." The girl raised her eyebrows at him.

"Are you sure?" she turned to look at Eris and Nekko. "Is he always this dumb or do you think he might have hit his head in the fall?" Eris and Nekko giggled. Alec frowned but was amused.

"Traitors. You might want to try a new insult. That one is pretty old."

"Is there anything you might try to remember? Or is the mental strain too hard?"

"Listen, I don't know who you are but why are you asking me this?"

"Oh, I'm just a concerned citizen of this city and as for asking…"

"Please- just don't. I don't want anyone meddling in my life. Thank you."


"No buts. If you don't want to tell me your name and why you are bothering then you might as well leave because I'm not going to tell you anything. There's the door. I trust you're not as dense as I am so I'll assume you know you are not welcome here anymore. Goodbye."

"Hmph. Fine." The girl turned toward to Nekko. "My two coppers?"

"Yeah sure, I'll get them. Just wait outside and I'll be there in a minute, kay?"

"Fine." The girl turned and stomped out of the room.

"What is it you want to ask me? Why I fell?"

"No. Actually I wanted to know if I could have two coppers." Nekko smiled sheepishly.


Alec thought over what the girl could have wanted. He hadn't found out her name but he would soon-he had connections, money and a description. While she had been talking to him he had taken in everything about her appearance: average height-maybe 5'4'', icy blue eyes, honey colored blonde hair, stocky, pointed ears, short rounded nose, stubborn chin, heart-shaped face, and short nails. The short nails would be an advantage; most women had long sharp nails lined with poison. Ledon was truly a one-of-a-kind city. To anyone other than himself, it would sound like he was infatuated with the woman. This would give him another advantage- no one would think that he was trying to find out if this woman had any connection at all with anything of importance. If not then he would forget about her and continue on with his life. But if she was connected to anything- anything at all…he would be ready.


A/N: Hey guys! What did you think? I know a lot of the stuff in the story doesn't make sense. Believe me I know- nothing that comes out of my head makes much sense. Don't worry though, everything will reveal itself in later chapters. I'm not going to abandon this story like I normally would anything else. Anyway, please review if you have the time. I'll except all and any flames, suggestions, comments, remarks, compliments and questions. I'm still waiting for you guys to decide on a title. I'll try and update this Wednesday or Thursday. So just be patient. Thanks!