Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kill Me Slowly ❯ Was It Real? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

BRD: Alright, I'm having a go at YYH fics. Please tell me what you think!!!

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It was autumn and all the trees' leaves had almost completely fallen off in the park. Leaving colorful leaves on the ground that made a crunchy sound when you stepped on them.

A little girl in the park merrily ran through the leaves without a care in the world. Enjoying the sound as her parents watched from the bench they were sitting on.

"Shoko!" called out her mother when she stood up. "It's time to go."

Shoko stopped running and frowned at her mother, "I don't want to go yet!" She put her hands into her pants pockets and began sulking.

"Shoko," her father said in a warning voice. He stood up and put his arm around his wife, "Listen to your mother."

Shoko grumbled, "Why do we have to go now?"

"Your grandmother is looking forward to seeing you," her father replied, "She's looking forward to seeing how much you've grown."

"And maybe…" her mother started, eyeing Shoko, "We'll get some ice cream afterward."

Shoko perked up and ran over to her mother, "Really?"

"I don't know…" her father said shaking his head, "You know what sugar does to-"

Shoko's mother cut him off, "Don't listen to him." she waved her hand, "Come on let's go."

Shoko looked up at her mother and smiled sweetly like most six-year-old girls do. "Mommy," she said gleefully hugging her mother's leg, "I love you." (She was probably sucking up to make sure they would take her to get ice cream)

Her mother returned her smile and whispered, "I love you to Shoko too." She than peeled Shoko off her leg and picked her up into a warm motherly embrace. Shoko snuggled in her mother's arms and lay her head on her mother's shoulder.

"What about me?" Shoko's father asked.

Shoko grinned, "I love you too daddy."

"That's what I thought," he replied happily, ruffling her dark brown hair with his hand affectionately.

Shoko giggled, "Daddy!" she whined cheerfully moving her head out of her father's reach. "I'm not that little anymore!"

Her father looked at her and smirked, "No matter what Shoko, you will always be my little girl." He paused than continued, "No matter what."

Shoko was too busy basking in her parent's love to notice her mother give her father a worried look.

~~~~~That Night~~~~~

"Please, leave her out of this!" Shoko's mother screamed, holding Shoko protectively in her arms. "She hasn't done anything!"

"I don't care!" the demon growled. "Everyone dies!" His eyes gleamed red as the thought of killing aroused him. He brandished his sharp claws and smiled, his pointed teeth waiting to rip through more human flesh. He wanted more human blood and flesh. He still hungered for human meat.

"Mommy…" Shoko whimpered as her mother pulled her closer into her chest. "I'm scared!" Tears ran down her cheeks as she shut her eyes tightly. "I want daddy!"

Shoko's mother stroked her head gently, "You won't suffer the same fate as your father."

Her mother's eyes traveled over to her father's body that lay in a pool of faint crimson blood. Parts of his skin here and there had been torn off revealing bones and his chest had been slashed open. All his organs had been taken out and his entrails lay scattered throughout the room which's walls had been splattered with his blood. Also, his tongue had been pulled out, his eyes had been ripped from their sockets and his throat had been torn out by hacking open his neck.

Shoko wept in fear as she opened her eyes and say the demon stepping closer to her and her mother. "MOMMY!" she screamed.

"Shoko…" her mother whispered, "Look at me."

Shoko stared up into her mother's eyes, "Y-yes…"

"You're my little girl." her mother smiled weakly, "No matter what. Just like your father said earlier. Understand that no matter what happens…" Her mother gave Shoko a quick hug than shoved her and shrieked, "RUN!!!"

"Stop human!" the demon snarled and lurched forward to grab her ,but Shoko's mother threw something at his head and that diverted his attention back to her, "Bitch woman…" he grumbled, "You'll pay for that!"

Shoko ran to the front doorway than stopped than turned around and looked at her mother. "Mother…" Than without thinking she run out the door and onto the street and froze a couple of houses down when she heard her mother scream out in pain.

Shoko than saw police cars race down the street and stop in front of her house. A police officer ran over to her, "Are you Shoko Arashi?"

Shoko nodded and looked down at the ground, "Yes."

The officer took her hand, "Come on, let's clean the blood on you up."

Shoko hesitated but than followed.

~~~~~At Police Station~~~~~

"Poor thing," Officer Tatsuri said shaking his head, "Both her parents killed in such a brutal way." He leaned against the one way window and peered in at Shoko and a child psychologist.

The psychologist held her clipboard in her hand with a pen in the other, "Shoko, that's a nice name."

Shoko stared down at the ground no taking any interest in the toys in the room.

"Shoko?" the psychologist seemed worried, "It's perfectly natural to feel the way you do. Must children do after their parents are killed." She reached out and tried to pat Shoko's hand on the table but Shoko withdrew it before she could.

"They weren't killed by a human…" she whispered.

"Oh?" the psychologist raised her eyebrows. "You've got quite the imagination Shoko."

Shoko glared at her, "It was a demon."

The psychologist wrote on her clipboard, 'seems to be delusional and is denying what happened, normal. Claims it was a demon, unrealistic. She may suffer from serious trauma and shock'. she than laid her clipboard face down on the table and studied Shoko from behind her glasses.

Shoko sat motionless.

"Shoko," she said leaning forward a little, "Why do you think it was a demon?"

"Because it was one." She answered.

"Thank you for your time Shoko." she stood up and grabbed her clipboard and left the room.

"So?" Tatsuri asked.

"What do you want me to say?" she countered.

"She got any mental problems Doctor Nakagawa? You know, trauma or something?" Tatsuri questioned.

"She has quite the imagination if you ask me ,but no. She's perfectly sane other than that." Nakagawa assured him. She picked up her bag and placed her clipboard and pen in it. Than put on her shoulder. "Although, it's hard to say she'll be fine for sure. Her parent's bodies were pretty badly torn up."

Tatsuri nodded, "It was an absolute mess. There was blood everywhere." He claimed as they walked to the front of the police station. "Her father was ripped up pretty good ,but guess about the mother."

"What happened to the mother?" Nakagawa asked only slightly interested.

"She was pregnant," he stated. "Her womb was gashed out and the baby wasn't there, I guess the prep took it which is beyond me. Also, her head was bashed in and it looks like she was raped as well."

"That's horrible, that unfortunate girl." Nakagawa sighed heavily. "I take it back, I'll be surprised if she's okay after this."

"Won't we all." Tatsuri agreed, "Well see ya Nakagawa, I'm going to check on Shoko. You'll need to come by every other day to check on her, alright?"

"Yes," she said as she left the building.

Tatsuri than walked back to where the girl was than entered the room and sat down across from her. "You're going to be okay here kiddo. No one is going to harm you."

"Leave me alone," Shoko muttered under her breathe, "Q-quit acting like I'm some dumb child." she stuttered.

"Listen kiddo, we're going to catch the guy who did this." He looked at her, "We don't let people get away with these kinds of things."

"It wasn't a person!" she yelled at him, she stood up and pounded her small fists on the table, "It was a demon!"

"Calm down Shoko, there's no such thing as demons. Whoever told you demons existed was lying, judging by the fingerprints it was human. You probably only imagined it was a demon." He eyed her worriedly. "So, don't make a fuss over it."

Shoko sat back down in disbelief, it had been a demon, she saw it herself. But than again, maybe she did imagine it. "Than," she whispered so softly that Tatsuri was just able to hear her, "Than…I hate people."

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BRD: So what do ya'll think so far? Rating may drop to R ,but I'm going to keep it NC17 for the time being. Who knows what I'll come up with? Peace *makes a V-sign*