Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Killing and Loving ❯ Unsatisfying Love, Kurama's POV ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Again, I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of it's characters. I do not own Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Genkai, Botan, Koenma, Mukuro, Yomi, Kieko, Yukina, Shiziru, or Korunue. Those characters belong to someone else. I own all other characters mentioned. All of the place names do not belong to me either. I do this for my muses and hopefully reviews, not for money or actual gifts that are tangible. If you do try to sue me, your lawyer will cost more than what you would get out of the case, since I'm a poor college student.
Chapter 2: Kurama's point of view
My sister lays on the floor huddled up near Keiko, who holds her close and strokes her hair gently. I'm glad Keiko's here.
Yusuke asks, “So, your sister is mated to a female?” I nod yes.
He continues, “So...do I have to worry about her taking Keiko from me?”
I growl and tell him angrily, “No, yoko are fiercely loyal to whomever is their mate. Yoko most times die if their mates die or forsake them. However, Keiko looks somewhat like her mate and her presence is sort of similar, which will help Amaya calm down and help us plan.”
Kuwabara asks, “So, what is the plan? We don't know a whole lot about this guy besides he's Kurama's father and he's enslaving humans and demons.”
Hiei says, “Hn, that's more than we usually have baka.”
Kuwabara starts to retort before I growl, “This is not the time for this, either of you!” and look pointedly at Hiei and Kuwabara.
I hear Amaya say, “Last time I knew, he was on the edge of Gandara where Gandara borders Tourin. Antaya sent me a message yesterday saying that Akuhei was now inside Tourin searching for me but was having trouble due to Yomi's forces killing some of his guards. Antaya said that Yomi owes him a few favors and got him to attack Akuhei's forces enough to slow them down so I could slip into Ninigenkai without them following me. Haruka is working with Antaya to make sure they do not catch him. Haruka's invisibility shield has kept them unnoticed for now. That's all I know. I have no idea how any of Akuhei's men were able to get to Ninigenkai, but there could not be any other explanation for the disappearances besides Akuhei.” She has snapped out of sorrow and I can see the cold look in her eyes that tells me she is ready to kill.
Yusuke says, “Well, since I am the ruler of Tourin, I could gather my army and kill him just like that!” with the overconfidence that personifies his ignorance.
I explain, “Akuhei is an upper S-class yoko with terrifying abilities that could decimate your entire army in a moment's notice. Nara is almost as powerful as you are Yusuke and for her and my sister to both be beaten when one mate can draw power from the other mate in battle, you would most likely annoy him but do no real damage. Yomi's army probably could only take out some of his weaker guards. He kept at least 50 A class or above guards around him at all times. We could end up facing twenty to thirty S class demons. We need another tactic besides a frontal assault.” Amaya is looking at Hiei. They are mentally communicating.
Amaya says, “They only have 15 S class, but six of them are upper S class whom are bound to follow Akuhei because they either follow his ideologies or they feel an obligation to him, like Kana. Kana is severally conflicted though, along with a few others because they do not like disobeying Reikai and know that Koenma will get involved. I was thinking that I could play bait to him while you all attack and then Kurama and I perform the rituals to ensure an eternal death so nothing can make him ever become alive again. Apparently Itachi resurrected him through an alchemy spell that no one knew existed. Antaya is still fuming over Kana going back to Akuhei but Kana says that he owes Akuhei everything and is bound to be his servant when he is alive and he is free when Akuhei is dead. However, Antaya and Kana have mated and this complicates things because Antaya could never hurt Kana, while Kana, because of his damned honor code, could kill Antaya. Also, Jiro seemed to have taken Akuhei's place in his absence because Akuhei still has several prisoners who I was sure they were dead. But right now, I need to talk to my brother alone for a few moments.” I nod. Wow, she knows a lot more than I thought she would.
We walk out into the woods a little bit, just to hide ourselves from sight.
Amaya says, “Antaya told me something that disturbed me greatly to hear and I didn't even see it. Akuhei somehow procured Korunue's body and has kept it in a crate but Antaya thinks that he plans to use it against you. Antaya thinks they're going to re animate the body to have no will but to follow whatever Akuhei wants. However, Haruka looked less optimistic. Haruka told me that she hears shudders from Korunue's crate at night when it's snowing and very cold. She thinks Akuhei will try to buy his life by threatening to kill Korunue. If Korunue really is alive, would you let Akuhei live to have Korunue back?” The question is full of doubt and uncertainty as to what my priorities are.
I explain, “If he puts the knife to Korunue's throat, I might let him have a tiny moment to think he'll get away alive but then he'll be consumed by a death tree making him relive his last moments for eternity, or at least until we decide to perform the ritual. If there is not a way to save Korunue, I will be dismayed but the first priority is to kill Akuhei.”
Amaya asks, “And what if Akuhei had the knife to Hiei's throat? I saw how you look at him a bit differently than the others.” I pause and am shocked that I'm that obvious that I have some sort of feeling for Hiei.
I respond after a moment, “Hiei is a different matter, but in the extremely unlikely case where I'd have to choose between Hiei's life and Akuhei's death, I'm not sure how I'd choose.” I do not look at her, not wanting to see the disappointment in her eyes. She lifts my head so I have to look at her. I try to break away. She grips my chin more firmly. I do not see disappointment though: what I see is a strange sort of joy.
She hugs me and says, “You finally found someone who you love more than you can hate anyone! I found my life so dissatisfying before I met Nara. I know that Korunue was dear to you but you could never truly love him like he loved you! I'm soo happy you've learned to open up your heart!”
I look away sadly and tell her, “Well, it won't make my life any less 'dissatisfying'. Hiei doesn't even know how to love his own sister, how do I expect him to love me if my some miracle he actually does care. If anything, this only makes my life more 'dissatisfying', not less.”
A/N: PLEASE REVIEW!!! Umm, well, as you can tell already this is not a one shot and is not the happiest of fanfics. If you want something upbeat, look somewhere else. My author notes are minimal because I don't want to bore you, but I do need to know what you readers out there think of my story, so I must urge you to review. If you review, I promise to attempt to write quicker! So, PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!
The love story between Hiei and Kurama I promised you comes out a bit more later. This story, however, may not get a really juicy lemon until at earliest chapter 4. I will include dashes here and there so you all will read and will enjoy the story more. But I guarantee that you won't understand how it came to be unless you read every chapter, except maybe chapter 3, which I think will be a kind of a side story, but a short interesting one that is quite relevant. So, please tell me people out there are reading this! I put up the first 2 chapters and will wait a while until I get one review before putting up any more, so even if you're curious how it will turn out, please review!