Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kin Kohana: Destiny and Deceit ❯ Pink Roses: A Year Later ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

As much as I would love to own the Yu Yu Hakusho characters I don't. The Yu Yu Hakusho characters all belong to Yoshihiro Togashi and Shonen Jump. I am however only borrowing them. Poor me. Oh Well enjoy the story.
The Characters
Kin Kohana,
Lady Kiana,
Eijiro Orange bounty hunter,
Katsumi Yellow bounty hunter,
Miyoko Blue bounty hunter,
Mayoko Purple bounty hunter,
 Shiba Red bounty hunter,
and Yuri Pink bounty hunter
Are all the Property of Fox Forbidden Child and therefore should not be used without Fox Forbidden Child's permission.
This Story " Kin Kohana: Lost and Found " is a Property of Fox Forbidden Child and is totally fictional and written for the reading pleasures of others.
Kin Kohana: Destiny and Deceit
Chapter 1
A year later
Hiei and Kurama sat down near a creek. It had become one of their favorite spots. Kurama laid on Hiei's lap playing with a rose. Hiei looked down at Kurama and Kurama smiled at him. Hiei smiled at him and rubbed his hair. Kurama sighed. “It's still on your mind isn't it?" Hiei asked running his fingers through Kurama's head. Kurama nodded. Hiei kept rubbing Kurama's head. “Wanna share?" Hiei asked. Hiei still couldn't get over the fact that he sent the little fox away just so she would become stronger to kill Kurama and end up dead herself. He had helped her become stronger than Kurama and he.
“It's just I loved her so much and too think that I gave her love and taught her stuff. We were close Hiei and when you went to the Makai we'd spend time making crafts out of roses." Kurama said tears in his eyes. Hiei wiped away his tears. “It's okay fox. I know that you were close." Hiei said. “Do you miss her Hiei?" Kurama asked him. Hiei looked down at the fox and nodded... “It's why I haven't train so hard. Why I have stopped carrying my weapons. Every time I train with my all or carry my weapons. I see her and it's like she here training with me and as soon as I reach out to touch her she's gone." Hiei told him in pain. Kurama rubbed Hiei's hands. “It's hard to believe that she would kill me. My love should have changed that." Kurama said. Hiei looked at him. “It hurts because it's been a year and I don't even know if she is alive anymore." Kurama said to him crying and Hiei held him and rubbed his back.
They stood there hearing their every word. “A year? Had it really been that long?" They thought to themselves. They body rested up against the tree as they stood on a tree branch. They had blocked their chi from them. “If it really had been a year. Then I've been doing very good and been fending for myself very well." They thought. They were about to leave when they heard bushes rustling. They stopped and turned around. They heard a twig break. They heard breathing. “Stupid demon." They said pulling their hood over their face to make sure they weren't expose readying themselves for battle.
“Well it's getting late Hiei." Kurama said. Hiei nodded as he and Kurama went over to the creek. They put a pink rose in the water. It had been something they had done. Hoping that maybe she would get their message. “Come-on fox let's go home." Hiei said putting his hand on his shoulder. Kurama nodded and they stood up. They began to walk towards their house.
The demon jumped out at them from the bushes with a sword. Hiei jumped in front of Kurama when all of a sudden the demon stopped dead in his tracks the sword still above him. The demon's body split apart. Kurama and Hiei looked at the dead demon. When more came out and a person got in front of them. They had a staff and it had blood on it. “Which one is next?" They said to the demon's. One charged at the person. The person laughed and moved out the way really fast. They went behind the demon and touched their head. Kurama and Hiei looked at the person. The person laughed and the demon's head blew up. They came back to them. “It's a girl." Kurama noticed though her face was hid. She threw Hiei a sword. Hiei caught it. Then she threw a red rose to Kurama. “Our weapons." Kurama thought. “You shouldn't leave these at home." She said to them. They all got into a stance. All the demon's charged at them. Hiei he had sliced two demon's in halves. Kurama had cutting one up into pieces. They looked at this mysterious girl. She ran around all of the demon. “Her Chi it's strong. You can't even see when she is running." He thought. “She's almost like a shadow." Hiei thought. Then she stopped in the middle and snapped her fingers. All of the demon's looked in horror as they began to sprout into flowers and then blew up.
She smiled. “That felt good." She thought getting ready to toss her hair but remembered where she was and stopped herself. “Thank you." Kurama said. She went to pick up her staff. “Hn. You're Welcome." She said to him getting ready to leave. She stood in front of the creek. The moonlight shining on her cloak. “Green and Black." Hiei said. She was about to leave when a gust of wind flew by and her hood was taking off her head. She tried to stop it but it was too late. Hiei and Kurama looked at her. She was a fox with silver and black hair.
Two strands stood on top of her head like Karasu's did. One strand silver and one black just like his hair. Most of it silver the tips growing black. She grabbed the hood and before the questions started she was gone. Kurama and Hiei looked at where she had stood. They saw many pink roses. Hiei gasped and looked to the sky. Kurama sank to his knees. “Was that?" Kurama asked. Hiei nodded. “She fights like You, Karasu and I." Kurama said. Hiei looked at Kurama. Kurama had fear in his eyes. “Did you feel how strong her chi was?" He asked him. Hiei had never seen Kurama so worked up like this. Hiei nodded. “She's a lot stronger then before. She still lives and she's back Hiei. She's going to end up still killing me and still be killed." He said to him. Hiei looked at Kurama. Kurama sat with his knees to his chest. “We're going to die." He said over and over rocking slowly.