Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kin Kohana: Destiny and Deceit ❯ Ice Maiden in Distress ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

As much as I would love to own the Yu Yu Hakusho characters I don't. The Yu Yu Hakusho characters all belong to Yoshihiro Togashi and Shonen Jump. I am however only borrowing them. Poor me. Oh Well enjoy the story.
The Characters
Kin Kohana,
Lady Kiana,
Eijiro Orange bounty hunter,
Katsumi Yellow bounty hunter,
Miyoko Blue bounty hunter,
Mayoko Purple bounty hunter,
 Shiba Red bounty hunter,
and Yuri Pink bounty hunter
are all the Property of Fox Forbidden Child and therefore should not be used without Fox Forbidden Child's permission.
This Story " Kin Kohana: Lost and Found " is a Property of Fox Forbidden Child and is totally fictional and written for the reading pleasures of others.
Kin Kohana: Destiny and Deceit
Chapter 2
She had crossed back into the Makai. Karasu stood there waiting for her. " You still go back there. Even after he sent you away." He said. She glared at him. " Hiei sent me away to save Kurama." She said. " Your still attached to them. You should have attempt to kill Kurama by now." He said touching her face. " I am not Kurama your touch does not fear me. So get your filthy hands off of me." She said to him with a snarl. He moved his hand off her face. She began to walk away. He stood looking at her. " Kinana you can't hide from your destiny rather you like it or not. Your destiny is to kill him." He said. She shrugged her shoulders.
" On the day of my 15th year. That's not today or tomorrow and so I have nothing to worry about." She said to him. Walking with her staff. " You've fought in front of them. Don't you think it frightens them that your still alive and your in fact stronger than them.' He said to her. She turned to him her hood coming off her head. She pointed at him. " Karasu don't make me have to blow you up." She said jumping to a tree top. He looked at her. " I do what I want when I want. You don't control me." She said and then leaped away. Karasu smiled as she left.
Kinana kept leaping from tree to tree. " Kinana. Hn. That's not my name." She thought. Still leaping from tree to tree. Then she came to a complete stop. She faced downward. She could feel a few youkai's chi and an ice maiden's chi. " Six males and one female. That's not good." She thought and jumped out of the tree. " Please let go of me." The other girl said. " Let her go." Kinana said to them. They turned to her. They saw her holding a staff but her face was hidden. " Well then what do we have here." One of the youkai's said. Kinana didn't answer. One of the youkai's began to rip at the ice maiden's clothes. Kinana threw a white rose at him. It hit him directly in the head and the ice maiden was speechless. " Get your hands off of her." She said.
The other five youkai's came around her. The ice maiden looked at her. " You want to go individual or do you all want to battle me at once. Either way you still die." She said to them. They all charged at her and she called off her weapon. " Rose Whip!" She yelled and grabbed one of the youkai and slammed him into the ground his body making a sicken crack. The other 4 stared at her. " So you like to rape those who can't defend themselves." She said angry. They continue to stare at her.
She took her rose whip and wrapped it around her staff and hit the ground. As 4 vines came and tied up the 4 youkai's. " I'll make it to were you will never rape anyone again." She said. " Please spare us." One said. She faced them and one of them had hit her with a dagger across the arm. " Owe." She said and reached for her arm. She faced them angry. " Bad move." She said and pulled the staff close to her. The vines growing thorns and ripping through their skins until they were all dead and she could smell their blood.
She heard the ice maiden whimpering and heard something hitting the ground. She face the direction of the crying. Her rose whip back into it's rose form and walked over to her with her staff. She felt the ice maiden. Her hair was green and her eyes were blue. She was small and frighten. " Yukina?" She thought and was taking back.
" Yukina! Yukina!" She screamed and Yukina turn to face the little girl. Kinana stood there watching the memory. Watching the memory of her old life. She was hugging Yukina as Hiei and Kurama came up behind her. " I missed you so much. What are we going to do today. Is it cooking again. Cause I like cooking." She said. " No. I thought I would have fun with you today. Just some girl fun." She said. " YAY! I love you Yukina." She said. " I love you too Kin Kohana." She said.
Kinana shook her head. The ice maiden was now asleep. Kinana sighed and picked up the ice maiden and put her on her back. She then leapt back into the trees. " Why is it that this Ice maiden reminds me of Yukina? Do I really miss them that much? Do I really wanna go back to being Kin Kohana." She thought upon reaching her house. She went over to the river near her house and she got undressed and got into the water with the ice maiden in her arms. She put her in the water to clean her. She then got out and dried the ice maiden. Kinana opened the door and closed it. She took the Ice maiden upstairs and put her in the bed. She then went to her closet and pulled out a kimono. Since it was her home she had known were everything was. She put the kimono on the ice maiden. Kinana then bandaged herself and put her clothes back on. She sat on the floor and grabbed the ice maiden's hand. " Your safe and better now Yukina." She said and fell asleep.