Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kin Kohana: Lost and Found ❯ Kurama's Fear Comes True ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kin Kohana: Lost and Found
Chapter 11
Kurama looked at him in shock. “ You what?” He asked him a little angry. “ I sent Kin Kohana back to Makai. I told her to leave.” Hiei said. “ Hiei How could you?” He said to him getting out of the water and grabbed a towel wrapping himself. Hiei grabbed his foot. Kurama turned and looked at him. “ Hiei let me go. I have to stop her from going there.” He said to him. “ There's no use Kurama. She left about two hours ago.” Hiei said. Kurama looked at him. .” TWO HOURS AGO! She's blind Hiei. How could you send her there. How will she possible survive in the Makai when she knows nothing about it?” Kurama asked him. “ I had no choice. “ Hiei said. Kurama looked at him “ YOU HAD NO CHOICE! THAT'S NOT A GOOD ANSWER HIEI!” He yelled at him. “ WOULD YOU HAVE PREFERRED FOR ME TO KILL HER!?” Hiei yelled back at him. Kurama looked at him.
“ Cause that was my other choice okay Kurama. It was send her away or kill her. I couldn't kill her so I had to send her away.” He said to him. Kurama didn't say anything. “ While you were gone. She sent me to market to get some things to make this night special for you. She went into the forest and I went to market. When I came back Kin Kohana was covered in blood and there were two dead youkai and she was holding the necklace that was giving to her and a staff in the other.” Hiei said to him. Kurama looked at him. “ She was saying a name Kinana I believe it was. I walked over to her and asked if she was injury but she said she wasn't and she went to gather her things she had gotten from the forest. Upon gathering she had screamed WHICH ONE LIVES AND WHICH ONE DIES!! I stumbled back and asked her what happened. She told me she had been ambushed and we went into her room.” Hiei told him.
“ She rubbed the necklace's charm and I asked what was it and she said it was her destiny. I didn't understand how a sword going through a heart was her destiny and so she began to explain.” He said. Kurama stared at him. “ After she killed the two youkai's there was a third Youkai. He said he knew us. Turn out to be Karasu.” Hiei said. Kurama froze. “ He told her that On the day of her 15th year the strong one lives the other dies a death by her hands. I still didn't understand.” Hiei said. Kurama didn't move.
“ One of us live. One of us die by her hands and the blood will stain her hands and as many times as she wash them. The blood will stay there. Hiei looked at him. “ The necklace it represents her destiny. So I asked about the charm again the sword going through the heart. I still didn't understand how a charm could tell her destiny.” He said. “ She told me It was not just any sword. It was her Rose blade sword and the heart it's piercing is and she couldn't say it. She looked so painful standing there. So I looked at her. She shove the back of the charm towards me. I stumbled back in shock.” Hiei said. Kurama looked at him.
“ Then I blacked out and woke up to her screaming Hiei! WAKE UP!” She was bringing her sword down on me. I jumped out of the way. I turned around and looked at Kin Kohana. She fell to the ground so I walked over to her and touched her back. “ What was that?” I asked her. She sat up and told me. She had almost killed me because of her destiny.” Hiei took another breath. “ I looked at her. She told me The song and dance is a spell for males any type of male. It's a hypnotic spell. Any male who hears the song gets hooked then as they watch her dance they are hypnotized and while their hypnotized she kills them. “ You hypnotized me?” I asked her. “ It was her destiny that made her do it.” Hiei said to him. Kurama looked at him. “ What is Kin Kohana's destiny?” He asked. Hiei turned his head. “ Hiei.” He said. “ She's destined to kill you Kurama.” Hiei said to him hurt.
Kurama fell to the floor. “ She's.... suppose to ...ki..ll.... kill me?” He said words caught in his throat. Hiei nodded. “ She wanted me to kill her but I couldn't do it. You know how much I love that kit. I couldn't bring myself to kill her.” Hiei said. He balled up his fist. “ She's so powerful now. Kurama and she almost killed me thinking it was you. I could not have her here knowing that she was going to kill you. So I told her to go to the Makai and stay there until I come for her.” He said. Kurama still sat on the floor. “ Your not going to go for her are you?” He asked. “ One day I will. Just not at the moment.” He said. “ Oh Hiei.” Kurama said now crying. Hiei looked at him. Hiei went over to him. He touch the fox's hair.
“ I saw Karasu today on my way of walking home.” He said to him. Hiei eyes got wide with shock. “ He told me about Kin Kohana's destiny.” He said. “ Only thing is he told me that one of us three live and two die.” He said. Hiei looked at him. “ Two die?” He asked. Kurama nodded. “ Hiei Kin Kohana and I die.” He said to him. Hiei looked at him in disbelief. “ What?” He asked him. “ If Kin Kohana kills me. Then someone kills Kin Kohana.” Kurama said worried. “ But she isn't here now she can't hurt you.” Hiei said. “ You sent her away.” Kurama said breathing hard. “ It was to save the both of you.” Hiei said confused. “ Your only helping her to become stronger and give her a stronger urge to kill me.” Kurama said. Hiei looked at him. “ We have to stop her from going.” Kurama said. “ At the rate she was moving she's probably already at Makai.” Hiei said. Kurama looked at him. “ She's going to kill me and Hiei you've helped her!” Kurama said. Hiei looked at him and then backed away from him. “ She's going to be stronger than me and I won't be able to win. Hiei she's going to kill me and someone kills her and our blood will stain your hands.” He said to him crying. Hiei sank to the floor. “ What have I done?” He asked himself.