Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ King of Hearts ❯ A Thief's Prize ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Nobunaga Saori~

Once, just once she had wanted to know what it was like to be loved by a man. To be truly loved. Not used, not wanted or desired, but loved. She hadn’t ever thought that she would be. Until she had met the greatest thief to ever exist. Youko Kurama. He had stolen her away from her family, the one that simply wanted to use her as a political bargaining piece, and had then stolen her heart with his kindness and caring.

She was Nobunaga Saori. She was the eldest daughter of Nobunaga Oda. When her father had been a great general, she had been his greatest asset. He saw her as his bargaining chip to keep rival samurai from attacking. He was going to marry her off to Lord Kagetora, the adopted son of a rival samurai general. She didn’t want to marry him, she didn’t love him. Kagetora didn’t want to marry her either. He was in love with the captain of his army…and the feelings were returned. Everyone knew that the two were lovers, but their fathers still planned on arranging a marriage between them. One night, Saori met with Kagetora. They had decided that the only way they would be able to escape the imposed marriage was for one of them to disappear. Saori volunteered because she knew that Kagetora was needed.
“But it would make more sense for me to leave Saori. Why would you do this?”
She smiled sadly.
“Kagetora, you are needed. You have to lead your army; this is too trivial for you to abandon everyone. I, on the other hand, am a means to an end. No one will miss me. My father will just be annoyed that his most valuable bargaining chip has vanished.”
As she walked away, she never saw the stricken look on Kagetora’s face, nor did she hear his words;
“I will miss you.”

~Youko Kurama~

It had been almost immediately that she ran into trouble; in the form of a pissed off silver Kitsune. He had knocked her to the ground, and stood over her with his claws extended.
“Who the hell are you?” she demanded.
Youko’s eyes widened. To say he was surprised was an understatement. There wasn’t anyone who would ever talk to him like that and expect to live. Yet she had done so without the slightest hint of fear. Which meant that she didn’t know who he was. That in itself was odd. He was well known throughout all of the country for his skill as a thief and his ruthless tactics. The fact that this ningen didn’t know him, and didn’t fear him, was intriguing.
“That is what I should be asking you onna. What are you doing in this Youko’s territory?”
She stood up, and brushed off her clothes. Ignoring him, she began to walk past the kitsune. Shocked, Youko could only stand there as the woman brushed past him. A woman ignoring HIM, the Youko Kurama, was unheard of.
“Wait!” He commanded, somehow not surprised when she kept walking.
He grabbed her arm, and threw her over his shoulder. Neither was he surprised when she demanded that he put her down. What did catch him off guard was the sudden stinging to his ear. She had bit him! He dropped her to her feet.
“What the hell was that for?” he growled.
“This Saori does not like to be manhandled.”
Youko frowned. That name sounded familiar, and she had been coming from the direction of Nobunaga’s castle. His eyes widened. She must be Nobunaga’s daughter! No wonder she did not know who he was. Youko had threatened the ningen warrior that if he persisted in contaminating his lands, Youko would take it out on him personally. So, the general had kept his family locked away. He had kept his children apart from the rest of the world, so that they would not be exposed to the kitsune’s wrath. He grinned. This would be the perfect opportunity to take his revenge on Nobunaga. He would steal his daughter, and hold her until Nobunaga withdrew from his lands.

Saori didn’t like the calculating gleam in the youkai’s eyes. She knew that it had to do with her father, but what the kitsune didn’t realize was that her father didn’t give a damn about her. She smiled. This arrogant male would just have to learn that the hard way.
“Why do you smile at this Youko onna?”
Her smile widened.
“You have no idea what you are getting yourself into.”
“What do you mean? Does your father love you that much?”
He didn’t miss the involuntary flinch that went through her body, or the subtle scent of her tears. He felt instant sympathy for the girl. He had always known the love of both his parents before they died, so he couldn’t imagine what it felt like to be discarded or used by those who gave him life. He knelt down in front of her; his golden eyes drawing her gaze.
“What is it, little one? Why does this Youko’s words make you sad?”
She sighed, she couldn’t play with the kitsune like that; she would tell him the truth.
“I can see that you are a male of many passions. My…my father is as well. However, I am not worthy of those feelings. You see, I am worthless to my father. He would favor even you over me.” She explained, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes.
Youko gathered the girl in his arms, and began to carry her back to his den. She clutched onto the silk of his shirt, and settled herself closer to his heat. The spirit fox sighed as he held her to him. Her father would pay. For his misuse of Youko’s lands, and this girl.

~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

“Kuso! What the hell is wrong with you!” she demanded as she the blade left her hand.
The target of her wrath, ducked, and moved swiftly to pin her against the wall. She practically hissed as he pressed his body hard against hers. He felt her shiver, and pressed closer.
“Youko!” she cried out as his clawed finger gently found its way inside her shirt.
The fox grinned as he ran his tongue down the column of her throat. He couldn’t get enough of her taste. He didn’t want to wait any longer to make her completely his.


Saori had been living with the thief for over a month. In that time, they had become almost inseparable. Any of the other thieves, or any youkai at all for that matter, would have laughed at how different the kitsune was…if it were not for the fact that they all feared Youko. The only one that managed to say anything and live was Youko’s partner Kuronue. The bat teased both Youko and Saori equally, but it was good-natured teasing. He had always cared for his friend, but had come to love Saori as well. He was not in love with her, but he had vowed to help Youko protect her with his life. Now, said bat youkai happened to walk in on a very aroused kituse attempting to seduce the human woman. Spotting Kuronue, Saori slipped away from the wall, and Youko.
“Kuronue!” she exclaimed, laughing, “I did not know that you had returned.”
He laughed, and slung an arm over her shoulder.
“I came back early, so I could persuade you to run away with me.”
He grinned at her giggle. He knelt down in front of her, taking her hand.
“Saori run away with me, and leave this beast behind.”
They both laughed as they heard the “beast” growl. Saori nudged Kuronue in the side, and shot a glance at Youko. Kuronue’s grin grew wider. They would play a little game with the arrogant kitsune.
“Do you mean it Kuronue?” She asked him in a breathy, seductive voice.
Kuronue almost laughed as he saw Youko’s mouth drop open at Saori’s tone. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and tilted her chin up to face him.
“Of course I do. Let me show you,” He answered as his head began to lower.
Suddenly, he was flung across the room, and Saori was hauled up against the enraged fox’s body.
“You are mine.” He growled, and hissed at Kuronue, who was still sitting on the floor.
Youko was surprised to feel a small hand on his cheek, turning his face back towards Saori. Her eyes shone with a deep emotion he was afraid to name.
“I am yours. I will always be yours.”
“Then why…” he began, confused.
She laughed.
“We were just playing. We wanted to tease the great Youko Kurama.”
He growled at her playfully, and nipped her finger as he took her hand in his. Then, he grinned at her. He laughed as she took a quick step back in retreat. He took a gliding step towards her.
“I thought that you wanted to play Saori.”
She smiled, and glanced towards the grinning Kuronue reclining on the floor.
“But I only wanted to play with Kuronue.” She answered, pouting.
She turned to walk over to the bat, but squealed in surprised delight as she was lifted off of her feet.
“Youko put me down.” She laughed

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

“Youko put me down.” She laughed.
Yoko sighed. What he wouldn’t give to hear her laughter again.
+What is the matter Youko?+ His counterpart asked.
-Nothing Red. I’m just tired-
He didn’t know why he didn’t want to tell Shuuichi about Saori, but he just wasn’t ready yet. Besides, it was his fault that he never heard her laughter after that day. If he hadn’t been so careless after Kuronue died, he would have been able to save her. Regardless of its effects however, he would never regret mating the woman he loved.

~Shuuichi Minamino~

Shuuichi was worried. Youko never showed any sign of weakness, and for the kitsune to say that he was tired…something must e horribly wrong.
~He seems to be lost in something.~ Hiei sent, startling Kurama.
+Hiei, I didn’t know that you were listening. You say he is lost. What do you mean Hiei?+
The apparition sneered.
~Is it not obvious Kurama? He is thinking of something that he regrets. I have experienced the feeling myself enough to recognize the signs.~
Shuuichi nodded. That did seem to be the case where the thief was concerned, but he was surprised that Hiei would admit to such weakness. His eyes saddened as he looked in the direction that he sensed Hiei was sending from. The apparition was someone full of regrets. So, he would understand what Youko was going through. The only other question was…what was the kitsune regretting?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She fell to the floor as he stalked closer. That’s what he was doing: stalking her. Like a predator with its prey.
“Y-youko?” she stammered warily.
The grin that he sent in her direction was predatory as well. She couldn’t move as he knelt in front of her, and leaned over her body. His knees straddled her thighs and his arms were braced on either side of her head, effectively caging her.
“It seems that I’ve trapped my prey. What am I to do with you?” he whispered seductively in her ear.
She shivered as he let his taut body momentarily brush against hers. Maybe she would be okay…maybe she could let him…
All thought ceased s he nipped at her collarbone. Her head fell back as he pressed is nose to the bottom of her jaw and deeply drew in her scent.
Her surrender made his entire body burn. He was boiling inside, and taking her was the only way to find relief. He sat back on his heels; tail swishing back and forth as he studied her. Her scent was aroused, and her posture was submissive. She wanted this as much as he did. He paused. But was she ready? After what had happened, he didn’t know how his touch would affect her. His ability to think halted as she sat up. Her tongue went to his throat. His eyes closed in pleasure, but shot open again as he gasped when she bit him ad gently sucked his skin. He felt his youkai take over as he pushed her onto her back and kissed her roughly. She tensed, but his youkai saw her response as a challenge. He pulled her arms over her head, holding them there as he shredded her clothing. He pleas didn’t penetrate as he nipped and kissed her body. Before he disrobed, he smelled fear. He froze when he realized that the scent was coming from Saori, as well as the salty scent of tears. Youko felt like crying himself as he looked at the scratches and bruises he had put on her body. Shaking, he wiped away her tears.
“Kami, I’m sorry Saori. I…I don’t know…”
He laid on his back and pulled her on top of him. He simply held her, comforting her.
“I didn’t mean to koi. I just lost control.”
Calming, she pushed herself up to straddle his waist. Her eyes were wide as she stared down at him.
“Gomen Youko. It’s just that when you…I saw, I mean,”
“Stop.” He interrupted.
“You did nothing wrong. I scared you.”
She lowered her head, and surprised him by shifting her hips so that she could rest against his chest. He tried hard to hide his gasp caused by her movement. Her core had pressed against his hard cock when she moved, and had caused his member to throb mercilessly. She glanced up at his face, surprised to see his expression tense, as if in pain. She sat up, and grew concerned at his groan.
“What’s wrong Youko?” she asked before sitting back fully.
She gasped as he pressed against her, causing a damp heat to spread between her legs. It had felt almost like an electric current shooting up between her legs. He gripped her hips to keep her still.
“THAT’S what is wrong.”
His effort was lost on Saori who had closed her eyes and pushed herself down against him. His eyes rolled back and his teeth clenched against the pleasure that speared through him. E felt his breath speed when he heard Saori emit small whimpers of pleasure as she slid herself along his clothed shaft. He growled as she began to move faster, and slid her hands inside the silk panels of his shirt. Her hand moved down to wrap around him through his hakama. His groan was followed by a laugh as her eyes widened when she realized the full extent of his potency.

Youko wanted nothing more than to plunge deep inside of her, to claim her, but he would not scare her again. He pulled her hand away, flicking his tongue across her knuckles. He almost swallowed his tongue as he watched her emerald eyes darken with passion, but he had to make sure…
“Soari? Are you ready? I don’t want to hurt you.”
She smiled, and answered by yanking off the silk sash that held his clothing together. He watched, as Saori watched his “haori” and hakama slide off of his body. He was extremely pleased when she gasped.
“You’re magnificent.”
He felt a rush of tenderness for his little warrior at her words. She was being completely open about her description of his body. She found him to be magnificent. She had obviously never looked into a mirror. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, and he told her so. She blushed, and lowered her eyes. He laughed as her eyes shot back up when they encountered his pulsing cock. He noticed that she glanced back down quickly as her tongue moved to slide over her bottom lip. Youko watched, entranced. Suddenly, she locked her eyes on those of the passionate kitsune.
“I want to make love to you Youko. Will you let me?”
“Yes!” he shouted before even thinking of a more subtle response.
She smiled.
‘To hell with subtle,’ he thought.
She leaned down to kiss him on the mouth, her tongue sweeping across his lips in a bid for entry. Youko gladly granted it, and sent his own tongue to explore her mouth. He felt his cock tighten exponentially as she sucked on his tongue. He moaned and his hips thrusted gently against her. She responded by guiding her own hips against his, making him shiver with pleasure. Without warning, she impaled herself on his shaft, taking him all the way into her body. He choked on a gasp as he felt her walls contract mercilessly around him. She grunted as she threw her head back and rode him. Hard. Youko was powerless, for the first time in his long existence. All he could do was thrust his hips I in response to her movements. He could feel her tightening around him, knew that she was close to the edge.
“Youko! I…I’m” she yelled out, bracing her hands against his stomach.
“Saori!” he roared as his back arched and he came hard, deep inside if her.
“Youko! Youko!” he heard her yell as she shook him.
Wait, shook him? He opened his eyes to see green orbs staring into his. But they weren’t Saori’s. They belonged to his human counterpart, Shuuichi. He saw that the boy was concerned. He sighed.
-What is it Red?-
Then, he noticed the blush that had spread across Shuuichi’s face, and smirked. The boy must have seen his dream. His amusement faded as he realized. It had only been a dream. He’d never hold Saori like that again. Shuuichi noticed the kitsune’s sadness.
+What’s wrong Youko? Does it have to do with that woman?+
+Who is she?+
Youko turned away.
-She’s the reason you and I are together Red-
Shuuichi, better known as Kurama, frowned.
+What do you mean?+
Suddenly, Kurama was consumed by an unbearable grief. It was all he could do to breathe. The pressure lifted, and he turned tear filled eyes to the fox.
+What was that?+
-That- Youko began, the life missing from his normally mischievous eyes.
-That is what it is to lose your mate. To watch the person you love more than anything die-
Kurama gasped as tears flowed unchecked down his face.
+Y…you were mated?+
-Hai. To a human woman named Nobunaga Saori-
+Nobunaga? As in…?+ Kurama asked, eyes wide.
-Yes Oda’s daughter that disappeared-
He smirked.
-I took her as a punishment to Oda, but I fell in love with her- He finished sadly.
+It is said that she fled an arranged marriage+
Youko nodded.
-She was to marry Lord Kagetora, who was in love with someone else-
+So, she ran?+
-Hai. She wanted to be loved. Not seen as useful, but wanted for heself. Kami, I love her. I know that she loved me as well. Which makes it so much harder to bare that I could not save her-
Youko sat, wrapping his arms around his knees.
-I’m alone without her-
Kurama was hurt. Youko said he was alone. Didn't he count? Did he not matter to the fox?
-You know that you do Red- Youko answered, reading his thoughts.
+Then why did you say that you are alone?+
-It's different once you are mated. It is like missing half of your soul. We've always been together Red, so you don't know true loneliness. How would you feel if I were to leave you?-
Kurama found that he couldn't respond. The thought of Youko not being there filled him with a void.
"I wouldn't be able to live," he finally admitted softly, his whisper painfully loud in his dark bedroom.
Youko's golden gaze warmed slightly at his friend's words.
-I know Red. That's how I feel every day without her-
+Why is it so much stronger today?+
Youko lowered his chin to his knees.
-It's been 500 years exactly since we mated. 500 years since I lost her-

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Koenma studied the woman in front of him. He hadn't had to deal in with her in an official capacity for 500 years. Yet she had been strangely quiet for the past century. That didn’t change the tone of their initial encounter though. She had been a pain in his ass when she died, and he knew instinctively she would be now. He sighed, but the Spirit Detectives would need her help now. HE would need her.
“How are you Koenma? Still stuck behind that desk?” she asked, smirking.
“Saori, why do you feel the need to constantly irritate me?”
She smiled,
“SOMEONE has to turn things over for you. Admit it; you would be infinitely bored without me and that Spirit Detective of yours.”
Koenma sighed. She was so like Yusuke it was annoying. She was also just like her mate, whom he had purposely refrained from mentioning. She had the regal arrogance of the kitsune, and the bull headed stubbornness of Uremeshi. It was not a good combination. He decided to get to the point of his summoning her.
“I have a request to make of you Saori.”
Her eyes widened. What could Koenma want of her?
“What could I possibly do for you Koenma?”
“My Spirit Detectives need your help. Yusuke doesn’t know it yet, but he will not be able to face this alone.”
Before she could dismiss him and walk away, he continued.
“Youko will need your help as well.”