Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ KioxHiei ❯ family ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ficfreak: yay! Next chapter! Sorry it took so long, the evil plush army had me tied up.

Disclaimer: I do not own yu yu hakusho

Chapter 2 - Family

Hiei walked through the forest with Kio, telling her how he had been arrested.
Kio laughed “ doesn’t surprise me at all your over confidence got you caught!” she laughed again. Kio was the only one who
could get away with that.
“ I won’t make the same mistake twice, I will have my revenge on yusuke!” hiei said. “ I found yukina you know.” he said
“ you did! Hiei that’s great! All we’ve ever wanted since we met was to find each others families!” Kio said, excited for
“ yes, it is. Which why what happens next is for your own good.”

“ what?” then the next thing Kio knew, she was struck by lighting, at least that’s what it felt like.

( flash back during dream)

“ I did it Hiei… I killed Mab last night” Kio said, shocked by her own sentence.

“ I know it was hard even though she was your step mother.” Hiei replied

“ it wasn’t hard. She kidnapped me from my real parents and when I learned the truth she tried to kill me. What else could I

“ nothing” Hiei said looking at the ground

“ we should get going… the gang is waiting for us.”


Kio opened her eyes and cursed Hiei for the second time that week. She rub her head as she looked around the room. It was
and dusty, white sheets covered furniture. She got up off the floor where she had been laying and the sheet off one of the
It was a baby bed, hand carved out of oak . The words Snow White were carved into the head board.
She saw a picture frame setting near by and was about to dust it off so she see the picture inside when she heard voices
coming from outside the plain blue door to the room.
She turned the knob slowly, sure it would be closed; but it wasn’t.
The door lead down a short staircase to another door. Half way down she stopped and looked out the only window. All she
could see was the middle of tall and unusual trees ( a/n he, he, that rhymed)
She reached the bottom of the stairs, turned the knob to the door and went in.

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Ficfreak: Again sorry so short, but I like to leave you hanging and I don't have much time to write. Hate me if want I don’t
care. Please review!!!!!!! I only had one last time!