Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kiyaku: Closed Windows ❯ Almost Kicked Out, Again ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is the continuation of Kiyaku: Broken Promise. This story starts a year after the first one with Kurama and Hiei in college. And a little problem develops that may break the two lovers up. Inspired by Hikari Nanase's story “Let's Fly as the Birds Do.”
Kiyaku: Breaking a promise. I couldn't find the translation for `broken promise' and that's the closest I got to. Hope you like!
Warning: Yaoi through and through. Don't like it? Don't read it! Harassment in chapter
Disclaimer: Do I have to say? Geez!
Kiyaku: Closed Windows
Chapter 5: Almost Kicked Out, Again
Kurama and Hiei took the next day off from school, not wanting to be terrorized by their classmates and teachers again, but they next day they knew they had to return to the college and attended the classes they had. They spent the day just watching movies, not wanting to know what's on the news and laying around the house. They were very reluctant to get out of bed but Yusuke and the others all but dragged them out of bed, respecting the privacy of their bedroom.
“Hey, guys!” yelled Yusuke knocking on their bedroom door. Kurama and Hiei groaned as they disentangle themselves from each other. They dreaded going back to school the nest day; they didn't know what would happen. They both stayed in bed a minute longer till another knock made them groan.
“I don't want to go back,” whispered Kurama and Hiei brushed a lock of hair away from the redhead's eyes.
“I'll be there with you, Kurama,” he said. “I won't let them harm you.”
“Promise,” asked Kurama and Hiei nodded.
“I promise.” And Kurama gave Hiei a tender kiss, till another knock jolted them away from each other. Hiei groaned a growling like sound and threw back the covers on his side. “All right! We're up!”
“About freaking time!” yelled Yusuke. “Yukina's making breakfast.”
Hiei and grunted and Kurama answered a thanks to Yusuke and they heard the boy walk away. They got out of bed and dressed in their clothes, taking about twenty minutes doing it, not counting the “distractions” along the way, and headed out to get breakfast. Kurama took over so Yukina could eat also and they all sat around the table.
“So, what're you going to do now?” asked Yusuke. “Now that everyone knows and all.”
“We've decided to play it normal,” said Kurama. “We're going to school, going to our classes and pretending that it never happened.”
“But, Kurama, it did happen,” said Kuwabara. “Someone blabbed and now you're paying the price! That's just unhonorable!”
“I don't believe there is such a word, oaf,” said Hiei.
“Well, there is now!”
“Please, you two. Not right now,” said Keiko. “What we need to do is figure out what to do with Kurama and Hiei's dilemma before it gets out of hand.”
“It's already out of hand,” said Yusuke.
“But not too far that we can't fix it,” said Yukina after she had eaten her breakfast. “Hopefully it won't take much. Maybe people won't think anything of it and think it's a prank.”
“ `Kina, me and Kurama share the same apartment. That's going to be hard to get around,” said Hiei.
“Oh,” sad Yukina looking downcast. Hiei suddenly felt sorry for his sister and took her hand.
“We'll be okay,” he said. “It's not like one of us is going to die.”
`No,' thought Yukina. `But why do I have a bad feeling?'
“Thank you for seeing me.”
“I told you, you could come back if you were in trouble. It's bad, isn't it?”
“I'm just surprised you would see me. After what's happened . . .”
“Hey, not everyone's like that, as your friends have proved. You're lucky to have friends like them.”
“I guess I am.”
“Would you like to start?”
An hour later they were all walking toward the campus with some high spirits. Yusuke and Kuwabara had mad jokes and antics the whole way there, not wanting their friends to go to college with down and out spirits. When they got to the college the ignored the stares the other students were giving them and walked toward their lockers, Yusuke and Kuwabara acting like bodyguards to their friends, which didn't help Hiei's temper.
“Urameshi, I don't need no bodyguards!” he growled at his friend and the taller teen looked at him over his shoulder.
“We know, Hiei,” he said. “This is just to be safe. It's safer in numbers.”
“Yusuke-san is right, aniki,” said Yukina. “People won't attack you if you have more people around you.”
“I can take care of myself,” said Hiei. Kurama looked down at his beloved and gave a soft smile. He knew that Hiei could take care of himself, but who would take care of him? He didn't have the strength the smaller one did to handle scandals like this. He hoped he would get through this, for Hiei's sake.
When they had come to Kurama's locker and after he put in the combination, what seemed like tampons and pads of every kind piled from it and onto the floor. All he could do was hang his head as people joked and taunted around them.
“Bastards!” growled Hiei and started throwing the stuff at the crowd. “Ass holes!”
“Hiei, it's okay,” said Kurama, not looking at anybody, or anything, but the floor. “Help me clean it up.
They did and went to Hiei's locker to drop off his stuff. There they found lubricant and condoms piled on the floor after he had opened it. He started cursing all the students in Japanese and English, which he became very fluent in thanks to Kurama.
“Hey, Hiei, it could be worse,” said Yusuke.
“How could it be worse?” asked Hiei.
“No one's hurt you yet,” said Keiko as the cleaned up the mess. “A lot of people are severely hurt because of hate crimes.”
“Don't worry, Hiei,” said Kuwabara. “And You Kurama. We're with you.”
“One hundred percent,” said Yukina.
“All the way,” said Yusuke.
“Arigato, minna,” said Kurama.
They had tried to get through the day like all the others, but with vandalism around every corner it had become hard. Yusuke and Kuwabara wasn't there the whole time in the halls to protect them, so Kurama had to find alternative routes to classes, which involved the back ways and windows. Hiei had to smash faces in just to get out of his seat and then run like mad to the next class. They praised when lunch came and they gathered on the roof, each sharing or trading lunches with each other.
“Hey, Urameshi, I'll trade you this rice roll for that o-hagi,” said Kuwabara.
“Are you crazy,” yelled Yusuke. “Keiko gave me this o-hagi!” And the argument continued. Kurama sighed softly at the sight of his friend's usual minor fights and looked over at Hiei. The smaller red-eyed boy was sitting near the fence of the roof, leaning against the cross wires. He seemed to have a disturbed thoughtful look on his face as he looked out onto the city. Kurama left their friends and scooted over to his koi.
“Hiei?” he asked softly and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“What's going to happen to our friend's, Kurama,” he asked. “I know what we're going to do, but them . . .” He glanced at their friends at the corner of his eye. Yukina had softened the fight by giving Kuwabara some of her flavored rice. Keiko had given Yusuke a new piece of o-hagi to replace the one that feel on the ground during the fight.
“They'll get through it too,” said Kurama. “They're not as weak as they seem.”
“I know the oaf and Urameshi are, but the girls . . .”
“Last I believe, Keiko had a mean back hand and Yukina's left foot does do a pretty good kick.”
Hiei smiled softly and leaned against the redhead's shoulder. For one second, everything was perfect and they had found the paradise they had been looking for all their life. The sun shone on them the brightest rays like a midday shine. They felt it on their skin, and in their hearts. A sense of place and belonging. And for one fleeting moment, they wished it lasted longer.
Kurama and Hiei had finally gotten out of the campus and walked back to their apartment, the other's having a project due and stayed after to finish it. They didn't say anything to each other, jus enjoying the feel of the other's company. They had often done this when they were younger. They would just sit in a sandbox or on the grass and do nothing, just sitting there. Teachers aid it wasn't right that two friends didn't talk to each other but their mother's found that saying nothing was the best communication a person could give. It was how you feel that told it all. And right then, Hiei could feel from Kurama that he was feeling. That something bad was going to happen, and soon. A bad sense of foreboding and despair. But both dismissed the feel and headed toward their apartment just when they saw Hiroshima place a piece of paper on their door.
“Hiroshima-san,” called Kurama. “What are you doing?”
“Putting up a notice,” said the landlord and started to walk away till Hiei grabbed his arm while Kurama read the notice.
“We're being evicted?!” Kurama practically yelled and Hiroshima nodded. “But why? We've followed the guidelines.”
“Neighbors been complaining,” said Hiroshima.
“The neighbors are our best friends,” said Hiei. They wouldn't complain. In fact, they find it normal. And we're not that loud. “
“I know what this about,” said Kurama. “That it's illegal.”
“I don't want you guys here anymore,” said Hiroshima.
“This is our apartment!” yelled Hiei. “Rightfully rented to us!”
“Both of our names or on the lease,” said Kurama. “Now if you want, I can go down to the station and report this matter to the police or you can remove that notice from our door and walk away.”
Hiroshima seemed to bristle at the statement and walked off. Kurama and Hiei their apartment without a second glance at their landlord.
- If you want to know who the mystery people are, you have to wait till the end. I did better this time! You don't know which is which!
Ohayo, minna-san!!! It's your favorite announcer here with the next episode! In the next one, Koaru tries to make a move on Hiei! And gasp of all gasps, Kurama's kicked out, for the third time! Things aren't looking well with our favorite couple. Don't miss the next episode of Kiyaku: Closed Windows!