Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kiyaku: Closed Windows ❯ I'll Always Be WIth You ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is the continuation of Kiyaku: Broken Promise. This story starts a year after the first one with Kurama and Hiei in college. And a little problem develops that may break the two lovers up. Inspired by Hikari Nanase's story “Let's Fly as the Birds Do.”
Kiyaku: Breaking a promise. I couldn't find the translation for `broken promise' and that's the closest I got to. Hope you like!
Warning: Yaoi through and through. Don't like it? Don't read it!
Disclaimer: Do I have to say? Geez!
Kiyaku: Closed Windows
Chapter 10: I'll Always Stay with You
The beat up pick up screeched to a halt in front of the Emergency Room entrance. As soon as they stopped the nurses and some doctors that were outside ran toward them and started questioning them.
“What's happened?” asked one doctor.
“Two of my friend's got caught in a fight,” yelled Yusuke as he threw open his car door and went to help Kurama and Hiei. Kuwabara was already a second ahead of him and was helping the redhead get the smaller man out of the back of the truck.
“All right,” yelled a doctor and turned toward a nurse. “We need two gurneys here.” The nurse nodded and ran off to get them.
“I'm fine,” yelled Kurama. “Go to Hiei. He's hurt badly.” But a nurse took him off the truck and set him on the gurney. He protested, yelling that he wanted to be with Hiei, but the nurses just wheeled him toward a room.
“No,” he yelled. “Leave me alone! I want to see Hiei.”
“Sir, I'm afraid he's being treated as well,” said a nurse.
“Then treat me in the same room,” he yelled. “I am not leaving Hiei!”
“All right, sir,” said the nurse and they took him toward the room where Hiei was. It was a large room, separated by glass and he was set on a metal table with that looked like and X-ray camera over him. But instead of the hurtful, frigid state he was in when Kurama last saw him, Hiei was thrashing on the table, shaking off the nurses and doctors that tried to hold him down. Kurama was glad to see that Yusuke and Kuwabara were there as well.
“What's wrong with him,” asked Kurama, more toward to his friends then the doctor, but it was the doctor who answered.
“He has a possible grade 3 concussion,” said the doctor. “We wheeled him in for an MRI, and he just went crazy. I'm Doctor Yamaguchi, by the way.”
“MRI,” asked Kuwabara, not knowing medical terms.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” answered the doctor. “We place them in this room here,” He indicated toward the room that Hiei was now in, “and take a special non-X-ray image of the brain to examine the structures. The equipment is sensitive to movement so we're trying to calm him down. But he started thrashing as soon as he went in.”
“He's thrashing because he's claustrophobic,” said Kurama.
A nurse went to the intercom and pressed it.
“Doctor, he isn't calming down,” she said. “What shall we do?”
“Let me talk to him,” said Kurama. “I can try to calm him down.”
“It's worth a shot,” said another doctor beside the one that was talking to Kurama. The doctor attending Hiei nodded to Kurama and the redhead wheeled his way to the intercom. The nurse switched it on.
“Hiei,” said Kurama through the mic. “Hiei, it's me, Kurama. I'm here.” He looked inside to his raven haired lover and saw the he was still thrashing. He glanced quickly at the doctors then went to the mic again. “Hi-koi, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere.” Hiei's thrashing slowed and stopped as Kurama voice reached his mind. “I promise, Hiei, I am not going anywhere. Yusuke and Kuwabara are here with me. We are not going anywhere.”
“That's right, Hiei,” said Yusuke, walking behind Kurama. Kuwabara stood on the other side of the redhead and placed a hand on Kurama's shoulder.
“We aren't leaving you, shorty,” said Kuwabara.
“Keep that up and he'll thrash more,” whispered Yusuke but amazingly, Hiei didn't even twitch.
“How long with this take,” asked Kurama.
“Five minutes at the most,” said the doctor. Kurama nodded and spent the last five minutes talking to Hiei, telling him all about the good times they had as they grew up.
Hiei, remember when I ran away?” asked Kurama. “Remember when you said that I could rely on you? And that I promised I wouldn't leave you ever again? I want the same for you, Hiei. I don't want you to leave me. Stay with me. Please.”
The heart monitor grew a steady line and the scan completed. Kurama sighed in relief as they wheeled Hiei away.
“We'll finish our tests but I suggest you finish yours,” said the doctor. Kurama nodded and they wheeled him away, all the while he was looking over his shoulder toward where Hiei disappeared. They took the redhead to another X-ray room and took pictures of his wrist. After quickly developing the picture they classified it as broken, as Kurama suspected, and went right away to fixing it. They gave him an anesthetic to kill the pain when they had to set the bones back into place, and cased it. When he was coherent enough to speak he looked over at the doctor.
“How's Hiei?” he asked.
“We're using an ultra-sound right now to see if his organs are okay,” said the doctor, finishing Kurama's cast. “We'll do they same to you, but it looks like you got the blunt end of the assault.
“Yeah, it look like,” said Kurama and looked down at his lap. He was waiting for the cast to dry when he heard a knock and looked up to see Kuwabara in the doorway.
“Hey, Kurama, how're you doing?”
“Okay,” said the redhead. “How's Hiei?”
“They're just finishing up the ultra-sound and will report to us how he's doing,” said Kuwabara. “Urameshi's with him.”
“Great, at least there's one familiar face with him.”
“Hey, Kurama, he'll be fine. He's Sorichuudo Hiei. If he won't pull through, who will?”
Kurama had to laugh at that. Leave it to Kuwabara to know just what to say in the right time, through sometimes, it's not the brightest things on the planet.
Their moment of relief were interrupted when they both heard a soft knock on the door and looked over to find Shiori stand nervously at the room door.
“Okaasan, doushita,” asked Kurama.
“I . . . I got a call from the hospital and they told me what happened,” said Shiori nervously. “Kurama, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did. It's just that, I was surprised and mad and . . . Oh, Kurama, I am so sorry.”
“It's all right, mother. I'm fine,” said Kurama and noticed his mother's glance toward his injured arm. “Well, all things considered.”
“How's Hiei,” asked Shiori.
“He was getting an ultra-sound last I heard,” said Kuwabara. “It's good to see you again, Minamino-san.”
“Same to you, Kuwabara-kun,” said Shiori. “I promise, I'll pay for everything. I don't mind.”
“Arigato, Okaasan,” said Kurama. Both smiled and Shiori sat at the edge of Kurama's bed, giving him room to move and took his hand into hers.
“Could you hear him?”
“Not really. More like I felt him reassuring me. Letting me know everything would be right.”
“Did you know you'd be all right at the end?”
“No. I actually thought I would die.”
It was later that day when they received a visit from the doctor who was attending Hiei. Everyone was silent as he walked in.
“You, uh, friend is resting at the moment and completing his ultra-sound,” said the doctor. “You're other friend is staying with him. He absolutely refuses to leave; saying that “Kurama would skin him alive” is a part of his words.” Kurama chuckled. “But other then a slight concussion that we fix easily, he is fine. Unless some internal damage is done that we missed but that is highly unlikely.”
“Thank you, doctor,” said Kurama.
“It's all in a day's work. Now I will have to have you describe the assault so I can send a report.”
“Do you have to,” asked Kuwabara.
“Yes, I'm afraid I do. I know it's not the easiest thing to do, but it is required.”
Kurama nodded and started retelling what had happened that day. When he got to the part when Yusuke and Kuwabara jumped into the fight, Kuwabara put in his own piece. When the doctor finished writing he placed the pen back in his shirt pocket.
“Great, I'll get your friend's testament as soon as he wakes, and hope he'll be in a good mood when he does,” said the doctor. “According to your friend Yusuke, your friend can have quite a temper when woken suddenly.”
“Yeah, that's Hiei,” said Kuwabara. Suddenly a voice rang out on the P.A.
“Doctor Yamagushi, report to room 41A. Doctor Yamagushi, report to room 41A STAT.”
“That's Hiei's room,” gasped Kurama and attempted to sit up. Kuwabara placed him back down but Kurama shook him off. “I need to see him! Let me see him!”
“I don't think that's a good idea,” said Kuwabara.
“I agree,” said Shiori. “They're operating on him right now.”
“Operating!” exclaimed Kurama. “Hiei hates hospitals as much as it is! I have to help him!” He stood up and ran out of the room, holding his injured arm close to his chest. He skidded to a halt in front of Hiei's room and saw almost all the doctors and nurses crowded around his bed, Yusuke off the side. The gelled haired boy turned in time to see Kurama walk inside the room.
“Kurama, I don't think this is a good time to be up and about,” said Yusuke trying to get the redhead away from the scene.
“What's wrong with Hiei?” asked Kurama looking at the table where his lover was. He could see Hiei's childlike face through the arms of the doctors and didn't like the pale face his boyfriend had. “What's wrong with him?!”
“We haven't found out yet,” said Yusuke. “I was watching him when he just went into seizures. Please, let's wait somewhere else. The doctors will keep us posted.”
“No, I promised him I wouldn't leave,” said Kurama struggling against his friend.
“I know Hiei would appreciate what you're doing but I don't think he'll want you to hurt yourself further,” said Yusuke. “He's in there because he protected you. You want it to go to waste?”
Kurama stopped his struggles at those words and fell limp in Yusuke's arms. He clutched his friend's arm tight in his arms. Yusuke, with the help of Kuwabara, took Kurama out of the room and into the nearby waiting room. Shiori found clean linen somewhere and placed it over her son's shoulders.
“Kurama-kun,” gasped a voice and they looked up to see Yukina and Keiko dart out of the elevator.
“We got here as soon as we could,” said Yukina.
“Yusuke,” exclaimed Keiko. “Are you hurt?
“No,” said Yusuke. “They didn't lay a finger on me.”
“Good,” said Keiko then the next thing Yusuke knew a slap went across his face. “Don't get me so worried like that! I thought your appendix burst or something!”
“Don't I wish,” muttered Yusuke.
They gave a little chuckle before starting to be worried again. It wasn't till ten minutes later that the doctor walked in and gave them the news.
“I'm afraid that your friend's kidneys burst during the examinations,” said Doctor Yamaguchi. “Seems they were hurting him in vital areas.” He looked up at Kurama. “If you hadn't curled in defense as you did . . .”
“I would be in there,” whispered Kurama, tears stinging his eyes. He whipped them away and looked seriously at the doctor. “What do we do?”
“Well, first we ask any family member to donate a bit of blood to see if their blood type is the same,” said the doctor. “And since Yukina-chan is the only family member that we know that can donate safely.”
“I will,” said Yukina. “I'll do whatever I can to help my brother.”
“Us too,” said Yusuke. “Try our blood as well.”
Kuwabara and Kurama nodded. Shiori looked shocked at her son.
“Kurama, you just got out of the Emergency Room,” she said.
“Hiei's hurt,” said Kurama. “And if I can help I will. Mother, please.” Kurama looked pleadingly at his mother and she nodded.
“He'll help,” she said reluctantly, but proudly. The doctor nodded as well.
“Let's suit up,” he said. “Follow me.” And led them back into the room.
Hey, Kori here! Told you it'd be like ER all over again! Now Hiei needs surgery, but who's going to be a donor? It'll be no surprise on who it is. Don't miss the next episode of Yu*Yu Hakusho Kiyaku: Closed Windows.
-What is wrong?