Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's assassin turned to Spirit team member ❯ Caught ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho unluckily, but I do own my characters Ashkali.

Chapter 4

Well you wake up after being dumped into Koenma's office on the floor.

Mumbling profanities to yourself in your thoughts you quickly get up and notice that you are still in your demon form. `Well at least they don't know who I am, but then again, they will know my human form soon enough,' you think.

Koenma's chair swivels around and you sit down across from him on the desk. Only Kurama and Hiei are in the room that you can see.

Then the door shut and as the other two left.

"Hn," is all that you hear from Hiei as he sees you take your seat.

"Koenma it's not my fault that I had nothing else to do, for a living than be an assassin. I only killed the demons they wanted me to and they were all evil, and I haven't even finished the last job," you said. Koenma picked out the info that you wanted him to, but the others didn't see it.

"Well, since you are so strong, I'll give you a choice. You can go to the spirit jail or you can join the Uramashi team on probation not going to the demonic world unless I allow it."

You sigh, `Like I didn't see this coming.' "Well, since I don't want to go to jail, I'll join I suppose. Nothing better to do anyway."

"Well, Kurama and Hiei you can go now," Koenma said. As soon as they leave Koenma put up the sound barrier.

You go to the door and shut it properly. "How?" was all he said.

"I was about to tell you last time that they would catch me. Hiei and Youko know me from ages back. They didn't know it was me of course, but they thought that they knew me. Youko thank god didn't tell Kurama. But Hiei is remembering me from just after he got his Jagan eye. Now how am I supposed to finish my mission? I can't very well do it with them always on my tail now that they know that I'm an assassin." You curse.

"Don't worry about it now, I was going to get you to join the team after this last mission anyway. They are going off to a tournament and need a fifth person for the team, and you'll need to train them up, and don't tell them who you are. It starts in one year," Koenma said.

"Fine, but you know you don't have to worry about them beating me right. And you can't very well go and shoot your mouth off at them for what they have done here either." Calming down a bit you change back into your human form.

"Ash, be careful, I know that you can take care of yourself, but they can be a real challenge and you don't want to underestimate them."

"Yeah, I'll be going now. They'll want to see me anyway now won't they." You walk out of his office as you see Hiei and Kurama sitting down and waiting for you.

They didn't hear the door open, but startled up when you spoke. "Hiei, Kurama you know that I am a demon assassin, and you really shouldn't have tried to listen to what me and Koenma were talking about. It's rude and I found the bug. You quickly pull out a small black beetle, which you sat on when you sat on the desk, and gave it to Kurama. He looked a bit shocked but recovered quickly. But before either said anything you spoke again.

"Yes Hiei, I am the oh so famous assassin Darkness Flame, aka Ashkali, from your school. You should remember me after all we did spend 2 years together before you ran away. And Kurama, tell Youko that he is welcome to tell you what he knows of me. I have absolutely nothing to hide from him."

Smiling you turn away and walked away to the room you usually occupy when at Koenma's, and knew Koenma would put you in there anyway.

Then you see Botan running sown the hall towards you. (She's the only person other than Koenma that knows you work for Koenma and are his cousin).

"Hey, Ashkali." You smile and she leads you to your room, to make it look less suspicious . When you close the door you look around for a second then you both run towards the wall.