Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's Daughter ❯ Life Bites ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!!! If I did, well, lets just say it wouldn't be pretty.

It started out like every other day, I heard the alarm clock buzzing in my ear. ::I HATE that stupid thing:: I thought. My hand started to smack the bedside table, looking to smite the clock. Yeah, feel my sleepy wrath. I finally managed to grab it, smack it so hard that it should have been knocked into next Tuesday, and toss it at the wall. Thank goodness that I can't throw for beens when asleep! Of course, now that my morning ritual for the evil alarm clock of the bedside table was done, my "mom" started in on the next part of my oh so wonderful day. "Keila, get your lazy butt up NOW!!" Of course since the whole world could hear that, I think it should be no surprise that I fell out of bed landing on my butt and feeling very grumpy. By now I was awake, sort of. ::Gee "mom," think you yelled loud enough? Why do I need to call you mom anyway? You're not and we both know it and both know we know it. I still send letters to my REAL dad, not the evil being that wants me to call him dad.::
By this time I was aware enough to start on my next part, finding where I tossed the evil alarm clock of doom. Yes, I have many names for it. Moving on, I was now, as always, grateful that my aim was non-exsistent when I'm sleepy. I found it in one piece, again grateful that not only did it not hit the wall and make noise, therefor bringing with it the wrath of the Evil Beings from Hell, but that it was still very much in one piece. No small blessing since those things were hard for me to replace, since I had to buy them myself. No, not with allowance money, I wish I could complain about how little my "parents" give me but the truth is, they don't give me a cent. So I work and get things the hard way. By myself.

Dark Angel Lytha: So, like it, hate it, whatever, just tell me. If you like it, I'll post what I have already written. I have more 'cause horror of all horrors, and the SUREST sign that you've watched a show WAY too much is the fact that this was written for me in the beginning, but my MOTHER decided she LIKED it! Now she won't shut up 'til I've written more! *rolls eyes* What is the world coming to? So, I do have more, I just posted the first two paragraphs to see what would happen. Hope you enjoyed, or not. Whatever floats your sinking boat!
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