Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's Deal ❯ Act I, Part I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tk: *grabs Kenshin and shoves him on stage*
Kenshin: Oro?!?
Zv: Just say it already! I'm ready to see my work in action!
Kenshin: Oro! Okay... Well, this one knows that those ones *points to Tk and Zv* do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.
Tk: *hauls Kenshin off stage* On with the show!

Koenma's Deal
Act 1, Part I

Scene I
Koenma's Office-Time isn't relative in the Spirit World

Botan walked into Koenma's office and dodged the giant pile of paper as it finally fell off of the tiny desk. He had just called her in for a special assignment and she was curious as to what it was. The last special assignment that he had given her had led to her being part of the audience at the Dark Tournament. She stood in front of the desk, behind which was seated Toddler Koenma as he did paper work that no one would probably ever see. "You sent for me, Koenma, sir?" He finally looked up as she spoke.

"Yes, I did. Like I said, I have a special assignment for you, as I said. I need you to go to this address and the girl Suvae Sarren back here to speak with me. It is rather important. Please bring her back as soon as possible." He handed her a small slip of paper with the girl's address on it and her name. She grabbed it and nodded.

"I'll go make a portal. I'll bring her back as soon as I can." She bowed and walked out of his office, pulling her oar out of no where and preparing to make a portal.

Scene II
California, USA Suvae's house-10:15

Suvae sat in the middle of an empty room in her house, scowling at the wall. She tilted her head sideways and then put the stencil back on and painted it in with the dark blue paint from the can by her side. She was redoing her room. All of her stuff was currently in the spare room that was formally her brother's, but since he moved away for college it had sat empty. She was painting her name on her wall in various places. The trick to it was that she was writing her name is different alphabets. She was currently trying to paint it in, in Gaelic, but with limited success. The characters just weren't coming out correctly. She scowled at the wall again and pulled the hand made stencil back. She smiled at what she saw. Finally her name had come out right and she wouldn't have to paint over it.

She smiled and stood up, uncrossing her legs. She put the stencil down and closed the can of paint. She tossed the brush into the bucket of water and used brushes that needed to be washed. She bent down and picked up the small can of silver semi-gloss off of the shelf and sat back down in front of where she had just put her name. She opened the can carefully, making sure not to spill paint on the new carpet, and dipped a small brush into it. She didn't bother turning around when she heard a cheery voice intrude on her silent work, "Oh, hello there! I'm Botan, guide to the river Styx!" Suvae pursed her lips and started outlining the writing, not really listening.

"Oh, that's nice. Did you need something, Botan?" She put her right hand on the wall to keep her arm still as she traced around the edge in silver paint. The characters were large, but oddly shaped, so she was having a hard time of it. Botan started talking again when she was half-way through with the first character.

"His Majesty King Enma Jr. wants to speak with you." Again, Suvae wasn't listening, but was concentrating on the wall in front of her. It was going to be her room after all, it had to be perfect. She finished the first character and then started on the "u"/"v" character that served for both. She had always thought that it was a cool character, to stand for two letters at once.

"That's great, but can ya tell him that I'm kinda busy at this moment." She dipped her brush back into the paint and stuck out her tongue in deep thought as she tried to line up the first stroke correctly. She really hated painting straight lines because her's always came out crooked. She heard a slight whooshing sound, but ignored it as she tried to keep the line straight. When she was done, she squinted at it to make sure that it was straight and then dipped her brush back into the paint to continue onto the rest of the character.

Once she started working on the "s" character in "Sarren," there was anther whoosh sound and displacement of air that Suvae, once again, ignored. She bit her lower lip just before she heard Botan's happy voice again, "Well, Koenma says that it is rather important that you come see him, but that you and he could do business through me, if this is really important." Suvae scratched her head with the brush in her left hand, trying to think of what angle to paint at.

"Sure, that's fine because this is rather important." She waved her hand vaguely in Botan's direction behind her back. She then leaned closer to the wall, her decision made, and started to paint around the character.

"Koenma wants for you to compete in the next Dark Tournament as the fifth member of Team Urameshi. He's willing to offer you a great deal to get you to agree. He's asked me to try and come up with something reasonable with your help. I've been looking through your grade book and it seems interesting." Suvae made some slight noise of assent to Botan's words as she worked on the tricky "a" character. When she was finished, she leaned back from the wall to examine her work so far. She gave a half-grin and then dipped her brush back into the paint. "Anyways, it says here that..."

Scene III
Somewhere in Makai-Time isn't reliably relative

Yusuke Urameshi stood looking at Kurama skeptically, "So this plant completely negates all spirit powers? Are you sure? And Hiei's not going to kill me if I blast you into next week?" Kurama laughed smugly.

"I'm sure, Yusuke. Blast all you want, I won't feel it at all," Kurama said standing behind a lattice work of heavy foul looking vines that dripped some nasty blue liquid. Even though he was completely encased within the stuff, the kitsune still seemed his normal, overly smart-self, something that never ceased to amuse Yusuke because his vanity was, by now, almost completely covered in the evil looking blue goo.

"Che, yeah, but you can't really feel much if you're unconscious, now can ya?" Kurama only laughed again and gestured for him to get on with it. Yusuke rolled his eyes and grabbed his right wrist in his left hand, pointing out one finger and aiming it straight at Kurama. He watched interestedly as his own spirit energy collected on his out stretched hands. No matter how many times he had seen it in the past, it was still a sight to see.

"Rei Gun!" He yelled as he released the energy at Kurama. As he had expected the poor plant was reduced to nothing but a small ring of ashes surrounding the spot where Kurama had been standing. Kurama was now standing at the edge of the ring of ashes, with a thoughtful expression on his face. Yusuke rolled his eyes again and then almost burst out laughing when he noticed that Kurama's hair was still full of the sickening blue goo. He hoped that the Kitsune didn't realize until after someone else saw him. He saw Kurama shrug then.

"Oh, well. I'll just have to try something else."

Scene IV
California, USA Suvae's House-11:45

"You need to make this line here just a little longer," Botan said, pointing to where Suvae was painting her name in ancient runes. The ferry girl had offered to help Suvae with her project until they could come to an agreement. Unfortunately, Suvae still either wasn't paying attention to what exactly she was saying, or wasn't paying the least bit of attention. "Oh, and how about ...umm ....er, I can't think of- oh! That's it! How about a castle? Will a castle do? Remember, you won't actually have to fight unless two of your teammates lose their rounds." She watched as Suvae finished the stroke and then threw the blue brush into the quickly filling bucket.

"But what would I put in it? I mean, I'd have a castle, but what would I do with so much space? I am rather small," Botan made a face, she couldn't say that the girl wasn't paying any attention, but she was obviously only listening with half an ear since she hadn't asked a single question about demons, or who Enma/Koenma was at all. Suvae then picked up another small brush and proceeded to paint the outline silver, as she had done with all of the other renditions of her name.

"Hmm. How about your true love? Would that work? A castle and guarenteed true love, so that way you could fill your castle with children?" Botan waited patiently until she finished outlining it. Suvae then stepped back and seemed to survey the wall. It was mostly and evenly covered. She nodded in what Botan thought was satisfaction and then turned her silver eyes on the ferry girl for the first time.

"Sounds good to me, but I have to get my furniture and stuff back in here and arranged first." Botan looked around the empty room and held back a sigh. She went back through the portal, this time going to Makai instead of the Spirit World.

When the blue haired girl, Botan, was gone, Suvae tilted her head at the wall, trying to see how many of the renditions she could actually tell were her name. She pursed her lips when she reached and grand total of two, but only shrugged and went down stairs to get a snack. She had her hand on the pantry door when she heard the doorbell ring. She sighed and went over to open it.

End Act I, Part I


Tk: Well? Was it crap? Should I just stick to FY?
Zv: I think that we should just get some sleep and stop writing at one am.
Kenshin: Oro?
Tk: Thanks to Astral Dragon. For actually listening to my concept for this story, even if you did make fun of me.