Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's Mistake; A time in the past ❯ Shitting Bricks ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Betty: I know that there are a lot of spelling and grammar mystakes. i had my
computer over run and everything was deleted so I had to do everything all over.
Sorry for the Update and that this is short Chapter. I will Update this Chapter
later. SO SORRY!!!!

Everyone else:SUUUUREE.
Chapter seven: Shitting Bricks

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh!" Everyone awoke to Odel's scream.

"Hey, that sounded like Odell." Jinshine said. They headed towards where they heard the scream but they found nothing.

"Yes it did. Hey wait a minute! What are you still doing here? Why are both of
you here for that matter!?" Ichiko Ran asked Jinshine and Jinice. They stared at
each other and then nodded at each other.

"Well you see, we came to apologize but we couldn't because you were angry. You then
came storming over here and we decided to follow." Jinshine explained.

"Yes, then we followed you here. Since you went to sleep when we decided top wait with Odel until you woke up. So we just stayed here with Odell and she
told us the story of why she disliked butterflies so much." Jinice finished.

"Why did she dislike butterflies so much?" Ichiko Ran asked.

"Trust us you don't want to hear the story." They both said together. Ichiko Ran
did not laugh this time.

"Well why not?" Ichiko Ran asked with a confused expression on her face.

"One reason is because it makes no sense at all" Jinshine answered her.

" Two is it's just boring. We faked that we were asleep when she started telling her
oh so non-eventful story. She had said something about a cow though."

"We really weren't paying much attention at all. We fell asleep ourselves after pretending to actually be asleep."

"Oh...I have another question"

"What is it?"

"Why did you attack me in the first place?"


"Out with it woman!"

"Yes, I am curious to the amswer of this question." Youko spoke. He sent shivers up Ichiko's spine because she forgot that he was right behind her.

Ichiko Ran turmed around and faced Youko "Don't do that!" she said in a high voice. (not high as in on drugs, high as in little girl voice) Youko chuckled at this then they turned their attention back on Jinshine and Jinice.

"We thought you were someone else" replied Jinshine

There was some silence. The Ichiko ran spoke up."...and who exactly is this someone?"

"Her name is (name goes here)."

"What does she look like?"

"Well she looks exactly like you except she has black hair and black eyes and a
scar on her right cheek. HSe wore pink make-up amd she carried a pink gem with her similar to the one
that you are carrying" Jinshine points out the gem that Ichiko Ran was wearing.
Ichiko still hadn't noticed that that wasn't her gem. "and she has a suit
similar, well exactly the same as yours but its all pink. A peach and Pink combination actually. It looked brown."

"So...she is just a wannabe me but in black and pink..." (Hey that rhymed! I think)

"Well you should say that...I think"

"Alright now that we have all that covered" Ichiko said. Jinshine and Jinice exhaled in
relief that they didn't have to answer anymore questions but sadly they still
did. "tell me, why is it that you are after her?"

They rolled their eyes at Ichiko. "Well it's a long story, are you sure that you want to hear it now?" Jinice
asked hoping that she would let them rest for the night and that she would
forget about it and so she didn't have to explain anymore. She didn't really
like to explain stuff to anyone (Isn't it obvious?)

'God she asks too many questions! But I gues she should know since we did attack her and she has the right to know...Or does she...'

"Yes I would like to know. I mean come on! You did attack me thinking that I
was her which I obviously am not!" Ichiko Ran told them and stood up as she
finished her sentence.

"Why don't you just let them tell you tomorrow, we have to go somewhere in the
morning and we are leaving first thing in the morning You will need to rest."
Youko said once again starteling I He was awake and hearing everything. He came out of
the shadows and looked at his feet as he said what he said

"Where are we going tomorrow?" All of the girls asked at the same time standing
up and looking at Youko.

"We are going to my hide out. I do have to get back."

"Oh alright. Wait, what about..." Ichiko Ran trailed of in her thoughts.

"What about what?" Youko asked looking up at her.

"I forgot, I had it on the tip of my tongue" (Well Odel it really did seem like they forgot all about you. lol. You know i'm doing this on purpouse right???)

~~~~Meanwhile, while all that was happening~~~~

Odell had gotten swallowed by a fish, may I add a rather big fish and now she
was in the mouth of the fish. She didn't let herself get swallowed though. What a smart cookie. Anyways, she just
hung on to the fish's tongue "This is so not fair! Why am I being tormented like
so!" (Odell *glares at Betty* Betty: *stares some where else and starts to
whistle, or at least tries* Dammit I forgot I can't whistle. Odell: I hate you...
Betty: Well since you hate me so much I guess you won't meet someone. 'cuz
this is the way you meet a certain someone. Guess I'll have to change that.
Odell: NOOOOOOOOO! I love you, I love you! On with the fic please!)
Odell was holding on to the fish's tongue as if her life depended on it, well actually it did so yeah. "T.T
This is so not fair! Why won't someone save me already!" Little did she know
that the fish had swam under neath the water fall and had traveled for a bit ending
up in a River. The River was in the middle of the forest and traveled into a rather
large lake. (poor Odell everyone forgot about her. Ah well *gets hit with a
frying Pan by Odell* Hey! *Chases Odell to strangle Odell*) Odell wa thinking of a
way to escape. One she was running out of air and two the fishes breath stank
like shit!

(Odel thinking)
'How am I going to get out of here. I could use my Pixie Whip but it would
require one of my hands, and if I let go of one hand I won't have enough strength to hold on with the other and i'll go right into the fish's stomach and get
digested and *starts to panick and cry* I DON'T WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS!!! T_T! *end oh
(end of Odell's thoughts)

The fish stopped moving for some reason and Odell could feel that it had stopped. Suddently
she felt a shift, as if the gravity had gotten stronger forcing her to become (Obviously I am no good at explaining things here.)
heavier and making her unable to get up. She suddently fell forward to the fish's lips and hit herself
against something hard. When she looked up she saw that she was free. "Yay! I'm
free I'm free!" She turned to her human size and started to do her happy dance
when she felt a sharp object on her neck and someone behind her.

"Who are you?" She could tell that it was a guy because of his voice. When
he spoke he spoke Odel have a clue to what to do or say. She
felt her heart beat faster and faster. She wasn't thinking or breathing for that
matter. She felt like her life was flashing right before her eyes and that this
was the final moments of her life.

"Answer me" the voice said once again, this time pressing the blade harder
against her neck.

"MynameisOdelliaMaraviosaLindaDeLaLuna" (I made up the last names but Odellia
Maraviosa is pretty much Odell's real name. Yeah. Odell:Betty!!!) she said in one breath
and catching another.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you"

"BecuaseIamtooyoungtodieandistillhavetogetrevengeonthebutterfliesa ndconquermyfearsofthem" Odell answered all in one breathe again. The boy lifted the blade off her neck and put it away. Odel started gasping for air and when she had caught her breathe completly she turned around to see who it was that had just threatend to kill her. She looked at him wide eyed.

(Odel thinking)
'This is the boy who was about to kill me? This short-'
(End of Odel thinking)

Her thoughts were disturbed when he said something to Odell in a stern voice letting out a small growl while at it "Don't ever
call me short you baka onna!" he paused then in a lower voice so that Odell wouldn't hear him "...I'm only vertically

Odell looked at him questionably. (Hiei's description goes here. I'm too lazy to describe him at the moment.)

"What are you staring at baka Onna!" the boy questioned getting a little irritated at Odel.

"Nothing..." The a bid cheesy wide ass smile appeared on Odel's face "HI! MY NAME IS ODEL WHATS YOUR NAME STRANGER!?"

Yup that did it. Hiei fell Anime style at her sudden change. He quickly recovered though. "Hn...If you must know it's Hiei and I could care less what your name is baka."

(Hiei thinking)
'This baka Onna just popped out of the fish that I was going to eat and then perks up to me. I guess I should have killed her but if I did I would have gotten in more trouble with the todler. Fucker...'
(End of Hiei thinking)

"Ok, hey where am I? Aaaaaah! I have to find Ichiko and the others!" Odel started to panick once again.

(Hiei's thoughts again)
'Ichiko, wait isn't that that girl that had my gem. Yes it probally is. Everyone had talked about her and their description of her fits perfectly. Well I guess this baka will be of some use after all. I'll take her hostage and she will forced to give me back my gem! When I find her I'll take her hostage for now I'll just make her tell me where she is that way I wont frighten her more and that way she will cooperate'
(End of Hiei's Thoughts)

"Where did you last see her?" Hiei asked Odel

"At the waterfall" odel asnswered

"The waterfall? How did you get from the waterfall here? Its freaking two days away if we go as fast as I go and you will probally slow me down so it will take longer! Grrr...Oh Yeah I forgot! You came out of a fish! Well listen here baka, If I find that you are lying to me about this I will cut your head off but before I do that I will make you suffer the worst way imaginable!"

Odel gulped at Hiei's threat and nodded her head as in agrement. "Could we start in the morning, It is still kinda dark and-"

"That's what I planned to do anyways."

"Well ok then I'll just sit here and fall asleep without disturbing you at all. Just minding my own bussiness not disturbing you." Odel sat down and Hiei glared at her.

"You know you talk to much. It would be wise to keep quiet or I'll cut that toungue of yours out." Odel just gulped. She took out her Pixie dust and threw so of it in the air. There appeared a large blanket and a Pillow. Guess what color they were! PINK! Just kidding (I'm going to give Odel a break of the Pinkness) They were a peach/pink kinda of color. Odel fell asleep quickly after she had made herself comfortable. Hiei just leaped on a tree and rested on one of the branches. how typicall of him.

(Odel's dream)

Odel was just lying dowm on a flower petal in her Pixie form when she herd a cow bell. SHe got up quickly fearing of the worst. All she saw though was that everything was black and white. She then fell into a pool of black and white. While in the pool swiming up the backround changed. Now she was next to many caterpillars that were eating. Odel didn't know that caterpillars turned into butterflies though. Suddently the caterpillars tranformed into cucoons. Now she was surrounded by many many cucoons. She slowly started heart beats from each of the cucoons. She became alarned and took out something from her hair wich she transformes into a whip. "PIXIE WHIP!" she sayd while tranforming it. The heart beats stop. There was silence for a while. Then all of the cucoons started to move as if there was something trying to get out of them. Odel became more alarmed so she stood in a fighting stance ready for the worst. Though she wasn't ready for what was about to come out of the green shell like things. One by one they burst letting out butterflies. "AAAAAAAAAh!" Odel screamed and started to run away from them. There was buzzing and she looked back. They were right behind her so she ran faster. She had her Pixie Whip still out though but she had forgotten about it and just kept on running. The buzzing stopped so she stopeed. She looked back and they weren't there. She let out a large sign and was relieved. Poor Odel. She started to hear the buzzing again and the back roucd changed again. Now it was Black and White again. She looked in all directions but couldn't find the butterflies. She looked up and there they were. Storming. Charging at her. "Aaaaaaaaaah!" she screamed in horror and then...

~~~End of Chapter Seven~~~~

Betty: I think this one will be my shortest Chapter. I am going to make all of the other Chapters a longer. the longest will be as long as the first and second Chapters. The shortest will be as short as Chapter five.

Odel: Why must you torment me!

Jenice&Jencine: *cracking up at Odel's butterfly nightmare*

Hiei: Why didn't you just let me kill the baka?

Betty: No, It was either you find her like you did in this Chapter or you eat her and then throw her up.

Shippo and Inuyasha: Eeeeeeew

Jencine: *burps* You know, everytime that I laugh hard I burp.

Jenice: ^_^ *laughs* You said 'HARD'

Odel: Oh God Jenice! Your mad perverted!

Kurama: *sighs* well read and review and till next time.

Everyone exept Kurama, Hiei and Inuyasha.: *In chibi form* Bye Bye! *wave*