Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's New Mission!! ❯ Dealing with anger ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
me and asked if I was going to give up on my stories...nope nada. Evenit takes me a few months to finish them...finish them i will. So have no fearreviews do help. Oh speaking of which thank you all for reviewing anOh an thank you Youko Starr for beta'ing my stuff. I would be lostyou!! *hugs*

The sun hung high in the afternoon sky. I was becoming angrier with everysecond. No, it was not the bugs that kept crawling on me, nor was itgrass stains on my clothing. What angered me was the fact that he was late.

Late when it was him that picked the time in the first place. What could hebe doing that was more important then teaching me? He better not be atarcade! If I find out that he left me waiting for him for hours while he hadI'll....I'll makestamp documents!

Once again I looked out towards the direction from where he should be comingto see him climbing the hill, a big grin plastered on his face. His armsfull of...sacks? Hmm...interesting. I could not help but wonder what was in

He neared me and sat the down. His hair was greased back and he wore a loseundershirt and pair of jeans. They were nice fitting jeans, but it wascocky grin on his face that drew my attention.

" Are you gonna change?" He asked placing his hands to his hips.

I stood up and in a few seconds I was in my teen from. In this form I alwaysmore comfortable around Yusuke and his friends, anyway, even if my trueform was much easier to maintain.

Then I remembered why I had become angry in the first place and my eyes grew He had left me waiting for him for hours, after all. I, Prince Koenma ofshould never have to wait on a employee!

"Now that you are in that form lets go for a small run," he said. Little did Ithat I would be regretting my decision after this.
hours later~~
body ached in areas I never realized I had. Once again, I closed my eyes andmy peaceful rest in the tub. He had really put me in a work out. We ranmiles, then he made me do sit ups, then he showed me how to do jumpingall the while telling me that human grade-schoolers where doing thesewith little to noIt was a wonder that humans were as weak as they were when they wereto do physical exercise like this.
Once finished I made my way to the guest room, hearing Botan and Yukina in theroom. At least some of us where having fun. I laid down and drifted toAn image of Yusuke doing pushups filled my last thoughts.