Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's Wrong.... ❯ Squirrels!!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
application/x-abiword AbiWord Sun Dec 26 18:05:59 2004

Yusuke: * opens the door to the room Betty and Yoko were in* AHA! O_O


Yoko: what?


Betty: Yeah what?


Yusuke: That's all you were doing? Playing trouble? (don't own)


Betty: Yeah! What did you expect?


Yoko: * smirks * I know. *looks at Betty deviously *


Betty: Oh!!!! Now I know what you expected! Please. that's what Odell and Hiei are doing.


Yusuke: What?!


Hiei: * yells out from next room* Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Odell: * from next room * Come on! You know you want a piece of this baby!


All: O_o



To salani: No it's not a Kuwabara and You fic. Sorry.


Chapter 2: Squirrels!


Koenma couldn't even speak thats how much he was crying.


"Sir, would you just like me to tell them who the culprit is?" asked Botan.


Koenma just nodded his head and left. He actually went to the bathroom where he stayed blowing his nose and sobbing.


"Well guys." started Botan "This is the girl that has whatever that Koenma lost." she handed a file to Kurama.


"You mean you don't know what he lost?" asked Yusuke.


"Sorry Yusuke. Koenma hasn't stopped crying since this morning and he could say anything. We tried guessing. From his blanket to his porn videos but nothing."


"What do you mean Porn videos? You mean." Yusuke couldn't even finish his sentence because Botan started pushing all four boys in through a portal.


"Good luck on your mission and find that girl. Buh Bye!" and in through the portal they went. "Oops. That slipped out. Oh well." and the bubbly Botan left to where about unknown.


Hiei, Kurama and Yusuke landed gracefully on the ground. They were at a clearing in the woods not to far from the park. Last to fall was Kuwabara who landed on Yusuke.


"Kuwabara! Get you ugly ass off of me damn it!" Yelled out Yusuke with Kuwabara on top of him.


"Sorry Yusuke." So Kuwabara got off Yusuke and he dusted himself off.


Kurama was already reading the file.


"Hmm... its a girl" says Kurama out loud. Yusuke and Kuwabara rush to his side to see the picture.


"Isn't she hot!" Yusuke states.


"Hey! I know her! Thats y/n!"


"She did look kinda familiar. Does she go to our school Kuwabara?" asked Yusuke.


"Yeah! In fact, she takes drama class with me and she stays after school to re hearse as well!"


"Well, this will make it easier for us. Kuwabara, could you get in contact with her and ask her to meet you at the park if she is not busy?"


"Yeah sure!"


"Can I see the onna?" asked Hiei.


Kurama handed the picture to Hiei and Hiei looked at it. First he read you info.


Name: y/n

D.O.B.: (Your Date of birth here please)

Sex: Female

Human Age: 15

Address: 26 Minion St. 3L

Demon type: unknown

Demon Age: 99 ( boy aren't you a young one! )




"Yes Hiei?"


"she's not a ningen"


"I know"




"y/n isn't a human?!" exclaimed both Yusuke and Kuwabara in unision.


"No, but it doesn't say what type of demon she is either."


"The Onna is a young Demon though. Only 99 years of age"


"That young!?" said Kuwabara with his mouth open.


"Then I wouldn't want to be old." Yusuke added.


Hiei took this time to take a look at your picture and to memorize your face and stuff. ( Odell: what kind of stuff? * gets hit in the head with a rolling pin * Oww )


You had just came out of the shower when your cell phone rang.


"Hello?" you answered it.


"y/n?" answered a raspy voice.


"Oh its you Kuzuma! Yes this is me."


In the back round you could hear someone laughing a bit.


"She calls you Kuzama? What is she? Your girlfriend or something?" Yusuke says laughing. Right now they were at Kurama's house using his phone. It was the closest house and none of them were carrying a phone at the moment.


Kuwabara covered the phone and yelled at Yusuke.


"Shut up Urameshi! Can't you see I'm on the phone?!" and without noticing he hung up in your face. ( How rude! )


"Kuwabara, can you keep it down? Kasaan (sp?) is sleeping!"


'He hung up in my face... How rude!' You thought as you hung up as well. Now you started to get dressed.


"Sorry Kurama" Kuwabara picked up the pone again and noticed that he had hung it up.


"It's alright Kuwabara"




"Oops what?" questioned Yusuke.


"I kinda hung up on her" answered Kurabara. Yusuke and Kurama sweat dropped. Hiei was on the window sill looking outside.




"What did you say shrimp?" and Kuwabara and hiei started arguing. Yeah, you know th routine.


You finished getting dressed and exited your apartment. You live with your mom and dad but they were both working at the moment. You older sister had already moved out and so you were the only one left.. You were wearing dark blue stretch jeans (you know, the ones that can stretch?) and a white V neck shirt. On top of that shirt you wore a red vest and a black coat on top. It was winter (duh!) and it was chilly out. You also wore red white & blue phat farms (don't own) which you had just bought last week.


Down the street you went thinking of what to do.


'Let's see. Kiro isn't home. Neither is Shianne. I know! I'll call Kuzuma! See if he'll hang up in my face this time.'


You dialed up Kuwabara's phone and it started ringing.


Kuwabara just entered his house. They were making too much noise at Kurama and Kurama didn't want his mother to wake up.


"There you are little brother. It's your turn to wash the dishes you know." said Shizuru as she came down the stairs.


The boys came inside and sat in the living room. All except for Hiei who stayed outside. In a tree. All alone. Getting annoyed because a group of squirrels were staring at him. (Odell: Betty... whats with the squirrels? O.o Betty: * bursts out laughing *)


"Ha ha Kuwabara! You do dishes! Sucks to be you doesn't it?" commented Yusuke.


"Shut up Yusuke..." and Kuwabara went into the kitchen and started washing dishes.


At that moment the phone rang. Kuwabara started singin while he was doing the dishes, Thank god the you weren't there at the moment.


"Hello?" Someone aswered the phone.


"Hello, is Kuzuma there?" you said. At the moment you were sitting at a bench in the park looking up at the sky as it darkened.


"Yeah hold on kid" said the person who had answered the phone.


Shizuru put down the phone and called Kuwabara.


"hey Kuwabara! Get the phone!"


"Hold on!" Kuwabara called back.


She picked up the phone again.


"Hey, he'll be on in a moment." sayd the person.


"Alright" you answered. There was a song playing in your head as you waited.


'How did you get here?

Nobody's suppose to be here

I tried that love thing for the last time

My heart says no no

Nobody's suppose to be here

but you came into my life and changed my mind'


(I don't know the name of the song but it's from the Fired up Cd. track #3. it's a really good song & Cd. I don't own. Thanks Odell for letting me borrow! )


When you finished singing the chorus Kuwabara picked up.


"Hello?" he asked.


"Hey Kuzuma! Whatcha doing?" you answered back. It had gotten darker and colder but you were still on the bench. Now you were laying on it. People that passed by gave you strange looks but you didn't care.


"Oh y/n!" he pasued for a moment.




"Hey y/n! Could you do me a huge favor!" said Kuwabara. Now you sat up.


"Ok. What is it?" you asked a little skepticall of what his favor might be.


"Meet me at the park in 10 minutes! ok? Bye!" and he hung up in your face yet again!


'That bastard! this is the second time he hangs up in my face! I'm already in at the park anyways! He better get here in 10 minute or else!'


You sat at the bench thinking of what you should to to Kuwabara for hanging up in your face, for the second time! 3 minutes passed and you were still thinking of what you were going to do to him.


You herd a rustle in the tree beside the bench you were sitting in and looked up at it.


'Hey, that's Hiei from the dark tournament!' you thought. At that precise moment a herd or squirrels attacked the tree!


-=-=-=-End of Chapter-=-=-=-



Betty: 1st off, Kiro is your ex boyfriend and he is now just your friend. Nothing more! Shianne is a friend of mines and Odell's. I don't know if I spelled her name right or not though. She's really nice. ^^


Odell: Betty!!!!!!!


Betty: Odell! ^_^;; Hi! What are you doing here?


Odell: THE SQUIRRELS?!?!?!


Betty:* Hides behind Kurama* heh heh


Odell: * fumes through the mouth*


Betty: Well... read and review please!