Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ kokoro no arashi ❯ Musaki ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Halo, it's me again! How do you find my story so far? Let me not waste time talking crap……….

On to the fourth chapter!!! ^_^

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Kurama swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and tried his best to keep his voice steady.

"I thought you were dead, Musaki." He spoke slowly, after carefully choosing his words so as to not anger the youkai in front of him.

Musaki chuckled, his voice piercing through the youko's ears, making him shiver involuntarily even though he was trying his best to remain calm.

`Damn, this creature is hundred times worse then Karasu. Why the hell isn't he dead? Kuso!' Kurama cursed inwardly.

"I survived, Youko Kurama. There's one thing you didn't know, my dearest Kurama. I sold my soul to the dark long before that memorable day, the day I was killed. But of course, the day I met you is far more memorable than the day I, well, sort of died. But that's not the issue right now." Musaki took out a piece of dirty white paper and showed it to Kurama. "Have you seen this before, my dear?"

The silver youko winced. `I wish he stopped calling me that.'

He looked at the paper carefully. Recognition hit him immediately and his eyes widened.

"The death talisman."

"I see, so you know about it then. This can keep me alive even though I was killed and it can increase my power enormously. But the price is of course, my soul."

"Let's get straight to the point, Musaki. What do you want from me?"

"Yes, you are right. Let's not waste time. What I want is very simple." The youkai paused and looked at Kurama straight in the eye.

"You. I want you. Your mind, body and soul."

Kurama narrowed his eyes. "You know that's not possible, Musaki."

"Why not, my dear Kurama? You were mine in the past. You are still mine. I know that you still love me, that's why you came back to Makai isn't it? Think of it, we could become more powerful together, rule Makai together. That's what you have always wanted, didn't you? Power. I know you, Kurama, you are always thirsty for power. That's why you became an A class youkai in such a short time, and at such a young age for a youko too."

Kurama shook his head. "It's not what I want anymore, Musaki. I no longer care for all those."

"Never mind those then. What about us? We could live together happily."

The youko sighed. "Don't you understand yet, Musaki? I don't love you. Not then, not now, not ever. I stayed with you because I wanted to make use of you. Don't you get it? The youkai who killed you, I sent him. I had no more use for you so I decided to get someone to dispose you. I am sorry, Musaki. But that's the truth."

Musaki remained silent for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he laughed. A laugh that made Kurama gave up any hope that Musaki would accept the truth.

"I didn't know you are capable of cracking jokes, Kurama. Come on, I will show you your new home, I am sure you will be pleased." He reached his hand to hold Kurama's but was slapped away.

"I am not going with you. Accept the truth, Musaki. It will do you good." Kurama's voice sounded firm and icy but deep down, he wondered if it was really a good idea for him to know the truth.

A streak of angry crossed Musaki's face. "You are coming with you, youko, whether you like it or not." He snarled.

"Wha………" Kurama didn't even know what hit him as he felt a sudden pain and he felt himself falling into darkness.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Hiei stared at the vase of red and black roses on the table in front of him. Mukuro had insisted that he placed it in his room and she demanded that he looked at it frequently.

"It's for your own good," she had told him.

"What good does it do to me? It only reminded me of that fox more." The Jaganshi muttered.

"That fox. Why must I be attracted to him? Why can't I just want him as a friend and partner? Why must I dream of him every night and think of him every single day? Why must he be so………….."

"Beautiful? Enticing?" A sudden voice cut in.

Hiei turned around only to see Mukuro standing at the door, smiling teasingly. Apparently, she had heard what he said. The fire demon flushed bright red.

"Stupid woman." He muttered.

"I heard that." The female youkai smirked. "Why don't you just admit your love to that fox? I am sure he harbor some special feelings for you."

Hiei turned his face away and stared at the roses.

"I am not so sure about that."

His thoughts went back to the time when he accidentally kissed Kurama under that tree. Kurama had pushed him away. `If he loves………or even likes me, he wouldn't have done that.'

"I don't know what you are thinking, Hiei. But I felt his ki drop just now. You better go and check what's wrong with him."

Hiei's expression turned into worry. Without another word, he turned and flitted out of the window, leaving Mukuro staring at the spot where he just stood.

She chuckled. "That Hiei, looks like he really cares. But I can't believe he actually believed what I said. If I had felt his ki drop, I would have informed him straight away. Well, I guess he can't think rationally when it comes to that fox."

The Makai lord walked out of the room, amused. Little did she know that something terrible happened to Kurama and was about to happen to Hiei too.

To be continued………………..

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That's all for the time being. I will try to update soon and thx to all of you who read my fic.