Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama and a Mysterious Wizard ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama and the Mysterious Wizard

Chapter Two:

The wand glowed with dark black sparks that soon engulfed Kurama and washed over him. Kurama only stood there frozen as the wand in his hand pulsated with warmth, and relaxed him completely.

By the time the waves of black had diminished, Kurama stood their dazed and turned his eyes to Mr. Olivander. The look of shock wasn't what he expected.

"My my my..." Mr. Olivander continued to mumble to himself as he walked around Kurama, speaking in a lecturer's tone, "That wand was made from Rose wood, and possesses the hair of a Demon Fox named 'Youko'. Have you heard of the 'Youko Legend'?"

Kurama shook his head in a no, although he WAS Youko, he had now idea what wizards knew of him, so it was best to play dumb.

"Hmm..." Mr. Olivander looked thoughtful before he continued, "You see, there is a legend about a famous Demon World thief named Youko Kurama, he had the most beautiful silver hair, but was cold and heartless. He was one of only Silver Demon Foxes left alive in all four worlds, the Human World, Demon World, Spirit World, and Wizarding World. He was very well know for his skills as a thief as well as his power that could easily compete with a Demon Lord's."(Yeah, yeah, I know, Kurama doesn't have THAT much power, but this is MY story ^_- ) Mr. Olivander gave Kurama a curious look, "It was hell trying to get that hair, I had to bribe him with an INCREDIBLY rare jewel, in all of the worlds, and only once it was in his hands did he pull a single strand of hair from his head."

Then it came back to Kurama. 'So, THAT is where I met this man before!' he thought triumphantly to himself. 'I KNEW I had seen him somewhere before. It was a very rare jewel, and why he would use it to get only ONE hair of my head had been unknown to me. Now I know, and it's back in my hands once again. Oh the irony...' Kurama mused to himself before mentally smirking.

"But why it had finally chosen an owner after 50 years... is unknown to me," Mr. Olivander finished not TOO suspiciously, and at the same time happily. "I am glad, that a wand such as that finally found a place to belong."

'Yes, with it's REAL owner,' Kurama thought to himself a little sharply as he mentally smirked again.

"Well," Dumbledore said, catching their attention, "It would seem that since Shuiichi now has found a wand, we must be on our way." Dumbledore paid the man, glancing at him over his half-moon spectacles before turning and walking out of the store, a dazed Kurama following.

Soon they arrived at a robe shop, and Dumbledore wandered about while Kurama stood, blinking, as the woman measured everywhere possible. Kurama was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable when the woman finally said she'd finished. He watched her trod off to the back of the store, and decided to check out the dress robes.

"Well, Kurama, you do need dress robes; why don't you look for one that you like?" Dumbledore more told than asked him, and Kurama soon found himself searching the racks of robes.

Soon enough, he found a few that he liked, and put them on his left arm to try on later. Once he'd found all the ones he wanted to try, he searched for a stall or something to change in. Dumbledore directed him over to one of the corners, and Kurama strode there gracefully. He ignored all the girls that whispered behind him, and tried to block out their incessant giggling. He reached the change rooms not quick enough, in his opinion, and easily found one that was empty. He regarded the colours he'd chosen regally and tried to choose which he would try on first. He decided to try on the plain emerald green one he'd found, and was pleased that it fit. His nimble fingers flattened the creases and he regarded himself in the magical mirror with criticizing eyes.

"You know," the mirror suddenly said, surprising Kurama, "That green brings out your eyes, but your hair stands out a lot."

Kurama blinked at the mirror, and blushed suddenly when he realized the voice was FEMALE. He coughed to hide it as best he could, and acted like he hadn't heard what the mirror had said. But, `she' was right, the green DID bring out his eyes, but it also made his hair stand out grotesquely. He winced when he saw it stand out like a flag, and quickly got out of it, though gracefully. He tried the next one he'd picked, a beautiful crimson red, and slipped it on quietly, the only sound the swish of fabric. The colour dulled his hair considerably, and made his emerald eyes shine like a beacon. He was pleased with the effect, and placed it off to the side to show Dumbledore. Next, he tried on the pitch black one, and smiled when it made his hair and eyes stand out nicely. He gave a lustful smile to the mirror, and was pleased greatly when it made him look sexy and mysterious. He ignored the mirror when it whistled.

He strode out of the changing room and quickly spotted Dumbledore. He walked up to the wizard, who was talking to a young adult witch, and waited to be noticed. Soon enough, Dumbledore said that he must attend to other things, and the woman left him with a beautiful smile.

Dumbledore turned his eyes to the patiently waiting Kurama and was surprised when he found him in nice black robes. He raised a brow and asked speculatively, "Why black?"

Kurama graced him with a mysterious smirk and Dumbledore blinked at him. "I thought it would look… mysterious…" he said, his voice a little lower than normal.

The aged wizard smiled at Kurama and nodded his head when he understood. "I see… but I have a better black robe that would suit you better…" he said mysteriously with a small smile.

With a raised eyebrow, Kurama followed Dumbledore to the back of the store and into another room. His emerald eyes widened when he saw all the elegant robes, and he was about to protest that they were too expensive, when Dumbledore held up a slick black robe made of swishing silk that shone slightly like leather. His lips parted slightly in shock and he turned his eyes to Dumbledore.

All Dumbledore did to answer the Youko's unspoken question was pull out beautiful crimson robe that was embroidered at the hems with deadly green vines, and roses well placed along it… Dumbledore could have smirked when he saw the look on Kurama's face, but he hid it with a mysterious smile. "Try them on," he said shortly, and handed over the elegant robes.

Kurama treated the robes like they were glass, and delicately put them on his left arm. He gracefully glided over to the larger changing rooms of the room, and walked into an empty one. He placed the robes on the stool carefully and stripped out of the black robes that he wore. Once he folded the not-as-elegant-robes-as-the-ones-Dumbledore-gave-him, he slipped the crimson one on.

The Youko glided out of the changing room and stood before Dumbledore with a small smirk. "What do you think?" he asked as he graceful turned around all the way.

Dumbledore only smiled mysteriously and noted with slight pride of his choice, "The crimson makes your hair much richer, and your emerald eyes stand out nicely in contrast." `I wonder what the BLACK one would do…' he thought to himself with twinkling eyes.

Kurama smiled at the praise and strode back into the changing room. He closed it behind him with a small click and slipped delicately out of the elaborate robe. His nimble fingers picked up the silky black one, and he put it one without looking in the mirror. He wanted JUST Dumbledore's opinion on THIS one. He glided out of the compartment and couldn't help but smirk slightly.

The first thing Kurama saw was Dumbledore talking to another wizard, who had white hair and a pale complexion. He noted that the wizard seemed to be a little uptight while talking to Dumbledore, and he soundlessly glided up slightly behind the wizard and to his left a bit, easily in the vision of Dumbledore.

"Ah Lucius, this is our new transfer student, the one that you wanted to meet," Dumbledore said, introducing them in the process.

The wizard, Lucius, spun on his heel and was shocked to find a boy behind him, though it didn't show on his features. Lucius regarded the transfer student with a criticizing eye and was disturbed to find her quite beautiful. He lustfully viewed the emerald green eyes and bright red hair, and began to have musings to himself…

Kurama was disturbed when he found lust in the wizard's eyes and turned his attention to Dumbledore instead. "How do I look?" he asked with his soft voice.

Dumbledore smiled mysteriously at him, and told him, "You look very nice, the black makes your hair look brighter and your emerald eyes deeper."

Kurama smiled slightly at the underlying meaning, and turned to go, but was stopped by a boy with identical hair to Lucius.

Draco Malfoy eyed the girl in front of him, and smirked when he noticed the lust-worthy features. He spoke in a calculating and cocky voice, "So you are the transfer student I've heard about… I hope you're not a filthy mudblood girl, it would be a pity…"

Kurama's spine went rigid, and his eyes darkened and narrowed slightly in a chilling look.

Draco smirked to himself at the insult, but was surprised when the `girl' spoke.

"Girl?" Kurama said with contempt in his voice. "I happen to be male," he said coldly, and smirked cockily when he saw Draco recoil almost unnoticeably. He rounded on the slightly shorter boy and continued in a calmly cold voice that he KNEW made the Malfoy uncomfortable, "And what difference does it make if I am pureblood or mudblood, actions speak louder than words, BOY," he said insultingly.

Draco bristled when the redhead said `boy' and he glared coldly, about to retort something when Dumbledore intervened.

"He happens to be pureblood Mr. Malfoy, his mother and father graduated some time ago, and his father unfortunately died as an auror," Dumbledore said softly.

Kurama froze and turned his calm eyes to Dumbledore, his expression saying that they'd talk later.

Dumbledore only smiled and turned back to Lucius. "We shall be going now, Lucius," he said and walked away.

Kurama walked back into the changing room and quickly slid out of the elaborate robe and put his clothes back on (he'd had them on under the other black robe that was left on the stool). He gathered up the red and black robes and walked calmly after Dumbledore, ignoring the Malfoys in an off-handed way, as if he couldn't care less.

Kurama was surprised when Dumbledore seemed to have already picked up his school robes, and placed the two dress robes on the counter next to them. Dumbledore smiled at the clerk and paid before they left the shop.

The Youko held his robes in a packaged bag, and wondered what he'd need the dress robes for, but decided not to ask.

Dumbledore led Kurama through the bustle with the dignity he always held about him, and they soon arrived at a pet store. "I will be getting you a broom," he started, "while you find a pet that you want and wait for my return." With that said, he strode off into the crowd.

Kurama, having no choice, entered the store smoothly and looked around. The first animal that caught his eye was an owl. It had beautiful silver feathers and strangely 'blue' eyes. He strode up to it immediately and reached out a tentative hand to touch its feathers. To his surprise, and the clerks, the owl let him pet it. He only stood there, entranced by the beauty of the owl and soon the clerk walked up to him, her hat tilted to one side.

"Will you take him?" she asked a little nervously.

"Yes, but I'll have to wait for my... friend... to come back with money."

The woman's expression changed from nervous to excited in an instant, and she said happily, "I'm glad you like him!" before walking off.

Kurama continued to walk around the store, petting his new owl's feathers absently when it perched on his arm, and thought of a name. "How about Lightfeather?' he asked the owl, which hooted and rubbed it's head into Kurama's red locks. "So it's agreed then..."

But Kurama was interrupted by Dumbledore's voice, "I see you have made a fine choice, and a fine name too." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled above his half-moon spectacles.

Kurama smiled and walked over to Dumbledore who proceeded to pay for the owl and a cage and led Kurama out of the pet store.

Kurama stared curiously at the wrapped package in Dumbledore's hand, and soon offered to relieve the Headmaster of his burden. "Please sir, I will carry the broom..." he trailed off, looking at Dumbledore with respect in his eyes.

Dumbledore smiled and offered him the broom.

Kurama took the offered broom and held it firmly in his right hand, the package of robes under his arm, and the owl-cage in his left hand. He wanted to open it, but not there.

Once they had gotten back to Kurama's room and out of the bustle of Diagon Alley, Kurama jumped at the first book he saw, which was titled: 'A Wizard's History' which had all of the basic history of the Wizarding World.

Dumbledore, knowing when he was not needed, went to leave the room. But once again, Kurama surprised him and said, "Thank you professor, for everything." Looking up from his book, his emerald eyes glinted merrily at Dumbledore, causing him to smile.

"You are very welcome, Kurama." With that said, he took his leave, and Kurama continued to read, practice spells, and study every bit of information that was provided in the LARGE collection of books in his room, not wasting any time, knowing he only had a month.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*month later*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Kurama wasn't sure if he'd studied everything enough, he'd gone through all of the history books first, ready about what wizards thought of muggles and so on. He learned a fair bit more about Voldemort as well. After he'd gotten the history down, he went to the '1st year' books. Dumbledore had been so kind as to separate the 1st to 6th year books. There had been many extras, like the history for instance, and books that also held spells, curses, hexes, and potions, but he didn't read those until he had finished all of the 'year' books. After he had studied all of the history, potions, spells, etc. of the 'year' books, he moved on to 'other' spells that were much more deadly, as well as potions. Dumbledore seemed to want him prepared.

As he thought back on all of things he learned he smiled. He had learned every bit of information in all of those books twice over, and he was quite confident that he could do whatever a teacher asked him to do. He had also tried out some of the easier spells, like Wingardium Leviosa, and Petrificus Totalus. Tom, kindly enough, had let him try a few spells on him, and had been very surprised that Kurama could complete the more difficult spells. Kurama had only smiled at the man's praises.

Now here he was, at the train station, bored out of his mind, waiting in a little line at the door to the train. Lightfeather was completely ignoring all of the hoots and 'meow's he heard from all around him, and graced Kurama with as much silence as he could offer. 'Lightfeather's trying to impress me!' Kurama thought as he stared in wonder as his owl ruffled his feathers. Kurama smiled and reached a hand through the bars to pet him on the head for his efforts of keeping quiet. Lightfeather swooned to his touch, and Kurama grinned, but soon had to stop because he was next in the 'line' to load his trunk on board. He had managed to stuff all of his school necessities, his robes, and a few more personal belongings into that one trunk. He didn't have to worry about extra packages that some of the 1st years were burdened with.

He couldn't use all of his strength to move his trunk, cause that would cause the turning of eyes, so he just dragged it up the steps, trying to make it look hard. Once he was inside, he proceeded to the back of the train, and found an empty compartment. He slid the door open and placed his trunk above the seats.

He pulled out a book to read from his pocket, it was full of English words. Kurama had been studying English in Japan a few years back, and now he was learning Spanish, so he wanted to get 'reviewed' on English and the more complicated words. He knew more than enough for everyday conversation, but he wanted to learn more. He was so engrossed in his reading that he didn't realize someone was there until he heard someone clear his/her throat.

Kurama looked up from his reading and stared at the person there. The boy before him had short black hair that was seemingly untamable, and green eyes. That was when Kurama noticed the scar on his forehead. Kurama's eyebrows raised in surprise. Then spoke in his quiet and calm voice, "Yes?"

Harry took a step back, he'd thought that this boy was a GIRL. He was embarrassed that he had assumed such from Kurama's features. He spoke in a slightly tentative voice, "Can I sit here? There aren't any other compartments left..." he trailed off.

Kurama looked surprised, and embarrassed about showing no manners. "Of course!" he said it as if he were surprised. "You can sit here." With that said he put his English book back in his pocket and walked up to the boy.

That was when Harry realized how much taller Kurama was, by about a head. He looked up at Kurama in surprise, and was only perplexed even more when Kurama took his trunk and easily placed it above the window opposite his seat.

Kurama smiled at Harry when he saw the boy goggling at his ease of lifting the trunk. "Now for introductions," Kurama said in his polite manner.

Harry snapped out of his reverie when the boy before him suggested introductions. "Oh, okay, I'm Harry, Harry Potter," he said as they shook hands. Harry prepared for the worst, but was surprised when the boy which he shook hands with didn't batt and eye.

"My name is Shuiichi, Shuiichi Minamino, but please, call me Kurama, as my friends do."